Our Church Leadership
Our Churchthrives because of the energy and style of the people who are a part of our leadership. To the right is a photo from the 2023 Leadership Ordination and Installation service. Listed below are a few of the people that make our church community special.
Up-to-date contact information for the individual leaders listed below can be found on page 2 of each issue of The Herald. You can also contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org.
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Leadership of the Five Major Committees & Sub-Committees
Mission, Fellowship, and Fund-raising Committee
Leadership of Other Committees
Resource Downloads:

Pastor & Teacher
Lead Pastor of Vision & Administration
The Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Motz
The Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Motz (Pastor Ben) is the Lead Pastor of Vision & Administration and Pastor and Teacher of our congregation.
In this role he is also the chairperson of the Spiritual Council, overseeing the Elders and spiritual life of the congregation.

Pastor & Teacher
Lead Pastor of Connections
The Rev. Mary Etta Mest
The Rev. Mary Etta Mest (Pastor Mary Etta or Rev. M.) is the Lead Pastor of Connections and Pastor and Teacher of our congregation.
She is also the vice chairperson of the Spiritual Council, helping Pastor Ben to oversee the Elders and spiritual life of the congregation.

Pastor Emeritus
The Rev. George Miller
The Rev. George Miller served St. Paul's UCC as Pastor and Teacher from 1975-2002, and has been Pastor Emeritus from 2002 to 2020. His obituary can be found by clicking on this In Loving Memory of the Rev. George Miller link.

Office Secretary
Geri Gammel
Since August 13, 2019, Geri Gammel has been our Office Secretary. She previously held this position under the guidance of Rev. George Miller, now St. Paul's Pastor Emeritus. She is looking forward to serving the church in this position.

Minister of Music, Choir Director, and Organist
Rev. Robert Masenheimer
The Rev. Robert Masenheimer is an ordained minister within the United Church of Christ. Pastor Bob started serving our congregation as the Minister of Music on February 24, 2019.

Financial Secretary (Interim)
Terry Pastor
Since November 1, 2016 Terry Pastor has been the Financial
Secretary. The Financial Secretary keeps track of all the monies coming
into the church, keeps records of individual giving, and sends out the
quarterly and annual giving statements. The Financial Secretary is
responsible for managing the Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) or electronic contributions to the church. The Financial Secretary provides monthly written reports to the Consistory, annual reports to the congregation, and assists with the development of the annual church budget. The Financial Secretary is a paid staff position within the church.
Terry is currently serving as Acting Financial Secretary. The church is in need of a new Financial Secretary. Terry will continue in this position until we are able to fill it with another person. She will help with the transition and she will help train and support the new person in learning the tasks. If interested in this position, please contact the Head Deacon, the Consistory President, or Pastor Ben Motz.
The Financial Secretary is a member of the Stewardship Team (chaired by the Head Deacon) and is an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee (chaired by the Vice President of Consistory).
Terry Pastor
Since January 1, 2022, Terry Pastor has been our new church
Treasurer. The Treasurer keeps an accounting of our church's bank
accounts, designated church funds, check book, and all the monies going
out of the church. The Treasurer provides monthly written reports to the
Consistory, annual reports to the congregation, and assists with the
development of the annual church budget. The Treasurer is a paid staff
position within the church.
The Treasurer is a member of the Stewardship Team (chaired by the Head Deacon) and is an ex-officio member of the Budget Committee (chaired by the Vice President of Consistory).
Michael Pastor
With all the events and activities taking place on site at UCC of
Robesonia, we need the gifts of Michael Pastor to keep everything so
wonderfully clean and maintained.
The Sexton is a paid staff position within the church.
The board of directors of St. Paul's UCC is called the "Consistory." The word "Consistory" literally means "to stand with," as in to stand with one another. The role of the Consistory is discern the leading of God's Holy Spirit in providing leadership of the church and its ministries. The Consistory is the board over all the other committees and groups within the church.
The Consistory is comprised of five elected Elders (two year terms), five elected Deacons (two year terms), two elected Trustees (two year terms), two elected youth representatives (one year terms), and the Pastor.
Consistory President
George McLain
Consistory Deacon
George McLain is our Consistory President. We are pleased to have him in this role. As Consistory President he moderates the Consistory and Congregational meetings.
Consistory Vice President
Kirk Aulenbach
Consistory Elder
Kirk Aulenbach is the Vice President of Consistory. The Vice President
functions in the role of President, when the President is absent.
The Vice President is also the chair of the Budget Committee.
Consistory Secretary
Geri Gammel
Consistory Elder
The Consistory Secretary takes and maintains the minutes of the Consistory and Congregational meetings. Within the UCC, the Consistory Secretary also serves as the Clerk of the church.

Head Elder
The Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Motz
The Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Motz, as the church's Pastor and Teacher, is the spiritual head of the church, and as such is the chairperson of the Spiritual Council. The Spiritual Council is composed of the Elders who oversee the spiritual life of the congregation.
"The Elders are to be the advisers and counselors of the Minister in the Minister’s episcopal trust; they are to be to the Minister as hands and eyes, acting with the Minister and for the Minister, and representing the Minister’s presence throughout the congregation."
Head Deacon
Cory Putt
Consistory Deacon
The Head Deacon is a member of Consistory, who is appointed by the other Deacons
to that position. The Deacons of the church provide support, encouragement, and
oversight of some of the more physical, practical, and financial matters of the church.
The Deacons form the Stewardship Committee of the church.
Head Trustee
Dale Mentzer
Consistory Trustee
The Head Trustee is a member of Consistory who serves as the vice
chairperson of the Property Committee. The Property Committee provides
oversight of the church building, grounds, and parsonage.
Five Major Committees & their Sub-Committees
Chairpersons & Vice Chairpersons
Each of our Five Major Committees are organized and led by three elected officers: (1) a chairperson, who is not a Consistory member; (2) a vice chairperson who is a Consistory member; and (3) a secondary consistory liaison, who is a Consistory Member. Those three officers appoint additional members to their committee. The Pastor, President, and Vice President are ex-officio members of all five committees to give support and guidance and to enhance communication.
Evangelism & Mission Committee
Biblical Mandate:
[Jesus said], “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
~ Matthew 28:20-21
Mission Statement:
Promote, advocate, and provide structure, opportunities, and encouragement for all the members of UCC of Robesonia to share the love of God with others through both their words and actions, and to lead others to join in the discipleship and the Body of Jesus Christ.
Evangelism & Mission Committee
Robin Henning
Robin Henning is the chairperson of the Evangelism & Mission Committee, which is the
committee that provides leadership in helping the members of the church connect others into
a living relationship with our loving God, as well as overseeing the various local, national,
and international mission outreach ministries of the church including: Soup 'n' Such, the
Clothing Closet; Disaster Relief Aid; our coordination with UCC mission efforts and more.
This committee also provides leadership for helping visitors and others within our community
feel warm and invited into the church.
Evangelism & Mission Committee
Vice Chairperson
Jon Henning
Consistory Deacon
The vice chairperson of the Evangelism Committee is a member of the Consistory;
serves as chair when the chairperson is absent; and serves as the primary liaison between
the Evangelism Committee and Consistory to help foster good communication and
Evangelism & Mission Committee
Consistory Liaison
Cory Putt
Consistory Deacon
The Secondary Liaison is a member of both Consistory and the Evangelism Committee. This person serves in the role of the back up communication link between Consistory and the Evangelism Committee, and assumes the role of the Evangelism Committee's vice chair, when the vice chairperson is absent.
Worship Committee & Sub-Committees
Biblical Mandate:
“All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord; and all the families of the nations shall worship before him.”
~ Psalm 22:27
Mission Statement:
Promote, advocate, and provide structure, opportunities, and encouragement for all the members of St. Paul’s UCC and the residents of our community to be engaged in the regular communal worship of God; to assist the Pastor in the planning and implementation of regular and special worship services; and provide for the needs of the Music Minister.
Worship Committee
Larry Hollahan
Larry serves as the chairperson of the Worship Committee, which provides support and
oversight of the Minister of Music, organizes the lay leadership for worship services, provides
support in planning worship with the Pastor, and organizes regular and special music
Worship Committee
Vice Chairperson
Terry Pastor
Consistory Elder
The vice chairperson of the Worship Committee is a member of the Consistory; serves as chair when the chairperson is absent; and serves as the primary liaison between the Worship Committee and Consistory to help foster good communication and cooperation.
Worship Committee
Consistory Liaison
Diane McAllister
Consistory Deacon
The Secondary Liaison is a member of both Consistory and the Worship
Committee. This person serves in the role of the back up communication link between
Consistory and the Worship Committee, and assumes the role of the Worship Committee's
vice chair, when the vice chairperson is absent.
Decorating Committee
Subcommittee of the Worship Committee
The Decorating Committee, which, in coordination with the Worship Committee, cares
for, changes, and maintains the paraments (the altar cloth coverings), banners, flowers, and
other decorations in the sanctuary.
The Decorating Committee is a subcommittee of the Worship Committee.
Christian Education Committee & Sub-Committees
Biblical Mandate:
“For this reason, since the day we heard [of your faith in Jesus Christ], we have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God.... I became its servant according to God's commission that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known, the mystery that has been hidden throughout the ages and generations but has now been revealed to his saints.... It is [Christ] whom we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone in all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”
~ Paul’s Epistle to the Colossians 1:9,10,25,26,28
“You shall put these words of [the Lord] in your heart and soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and fix them as an emblem on your forehead. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise.”
~ Deuteronomy 11:18-19
Mission Statement:
Promote, advocate, and provide structure, opportunities, and encouragement for the study and understanding of scripture and the Christian faith by all of the members of St. Paul’s UCC and by all persons within our local community; to develop our members as disciples, as learners and sharers of the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and deed.
Christian Education
Denise Unger
The Christian Education committee oversees the educational programs of the church
including Bible studies, Sunday school classes, and Vacation Bible School. It also oversees
the Youth Group and our SafeConduct policies.
Christian Education
Vice Chairperson
Brenda Conlon
Consistory Deacon
The vice chairperson of the Christian Education Committee is a member of the Consistory;
serves as chair when the chairperson is absent; and serves as the primary liaison between
the Christian Education Committee and Consistory to help foster good communication and
Christian Education
Consistory Liaison
Geri Gammel
Consistory Elder
The Secondary Liaison is a member of both Consistory and the Christian Education
Committee. The liaison helps the Christian Education Vice Chair facilitate good
communication between the Consistory and Christian Education Committee, and assumes
the role of the Christian Education Committee's vice chair, when the vice chairperson is
SafeConduct Coordinator
George McLain
George McLain is our SafeConduct Coordinator for 2023. In the position, he coordinates
the policies, clearances, trainings, etc related to approving persons to work with youth and
other vulnerable persons within our church.
For more information about our Safe Church policies, please go to our go to our Safe
Sanctuary web page.
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SafeConduct CoordinatorElsa WertzElsa Wertz will be our SafeConduct Coordinator beginning in 2024. This individual coordinates the policies, clearances, trainings, etc related to approving persons to work with youth and other vulnerable persons within our church. For more information about our Safe Church policies, please go to our go to our Safe Sanctuary web page. |
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SafeConduct Co-CoordinatorDenise UngerDenise works with Elsa to oversee the coordination of our SafeConduct policies. |
Youth Group Advisors
Christian Education Chairperson
Denise Unger
The Youth Fellowship Group falls under the leadership and supervision of our Christian
Education Committee, which appoints the Adult Youth Group Advisors. For more information
about our Youth Group click on this Youth Fellowship Group link.
Fellowship Committee & Sub-Committees
Biblical Mandate:
“We know love by this, that [Jesus] laid down his life for us-- and we ought to lay down our lives for one another. How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help? Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.”
~ 1 John 3:16-18
“So those who welcomed [Peter’s] message [about Jesus Christ] were baptized.... They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.... All who believed were together and had all things in common.”
~ Acts 2:41a,42,44
“But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body's growth in building itself up in love.”
~ Ephesians 4:15-16
Mission Statement:
Promote, advocate, and provide structure, opportunities, and encouragement for the members UCC of Robesonia to provide love, support, and care for one another; to strengthen the ties that bind the members as the Body of Christ.
Fellowship Committee
Peggy Trout
The Fellowship Committee oversees the adult and family fellowship ministries, small
group ministries, food fellowship ministries, and church photo directories; and coordinates
and oversees the small groups and individuals engaged in various fund-raising efforts to
support the church's ministries.
Fellowship Committee
Vice Chairperson
Wanda Moore
Consistory Elder
The vice chairperson of the Fellowship Committee is a member of the Consistory; serves
as chair when the chairperson is absent; and serves as the primary liaison between the
Fellowship Committee and Consistory to help foster good communication and cooperation.
Fellowship Committee
Secondary Consistory Liaison
Georgianna Hildebrand
Consistory Elder
The Secondary Liaison is a member of both Consistory and the Fellowship Committee.
The liaison helps the Christian Education Vice Chair facilitate good communication between
the Consistory and Fellowship Committee, and assumes the role of the Fellowship
Committee's vice chair, when the vice chairperson is absent.

21st Century Christian Women's Fellowship Group
Subcommittee of the Fellowship Committee
Sue Hiester
The 21st Century Christian Women's Fellowship Group is a sub-committee of the Fellowship Committee. The Women's Group organizes the women of the church for a variety of events and activities throughout the year.
Men's Fellowship Group
Subcommittee of the Fellowship Committee
Ray Trone
Ray serves as the chairperson of the "Men's Fellowship Group," which organizes a
variety of events and activities within the church throughout the year. The Men's Fellowship
Group is a sub-committee of the Fellowship Committee.
Property Committee
Biblical Mandate:
“Now Moses used to take the tent and pitch it outside the camp, far off from the camp; he called it the tent of meeting. And everyone who sought the LORD would go out to the tent of meeting....”
~ Exodus 33:7a-c
“Thus they shall keep charge of the tent of meeting and the sanctuary... for the service of the house of the Lord."
~ 1 Chronicles 23:32
[Jesus] was teaching and saying, “Is it not written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’?”
~ Mark11:17a
Mission Statement:
To provide leadership, structure, opportunities, and encouragement for the membership’s care and maintenance of the buildings and grounds of St. Paul’s UCC; and provide oversight and support of the sexton.
Property Committee
Carl Unger
The Property Committee provides oversight of the church building, grounds, and
parsonage, as well as support and oversight of the church sexton.

Property Committee
Vice Chair & Head Trustee
Dale Mentzer
Consistory Head Trustee
The vice chairperson of the Property Committee is a member of the Consistory and Head Trustee; serves as chair when the chairperson is absent; and serves as the primary liaison between the Property Committee and Consistory to help foster good communication and cooperation, especially as it relates to coordinating the various activities taking place within the building.
Property Committee
Secondary Liaison
Ray Trone
Consistory Trustee
The Secondary Liaison is a member of both Consistory and the Property Committee.
The liaison helps the Property Vice Chair facilitate good communication between the
Consistory and the Property Committee, and assumes the role of the Property Committee's
vice chair, when the vice chairperson is absent.
Other Committees
Pastor-Parish Relations Committee
Barbara Orth
The Pastor-Parish Relations Committee (PPRC) endeavors to help maintain a healthy,
long-term relationship between the Pastor and the church. We have set up this committee in
order to be proactive and intentional about having a positive, good, long-term relationship,
and to help provide a resource for when tensions or conflicts may arise. Barbara Orth is the
current chairperson of the PPRC. Elsa had been the chairperson of the Search Committee
that introduced Pastor Ben to the congregation, and had faithfully served as the first chair of
the PPRC.
Generally, one member of the PPRC also serves on Consistory, for communication
between this committee and Consistory.
Visitation Care Team Coordinator
Geri Gammel
Consistory Elder
The Visitation Care Team (VCT) Coordinator is an Elder of the church who organizes the
weekly Visitation Care Team Ministry members and co-leads the Visitation Care Team Small
Group Ministry meetings. This position is appointed annually by the Spiritual Council.
Homebound/Shut-In Ministry Coordinator
Terry Pastor
Consistory Elder
The Homebound Coordinator is an Elder of the church who organizes the list of Elders to
ensure that all of our homebound members is being visited by an Elder. This is a part of
our Visitation Ministry. The coordinator co-leads the Visitation Care Team Small Group
Ministry meetings. This position is appointed annually by the Spiritual Council.
Nominating Committee
Wanda Moore
Consistory Elder
The Nominating Committee is composed of the Consistory Elders and Pastor. The
Nominating Committee offers nominations to the congregation at the Annual Congregational
Meeting (generally held in December) for the congregation's vote. The chairperson is a
Consistory Elder appointed annually by the Spiritual Council. The chairperson proposes the
slate to the congregation.
Most of the positions on this page are filled by going through a process of being
nominated by this committee and elected by the congregation.
Nominating Committee
Vice Chairperson
Kirk Aulenbach
Consistory Elder
The Vice Chairperson of the Nominating Committee assumes the chair's responsibilities
in the absence of the chairperson. The Vice Chair is a Consistory Elder appointed annually
by the Spiritual Council.
Stewardship Committee
Chairperson - Head Deacon
Cory Putt
Consistory Deacon
The Stewardship Committee consists of the Consistory Deacons, the Financial
Secretary, the Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer. The Stewardship Committee is chaired by
the Head Deacon. The Stewardship Committee has responsibility over the proper handling
of funds entering and leaving the church; and encouraging of good and faithful stewardship of
time, talent, and treasure.
The Head Deacon is elected annually from among the Consistory Deacons.
Budget Committee
Kirk Aulenbach
The Budget Committee is chaired by the Vice President of Consistory and is composed of
one member from each of the five major committees, as well as the Pastor, Treasurer, and
Financial Secretary.
At the December Annual Congregational Meeting, the Budget Committee proposes the
"Mission & Ministry Program" (i.e. Budget) to the congregation for their vote for the upcoming
year. Prior to the congregational meeting, the "Mission & Ministry Program" is proposed to
Consistory for their approval.
Investment Advisory Committee
Jon Henning
The Investment Advisory Committee (IAC) is composed of five
members elected to three year terms. The IAC oversees the Memorial
Funds and long-term investments of the church, including the Endowment

Heidelberg Cemetery Board of Directors
UCC of Robesonia Representative
David Rohrbach
UCC of Robesonia has two seats on the Board of Directors of the Heidelberg Cemetery.
Heidelberg Cemetery Board of Directors
UCC of Robesonia Representative
Michael Clay
UCC of Robesonia has two seats on the Board of Directors of the
Heidelberg Cemetery.