~ ~ ~ Past Events in 2017 ~ ~ ~
First Sunday after Christmas - Epiphany Sunday
The Legend of the Christmas Kiss
Sunday, December 31, 2017 at 10:25am
Epiphany is the celebration of the arrival of the Wise Men to Bethlehem, revealing the good news of the Christian message and the reign of Christ being for the whole world.
We will celebrate this Sunday with Holy Communion and singing of Christmas carols.
Each year, the Sunday after Christmas, Pastor Ben shares with us a different Christmas legend, which has become a celebrated annual tradition. This year, he will be sharing the "Legend of the Christmas Kiss."
Christmas Eve with St. Paul’s UCC
Sunday, December 24, 2017
This Christmas Eve we will once again be offering one morning worship service and two evening worship services. We hope that you will join us for one or both of these services. There will be some similarities between the two services, but there will be enough differences that if you come to both, you will have two different (and hopefully spiritually enriching) worship experiences.
For the Sunday Morning Worship Service:
9:15am - Sunday School for All Ages
10:25am - Sunday morning worship
For the Earlier Christmas Eve Worship Service:
6:30pm - Singers and instrumentalists will begin sharing Christmas music at 6:30pm
7:00pm - We will begin the liturgy part of the worship service
✧ We will be lighting the Christ Candle for the Advent Wreath
✧ There will be communion in the pews
✧ Pastor Motz will be retelling Luke’s Birth Narrative verbatim
✧ There will be a children focused message
✧ We will have Christmas carols during worship (different ones from the later service)
✧ The Senior Choir will be singing
✧ The Handbell Choir will be playing
✧ We will be ending the service with candlelight, three verses of “Silent Night”
followed by “Joy to the World”
For the Later Christmas Eve Worship Service:
11:00pm - The worship service will begin
✧ We will be lighting the Christ Candle for the Advent Wreath
✧ There will be communion at the chancel rail
✧ Pastor Motz will be retelling Luke’s Birth Narrative verbatim
✧ There will be two touching Christmas readings
✧ We will have Christmas carols during worship (different ones from the earlier service)
✧ There will be a soloist
✧ We will be ending the service with candlelight, and all six verses of “Silent Night”
followed by “Joy to the World”
✧ We hope to end the worship service just a little after midnight - Christmas Morning
Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, December 17 at 11:30am
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will take place on Sunday, December 17 following the worship service.
At the Congregational meeting we will be: (1) voting on next year's leadership; (2) voting on an ammendment to the by-laws regarding the terms of chairpersons of the Five Standing Committees (see the November issue of The Herald for details); and (3) voting on the "2018 Mission and Program of St. Paul's UCC."
For more information about the Annual Congregational Meeting, please contact Terry Pastor (Consistory President and Chair of the Nominating Committee) or Mike Keffer (Consistory Vice President and Chair of the Budget Committee).
Decorating for Christmas
Date/Time: TBD
For more information, please the Worship Committee (Worship Committee Chairperson Claudette Mettin or Worship CommitteeConsistory Liaison Lynelle Heimbach) or the Decorating Sub-committee (Decorating Committee Chairperson Liz Brunner).
Youth Group Meetings
Thursday, December 14 from 6:00-7:00pm
Looking for a safe and fun environment for your tweens and teens to grow in faith and friendships? Our youth gather twice a month on the 2nd and last Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:00pm. We will have games, prayer, building of supportive friendships, and learning how to lead themselves and one another.
Our youth fellowship gatherings intentionally follows our “Soup & Such” schedule, so for those who would like to do so, you and your family can have a free meal between 4:00-6:00pm on those evenings. Which means, one less meal to plan and the opportunity to socialize while enjoying a meal.
During these gatherings the youth will also be learning how to plan special monthly activities. We have a special activity about once a month, which includes a balance of fun activities (such as rock climbing, laser tag, and snow sports); mission outreach (such as support of Crop Walk, the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry, Soup & Such, and St. Paul’s Clothing Closet); education (PRAY - national religious award program, trip to the zoo, and visiting the Islamic Center of Reading); and more.
FREE - There is no fee to participate in the regular gatherings. You do not need to be a member of the church, and you do not need to make a faith or church commitment to participate.
For more information, please contact Elsa Wertz, chair of the Christian Education Committee or any member of the committee.
Community Church Blood Drive
Thursday, December 7, 2017 - from 2:00pm-7:00pm
On Thursday, December 7, the Robesonia Community Church Blood Drive will be hosted by Trinity ELCA, in Robesonia from 2:00pm to 7:00pm. Please call Trinity ELCA for information on how to make an appointment.
Please be aware: Due to the blood mobile having mechanical issues on the way to Trinity ELCA, the blood drive is beginning late and the schedules are running behind today. The first appointment is not expected to be until 3:20pm today.
For more information about this ministry and the scheduled blood drives, you can click on this Robesonia Community Blood Drive link.
Blood Drive Schedule:
Thursday, December 7, 2017 from 2:00pm-7:00pm
at Trinity ELCA, Robesonia
April 2018 - TBD
at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church, Robesonia
June 2018 - TBD
at St. Paul's UCC, Robesonia
First Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 3, 2017 at 10:25am
The First Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of the new Christian year. Advent is the season of preparation for the coming of Christ. During this season, we prepare for: (1) the second coming of Christ; (2) the anniversary of Jesus' birth on Christmas; and (3) the daily presence of Christ, "for the Kingdom of God is near."
On this First Sunday of Advent, we will be lighting the first candle in the Advent wreath and celebrating in Holy Communion.
Christ the King Sunday
Sunday, November 26, 2017 at 10:25am
Christ the King Sunday (also known as "The Reign of Christ Sunday") is the last Sunday in the Christian year. Join us as we rejoice, for Christ is king!
Community Thanksgiving Worship
Sunday, November 19, 2017 at 3:00pm
Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 7:00pm
This year the Conrad Weiser Ministerium is offering two options for our community Thanksgiving worship services.
On Sunday, November 19 at 3:00pm, Trinity ELCA in Wernersville will host a combined Thanksgiving worship service. On Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, November 22 at 7:00pm St. Daniel's ELCA in Robesonia will host a combined worship service.
We hope that in offering two options this year, all (or nearly all) of our members will be able to join in giving thanksgiving to God for the blessings we have received this year.
There will be a combined choir. Choir rehearsal is TBA.
Christkindlmarkt - Artisans & Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, November 18 from 9:00am - 2:00pm
There will be Christmas decorations, gifts, attic treasures (flea market/yard sale items), and a large basket raffle.
We will have baked goods, homemade candies, various preserves, chow-chow, soups, and BBQ. There will be light breakfast and lunch items for sale throughout the day.
You can view Christkindlmarkt pictures from previous years by clicking on the following links:
Christkindlemarkt & Christmas Craft Bazaar - 201
Christkindlmarkt Bazaar and Craft Show - 2014
Rock Climbing at Reading Rocks
Friday, November 17, 2017 - from 6:00-9:00pm
Early Bird Discount Registration - Due: Thursday, November 9
The Youth Group is planning on going rock climbing at Reading Rocks on Friday, November 17 from 6:00pm-9:00pm.
We are getting a group discount rate, which includes three hours of climbing and the harness. For those who sign up by Thursday, November 9 the discount early registration fee is $5.00 per person. If you sign up after November 9, the fee is $12.00 per person.
Please wear sneakers, comfortable pants, and comfortable shirt. Please bring with you one a bottle of water. Participants need to complete the Reading Rocks Waiver, which is available at this link, through the church office, or at Reading Rocks. The climbing rules for Reading Rocks, can be viewed by clicking on this Reading Rocks Climbing Rules link.
Reading Rocks is located at 550 George Street, Reading, PA 19605 (between the Fairgrounds Square Mall and Lowe's in Muhlenberg Township).
For more information, please contact Pastor Ben Motz.
Fall Candy Sale
Orders Due: TBD
Candy Making: TBD
Pick Up: TBD
It is almost time to begin placing your orders for the delicious candy of St. Paul's UCC. Information coming soon.
Pick Up
Information coming soon.
Volunteer Candy Makers
Volunteers are needed to help make the candy.
Helpful Funds
The funds raised from this candy sale is used by the 21st Century Women's Group to help support the many ministries of St. Paul's UCC.More Information
For information about how to help or how to order, please contact the chairperson of the 21st Century Women's Group Sue Hiester or contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
PSEC Fall Youth Event
Friday, November 10 -- Sunday, November 12, 2017
Registration Deadline: Sunday, October 29, 2017
Focus Scripture:
“Fight the good fight of the faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called”
~ 1 Timothy 6:12a
The Registration Deadline is October 29th. You must register through the conference website at www.psec.org or by contacting the conference office. The event is open to Youth grades: 7-12. Please be sure to complete the attached Medical, Assumption of Risks and Permission Form. A signed form is required for all youth participants and may be turned in upon arrival at the event. Please do not email forms in advance.
To register for this event, click on this PSEC 2017 Fall Youth Event Registration link.
For an overview, pack list, daily schedule outline, and medical form, click on this PSEC 2017 FYE Overview, Information, and Medical Form link.
Event Start & End Times:
Arrivals & registrations begin at 5:00pm on Friday, November 10, 2017.
The event will conclude around 12:00noon on Sunday, November 12, 2017.
The cost of the event itself is $90.00, which covers meals, lodging, events, and activities. Payment by credit card is now required.
Location & Emergency Contacts:
South Mountain YMCA Camp (Camp Conrad Weiser)
Cushion Peak Road, Reinholds, PA 17569
Camp Office: 610-670-2267
Soup 'n' Such Planning Meeting
Thursday, November 9 at 7:15pm
As we go through a leadership transition for Soup 'n' Such, the Mission Committee is leading a meeting to plan for that transition on Thursday, November 9 at 7:15pm. For more information, or if you are interested in helping but cannot attend the meeting, please contact Georgianna Hildebrand (Chairperson of the Mission Committee) or Steve Miller (Consistory Liaison for the Mission Committee).
All Saints Sunday
Sunday, November 5, 2017 at 10:25am
Join us on this day for our annual rememberance and celebration of all the saints of the church, and a special rememberance of the members of St. Paul's UCC who passed away since last year's All Saints' Sunday.
About All Saints Day
November 1 is All Saints Day, which is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of November.
The custom of commemorating all of the martyrs of the church on a single day goes back at least to the third century. Our All Saints Day celebration commemorates not only all the martyrs but all the people of God, living and dead, who form the mystical body of Christ. Today we like many congregations remember our members who have died during the past year, and we celebrate their entrance into the Church Triumphant.
All Saints Sunday celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who make up the body of Christ. With thanksgiving we remember all the faithful departed, especially those most dear to us who have died. Even in the midst of loss and grief God wipes away the tears from our eyes and makes all things new.
PSEC All Saints Sunday Offering
Sunday, November 5, 2017
The following is from our Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC) of the UCC
All Saints Sunday is the first Sunday in November. We celebrate long ago saints and those known to us as saints; people who inspired us by grit and determination to “keep on trying.” Many of those people are the pastors who lives shaped and influenced our own. Some of the PSEC pastors who retired years ago are now in need of special assistance. Because their retirement income is low, the churches of the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference supplement the cost of their health benefits.
We remember these saints as we receive the PSEC special All Saints offering. Your generosity will bring peace of mind and improved health to those who have served the church so faithfully in the past. The entirety of the offering is used to supplement the needs of 10 of the retired pastors, spouses, and widows in the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference who need assistance with health and dental insurance.
Be a saint to those who have been saints and support this vital ministry the first Sunday in November (or contribute later this month).
Information and an offering envelope can be found in the Sunday, November 5 worship bulletin and the November issue of The Herald (St. Paul's monthly newsletter). You can also make a secure tax deductible donation online by clicking on this green online giving link, use the “Special Mission” field, and type “All Saints.”
Jack Frost Parade
Sunday, November 5, 2017 at 2:00pm - Line Up
Sunday, November 5 at 3:00pm - Parade Begins
Robesonia holds its annual Jack Frost Parade on the first Sunday of November. The parade begins at the Conrad Weiser Middle School, goes along Penn Avenue toward St. Paul’s UCC (turning at the Sunoco gas station), and then ends at Trinity Lutheran Church in Robesonia.
Parade participants line up at Conrad Weiser Middle school at 2:00pm. We are in Division #5. The parade begins at 3:00pm.
Our Youth Group designed and built this year's float. The float is "Holy Donut." The description is:
Throughout scripture and the Christian faith, food brings us together in fellowship with God and with one another - whether it be the fruit of the Tree of Live in the Books of Genesis and Revelation, the Passover Meal and Holy Communion, or morning coffee and donuts. No matter what the meal, when Christ is at its center, we are whole.
Last year our teenagers designed and built a Star Wars themed float for the parade. Our youth group will begin planning this year’s float this coming September. Youth are invited to join us at our bi-monthly meetings to help with the planning.
You can see pictures from previous year's parades, by clicking on the following links:
Jack Frost Parade - 2016 - Star Wars Theme: Faith Wars - Episode II - The Battle Within
A related event: 2016 Star Wars Worship Service
Jack Frost Parade - 2015 - "Something's Cooking at St. Paul's"
Jack Frost Parade - 2014 - "Fishers of Men"
Jack Frost Parade - 2013 - First Year of the Parade
Roast Beef Dinner
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Mark the date. More information coming soon.
Trick or Treating - Come for a Treat
Tuesday, October 31, 2016 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm - tentative date/time
Stop by the front of the church building on Robesonia's Trick or Treat Night. We will post the date and times here once they are set by the borough. Tentatively we are expecting Trick or Treat Night to be on Tuesday, October 31 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm (based on last year's schedule).
We are inviting members to donate candy in advance for us to hand out. With the bags of candy, we will be including a small flyer sharing with some of the ministries within our church that might be of interest to young trick or treaters. We are also looking for persons to help hand out the candy, decorate the front of the church for the evening, and help take down the decorations afterwards. If you would be interested in helping with any of that, please contact the Evangelism Committee leadership: Robin Henning (chair) or Geri Gammel (vice chair).
Reformation Sunday
Sunday, October 29 at 10:25am
Our annual worship celebration of the Reformation takes place on the last Sunday in October. This year that will be Sunday, October 29 at 10:25am.
Reformation - 500th Anniversary
Sunday, October 29 at 4:30pm
This year is the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. The Worship Committee is planning on leading us in celebrating this milestone with a German dinner and a Reformation themed movie.
Tentatively, the schedule will be:
4:30pm - Gather and Setup
5:00pm - Prayer and a Meal
(You are invited to bring food for a potluck dinner.
As the Reformation began in Germany, you are especially invited to bring German food).
6:00pm - Movie on the big screen in Miller Fellowship Hall
Tentatively, the selected movie will be the popular movie "Luther," a 2003 film, partially funded by Thrivent for Lutherans, rated PG-13, and approximately 2 hours long.
8:05pm - Concluding Prayer
For more information about this celebration, including what to bring and how you can help to set up, please contact the Worship Committee (Worship Committee Chairperson Claudette Mettin or Worship CommitteeConsistory Liaison Lynelle Heimbach).
Blessing of the Hands
Sunday, October 29, 2017 at 10:25am
During the Sunday, October 22 worship service, we had a "blessing of the hands" as part of our giving thanks for the gifts of God this past year, and the gifts of God we return for the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. For those who were unable to join us for worship on October 22, you will be able to have your hands blessed at the conclusion of this Sunday's worship service.
For more information, please contact the Consistory Deacons: Steve Miller, Head Deacon; Georgianna Hildebrand; Denise Unger; or Lynelle Heimbach.
Mind, Body, & Spirit - After School Progra
Resumes Tuesdays in October - TB
The Mind, Body, & Spirit (MB&S) after school program of the Conrad Weiser Ministerium will resume on a Tuesday afternoon this October from 3:30-5:00pm at Conrad Weiser West Elementary for 3rd and 4th graders.
MB&S includes structured fun physical activity, healthy snack, craft, music, prayer, a positive faith based message, and educational support (help with reading, writing, and arithmetic).
For more information click on this MB&S link, or simply contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org and we would be happy to send you the latest MB&S brochure. To volunteer to help with this program, please contact Christian Education Vice Chairperson, Elsa Wertz.
Jack Frost Parade - Float Buildin
Thursday, September 28 at 6:00pm - Design Selection
Thursday, October 12 at 6:00pm - Float Building
Sunday, October 15 from 12:00-2:00pm - Float Building
Thursday, October 19 at 6:00pm - Float Building
Sunday, October 22 from 12:30-2:00pm - Float Building
Thursday, October 26 at 6:00pm - Float Building
Saturday, October 28 from 10:00-11:00am - Painting
Sunday, October 29 from 6:00-8:00pm - Float Building
(During the "Luther" movie)
Thursday, November 2 at 6:00pm - Final Touches
Sunday, November 5 at 1:00pm - Loading the Float onto the Trailer
Sunday, November 5 at 2:00pm - Line up at Conrad Weiser Middle Schoo
(We are in Division #5)
Sunday, November 5 from 3:00-5:00pm - Parade
Sunday, November 5 at 5:15pm - Unloading the Float
The building of our Jack Frost Parade float has begun. This year's float is being designed and built by our Youth Fellowship Group. As such, you do need your clearances and related paperwork completed and submitted to Elsa Wertz or Denise Unger to help the youth in the building of the float
See the above dates and times for helping to build the float. Please wear clothing that can get messy (we will be working with paper mache, paint, ink, and glue).
After the parade, we will be unloading the float at St. Paul's UCC to return it to the stage in Fellowship Hall. We expect that this will take place a little after 5:00pm. We will need to wait until the parade is over to be able to drive the float back to the church building.
Fall Clean Up of the Church Building & Grounds
Saturday, October 28, 2017 at 8:00am
On Saturday Ocotber 28th at 8:00am the trustees and anyone who would like to help will gather at the church to trim bushes and clean up the flowers beds for the fall. If you can't make 8:00 come later inthe morning.
Please bring any gardenting tools that you think may be needed, brooms, hedge trimmers, rakes etc. Call Dale Mentzer with any questions.
Climbing Higher in Faith - Celebration Luncheon
Sunday, October 22, 2017 at 10:25am - Worship 
Sunday, October 22, 2017 at 11:45am - Luncheon
More information coming soon.
The Rev. Joshua Knappenberger will be our Guest Speaker for the Sunday worship service.
For more information, please contact the Consistory Deacons: Steve Miller, Head Deacon; Georgianna Hildebrand; Denise Unger; or Lynelle Heimbach.
Harvest Home
Sunday, October 15 at 9:25am
Our Annual Harvest Home Worship Service will be on Sunday, October 15 during the 9:25am worship time. For more information about the worship service, please contact the Worship Committee (Worship Committee Chairperson Claudette Mettin or Worship CommitteeConsistory Liaison Lynelle Heimbach).
For more information about Harvest Home food donations, please contact the Mission Committee Vice Chairperson Georgianna Hildebrand.
Men's Fellowship Breakfast
2nd Saturday of the Month
Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 8:30am - CANCELLED
The October 14 Men's Fellowship Breakfast has been cancelled. Instead persons are invited to help paint rooms in the parsonage on Saturday, October 14. For more information about how you can help paint, please contact Property Committee Chairperson, Jon Henning.
Healing Service
Sunday, October 8 at 10:25am
On Sunday, October 8 during the 10:25am worship service we will share in a time of Prayers of Healing. We will especially be mindful of the horrific shooting in Las Vegas and victims of the recent hurricanes and earthquakes.
For those who may have attended one of our healing services before, what takes place is.... During the healing service portion of the worship service, for those who would like to participate in the healing service, there will be four options in how to participate in the Prayers of Healing, including: (1) opportunity to light a candle(s) for yourself or another(s); (2) the opportunity to come forward to kneel and pray nearer the altar at the chancel rail in the midst of a loving congregation; (3) the opportunity to be prayed for and annointed with oil by the pastor and elder; (4) the opportunity to simply remain in your pew; and/or (5) a combination of any of those four. All are welcome to come and be prayed for during this rite of healing -- members and visitors alike are welcome.
In addition, we would be happy to add you to our church's Prayer List or Prayer Chain -- members and nonmembers alike, as we seek to be a community of healing, where all may know the living presence of our loving God and where all may know that they need not journey through the challenges and tribulations of life alone. We pray for God's healing of body, mind, spirit, and relationship; seeking healing according to God's will and wisdom for each of us.
For more information about our periodic healing services, please contact the Worship Committee (Worship Committee Chairperson Claudette Mettin or Worship CommitteeConsistory Liaison Lynelle Heimbach) or the Pastor.
World Communion Sunday
Sunday, October 1 at 10:25am
Join with us, as we join with Christians throughout the world to share in our common unity with Christ through the breaking of the bread and the pouring of the wine.
Communion will be served in the pews on this Sunday.
Youth Group Meetings
2nd & Last Thursdays of the Month from 6:00-7:00pm
Thursday, September 14 & 28 from 6:00-7:00pm
Thursday, October 12 & 26 from 6:00-7:00pm
Looking for a safe and fun environment for your tweens and teens to grow in faith and friendships? Our youth gather twice a month on the 2nd and last Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:00pm. We will have games, prayer, building of supportive friendships, and learning how to lead themselves and one another.
Our youth fellowship gatherings intentionally follows our “Soup & Such” schedule, so for those who would like to do so, you and your family can have a free meal between 4:00-6:00pm on those evenings. Which means, one less meal to plan and the opportunity to socialize while enjoying a meal.
During these gatherings the youth will also be learning how to plan special monthly activities. We have a special activity about once a month, which includes a balance of fun activities (such as rock climbing, laser tag, and snow sports); mission outreach (such as support of Crop Walk, the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry, Soup & Such, and St. Paul’s Clothing Closet); education (PRAY - national religious award program, trip to the zoo, and visiting the Islamic Center of Reading); and more.
FREE - There is no fee to participate in the regular gatherings. You do not need to be a member of the church, and you do not need to make a faith or church commitment to participate.
For more information, please contact Elsa Wertz, chair of the Christian Education Committee or any member of the committee.
Faith Sharing - Islam - Inspirational Newsmaker
Sunday, September 17, 2017 at 10:25am
This past spring our youth group took a field trip to the Islamic Center of Reading (ICORPA), where we were very warmly received with great hospitality by their congregation. Our youth learned much about how Muslims practice their faith. Bridges of mutual respect, understanding, and familiarity were built upon. Our great thanks to ICORPA for their warm and generous hospitality. To learn more about that visit, click on this Visit to the Islamic Center of Reading link.
To continue to help build bridges between faith communities, we have invited the President of the Islamic Center of Reading, Elsayed “Steve” ElMarzouky, to join us as our guest speaker on Sunday, September 17 during our 10:25am worship service. Earlier this year, The Reading Eagle called Steve an “Inspirational Newsmaker of the Year.” We look forward to extending to him the warm hospitality he and his congregation so generously extended to us.
The United Church of Christ is an ecumenically minded denomination, which seeks to bring humanity closer to oneness with each other and with God (beyond our differences in terms, doctrines, and rituals). This is just one way we strive to live out that ministry of peace, love, collaboration, and sharing.
Reclaiming the Great Commission & Five Year Growth Plan
Thursday, September 14 at 7:00pm
As part of the Five Year Growth Plan, we have adopted the Missional Approach as our philosophy to evangelism and church growth. The Missional Approach to evangelism and church growth is all about reclaiming the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and living out the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-39; Mark 12:28-31; and Luke 10:27). Our Five Year Growth Plan is about growing spiritually, as well as numerically in the number of persons we are better able to share God's love and grace through our words and actions.
Pastor Ben will be offering a workshop on the Missional Approach and our Five Year Growth Plan on Thursday, July 25 from 7:00-9:00pm. As part of the Five Year Growth Plan, all Consistory members and Standing Committee Chairpersons (as well as other leaders) should attend one of these workshops at least once every two years. This free workshop is not just for leaders, but is open to all members and visitors alike.
Preregistration is encouraged, so that we can have enough materials photocopied in advance. To register, please use the sign up sheet in the hallway or contact the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:
You Can Still Help Financially
We are still receiving donations to help pay for this approximately $3,000.00 video system. To make a contribution, please make your tax deductible donation payable to "St. Paul's UCC" marked "Video System" and mail it to: St. Paul's UCC; 301 West Penn Ave; Robesonia, PA 19551. You can also make a secure online donation by clicking on this Online Giving link, enter the amount of your donation in the "Other" field, and type "Video System" in the field next to that amount.
Any amount will be greatly appreciated.
Youth Group Meetings
2nd & Last Thursdays of the Month from 6:00-7:00pm
Thursday, September 14 & 28 from 6:00-7:00pm
Thursday, October 12 & 26 from 6:00-7:00pm
Looking for a safe and fun environment for your tweens and teens to grow in faith and friendships? Our youth gather twice a month on the 2nd and last Thursday of the month from 6:00-7:00pm. We will have games, prayer, building of supportive friendships, and learning how to lead themselves and one another.
Our youth fellowship gatherings intentionally follows our “Soup & Such” schedule, so for those who would like to do so, you and your family can have a free meal between 4:00-6:00pm on those evenings. Which means, one less meal to plan and the opportunity to socialize while enjoying a meal.
During these gatherings the youth will also be learning how to plan special monthly activities. We have a special activity about once a month, which includes a balance of fun activities (such as rock climbing, laser tag, and snow sports); mission outreach (such as support of Crop Walk, the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry, Soup & Such, and St. Paul’s Clothing Closet); education (PRAY - national religious award program, trip to the zoo, and visiting the Islamic Center of Reading); and more.
FREE - There is no fee to participate in the regular gatherings. You do not need to be a member of the church, and you do not need to make a faith or church commitment to participate.
For more information, please contact Elsa Wertz, chair of the Christian Education Committee or any member of the committee.
Reclaiming the Great Commission & Five Year Growth Plan
Thursday, September 14 at 7:00pm
As part of the Five Year Growth Plan, we have adopted the Missional Approach as our philosophy to evangelism and church growth. The Missional Approach to evangelism and church growth is all about reclaiming the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and living out the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-39; Mark 12:28-31; and Luke 10:27). Our Five Year Growth Plan is about growing spiritually, as well as numerically in the number of persons we are better able to share God's love and grace through our words and actions.
Pastor Ben will be offering a workshop on the Missional Approach and our Five Year Growth Plan on Thursday, July 25 from 7:00-9:00pm. As part of the Five Year Growth Plan, all Consistory members and Standing Committee Chairpersons (as well as other leaders) should attend one of these workshops at least once every two years. This free workshop is not just for leaders, but is open to all members and visitors alike.
Preregistration is encouraged, so that we can have enough materials photocopied in advance. To register, please use the sign up sheet in the hallway or contact the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.orgor 610-621-5770.
Please note: This workshop is a repeat of the one offered earlier this year on Tuesday, January 31, to give those who were not able to attend that workshop another opportunity to participate.
Called To Care
Session 1 of 7: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 from 6:00-8:00pm
Session 2 of 7: Monday, June 5, 2017 from 6:00-8:00pm
Session 3 of 7: Wednesday, July 5 from 6:00-8:00pm
Session 4 of 7: Wednesday, September 13 from 6:00-8:00pm
Session 5 of 7: Wednesday, September 27 from 6:00-8:00pm
Session 6 of 7: Wednesday, October 25 from 7:30-9:00pm
Session 7 of 7: Monday, October 30 from 6:00-8:00pm
“Called To Care” is the UCC program for lay church members to minister to the sick, hospitalized, grieving, and others in need. There are seven training sessions in this program. Our next training session will be on Wednesday, September 13 from 6:00-8:00pm in the Upper Room (the upstairs conference room).
Any member of St. Paul's UCC who is interested in participating in our visitation ministry is invited and encouraged to come to this training session (even if you missed the first session). You can attend this session without committing to be on the visitation ministry team. There is no fee to participate. We will be offering the first session again, for those who missed it the first time.
Pre-registration is not needed but encouraged. To help us make sure we have enough materials prepared please use the sign up sheet in the narthex hallway or contact the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.
For more detailed information, click on this last month's Called To Care article link, see the article in the May and June 2017 issue of The Herald, and/or contact Pastor Ben Motz at PastorMotz@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org">PastorMotz@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.
Blessing of the Backpacks & Prayers for Teachers
Sunday, September 3 at 10:25am - Tentative Date
All preschool, school age youth, and college and graduate students are welcome and invited to bring their school backpacks with them to worship on this Sunday for a "Blessing of the Backpacks," as we send students back to school with our prayers. Visitors, friends, members, and students of all ages are welcome to bring their backpacks and participate in the blessing.
During this worship service we will also have special prayers for students, school teachers, and Sunday school teachers as they begin the new school year.
Regular Schedule Resumes
Sunday, September 3 --- Sunday School at 9:15am --- Worship at 10:25am
On the first Sunday of September we return to our regular schedule:
Sunday school at 9:15am (for all ages: children, youth, and adults)
Worship at 10:25am
As we have throughout the summer, we continue to provide during worship: weekly children's sermon, weekly children's activity bulletins, option of nursery for 0-8 year olds, and the option of children's worship on the first and second Sunday of the month for elementary age children (after the children's sermon).
Greeter & Usher Training
Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 10:45am
Hospitality is a very important part of a growing church, and, as found throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, an important part of our faith life and practice.
Training for Ushers and Greeters was held on Sunday, May 28 following the worship service.
For those who were not able to participate in this training, we will be offering it again before returning to our regular schedule on Sunday, August 27 following the worship service. This training is for all current ushers and greeters, anyone who is interested in becoming a greeter or usher, the Worship Committee, and the Evangelism Committee.
For more information and/or if you would like to help with the greeting and ushering ministry, please contact contact Claudette Mettin (chair of the Worship Committee) or Lynelle Heimbach (Consistory liaison for the Worship Committee).
Sunday School Open House
Sunday, August 27, 2017 - from 11:00am - 12:00noon
Thursday, August 31, 2017 - from 4:00pm-6:00pm
Come either of these two days to learn more about the Sunday school options offered here at St. Paul’s UCC to see if they would be of interest to you.
We will have FREE refreshments and a FREE craft for preschool and school age youth. We will have samples of the engaging videos and curriculum used (for our youth and adult classes), including our our Whirl and Re:Formation curriculum. You can meet teachers, ask questions, and see the building facility.
Bring your children, grandchildren, neighbors, and friends to our Open House to experience the fun we have learning about God’s love for us.
Come kick the tires and check us out without any obligation or pressure to sign up or participate in any of our classes.
Sunday school is FREE. There is no fee for adults or youth, and no length of commitment.
For more information, please contact Christian Education Vice Chair Elsa Wertz or Christian Education Consistory Liaison Denise Unger; or contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
Worship at Knoebels Amusement Park
Sunday, August 20, 2017 at 10:30am
We will be gathering for worship at Knoebels Amusement Park in Elysburg, PA at Pavilion Tent #4 on the third Sunday of August at 10:30am.
Friends, family, visitors are all very welcome to participate. There is NO park admission fee. There is NO parking fee. You need only to pay for ride tickets (for whatever rides you may wish) and any food you may wish to purchase there.
Last year, this was our best attended worship service of the summer!
In addition, we are sponsoring youth from Bethany Children's Home to be able to participate. We will be providing them and their chaperones with ride tickes and lunch at the pavilion.
Schedule at the Park
10:00am - begin to gather at Pavilion Tent #4
10:30am - worship at the pavilion
11:00am - rides and water park open
12:00noon - lunch at Pavilion Tent #4
8:00pm - water park closes
9:00pm - park closes
Welcome and Support Youth from Bethany Children's Home
We have invited youth from Bethany Children's Home to join us for worship, food, fellowship, and fun. They will be providing their own transportation and adult supervision. We will be providing each youth and chaperone with a $20 ticket packet. We are tentatively expecting 50 persons from Bethany to join us (including two adults from each cottage to accompany the youth from those cottages), which means we need to raise about $1,000.00. To contribute, please make your tax deductible donation payable to "St. Paul's UCC" marked "Bethany Knoebels," and send it to "St. Paul's UCC; 301 West Penn Ave; Robesonia, PA 19551." You can also make a secure online donation by clicking on this Send Bethany Kids to Knoebels -- Online Giving link, enter the amount of your gift in the "Special Mission" line, and type "Bethany Knoebels" in the line next to the amount. Please give generously to enable these youth to join with us in worship and fellowship. Last year, this trip was one of the few opportunities most of the youth had to get off of the Bethany campus. [If your generosity exceeds the need, the remainder amount will go in our "St. Paul's UCC Bethany Children's Activity Fund" to be used to help youth from Bethany participate in future church events with St. Paul's - such as next year's trip to Knoebels].
We will also be sharing in a luncheon with the youth from Bethany at the pavilion. We will be providing the food, drinks, and paper supplies. For more information about how you can help with the luncheon, please contact the Worship Committee, including Claudette Mettin (Chairperson) and Lynelle Heimbach (Consistory Liaison).
Worship in the Sanctuary of St. Daniel's on August 20
Members of St. Daniel's ELCA in Robesonia plan to join us for worship at the amusement park, as well.
For those who are unable to journey with us to Knoebels, we will also have a combined worship service at 9:00am in the sanctuary of St. Daniel's ELCA in Robesonia that Sunday.
We hope that you will join us in one of these two worship services on August 20, and celebrate our shared ministry and oneness in Christ.
Previous Year's Photos
To view photos from previous year's click on the following links:
Knoebels 2016 - Facebook Photos
Knoebels 2015 - Website Photos
Knoebels 2015 - Facebook Photos
Knoebels 2014 - Website Photos
Knoebels 2014 - Facebook Photos
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Sunday, August 13 to Thursday, August 17, 2017 - from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
The dates for our 2017 VBS program are Sunday, August 13 to Thursday, August 17 in the evening from 6:00-8:00pm.
This is a combined program with St. Daniel's ELCA. This year St. Paul's UCC will be hosting the VBS program.
For more information, please contact Geri Gammel or any member of the Christian Education Committee. For a registration form, please contact the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.
For this year's registration form, click on this VBS 2017 Registration Form link. Print the form, fill it out, and mail it to: St. Paul's UCC; attn: VBS; 301 West Penn Ave; Robesonia, PA 19951. Registration forms are also available from the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770, as well as in the July/August issue of The Herald.
Click on this VBS 2016 link to view pictures from last year's program.
12th Annual Car Show
Saturday, August 12, 2017 from 10:00am to 3:00pm
Come for a great time at the 11th annual St. Paul's UCC Car Show. This event, held rain or shine, includes Antique cars, Classics, Modified , Street Rods, Jalopys' and more, plus lots of homemade food and baked goods. Doors Prizes will also be handed out.
The Lebanon Singing Cedar Barbershop Chorus
Sunday, July 30 at 9:25am
The Lebanon Singing Cedar Barbershop Chorus will be performing at St. Paul’s UCC in Robesonia at our 9:25am worship service on July 30, 2017. This group has performed here before, and it was a great performance. Come to hear beautiful music and the wonderful harmony of this barbershop group. A freewill offering will be taken at the end of the worship service.
New Video Projector System Installed
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Thank you to the Property Committee and all those who came out to help install the new video projector system in the Miller Fellowship Hall. A special thanks to Carl Unger, Mike Pastor, Dale Mentzer, Jon Henning, and Pastor Ben Motz. The majority of the installation was done on July 5. The video system was linked to the sound system on Sunday, July 23, and we projected some of the UCC Videos from our website after worship during the refreshment fellowship time for a test run.
There is still some work to be done, including the tidying up of the wires. If you are interested in helping, please contact Carl Unger or any member of the Property Committee.
Thank you to everyone who made a financial contribution towards this project to make this system possible.
Among other things, the video system will enable us to show thematic videos during Vacation Bible School (VBS) this summer, Christian Ed videos for Sunday school, movies for the youth group, the Mummers Parade for the pork and sauerkraut dinner, sample videos for our Sunday school open house events, and more.... helping to enhance our education and fellowship programs.
For more information, you can click on this Video System Installation link to read the previous article about the installation plans, as well as contact any member of the Property Committee.
Installation of Video Projector System
Wednesday, July 5, 2017 at 9:00am
Thank you to everyone who has been contributing to the new video projector system for the Miller Fellowship Hall.
The components have arrived, and we will begin installing the system on Wednesday, July 5 at 9:00am. Installing will include mounting the projector and screen, running wires and connecting the electrical, and adding shelving for the components. Even if you do not have any knowledge or skills with electrical or electronics your extra hands can be very helpful in pulling wires, carrying boxes, etc. If you are interested in helping, please see Carl Unger or any member of the Property Committee.
Among other things, the video system will enable us to show thematic videos during Vacation Bible School (VBS) this summer, Christian Ed videos for Sundt communion, confirmation, or this class, please contact the Pastor at 610-621-5770 or PastorMotz@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org.">PastorMotz@sprucc.org.">PastorMotz@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org.">PastorMotz@sprucc.org.
Graduate Recognition Sunday
Sunday, July 2, 2017 at 9:25am
Information coming soon.....
To submit a graduate's name or for more information, please contact Terry Pastor at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or any member of the Worship Committee.
General Synod of the United Church of Christ
June 30 - July 4, 2017
Every two years, General Synod brings together thousands of faithful members of the United Church of Christ for formal church witness, inspirational worship, and fellowship with friends (new and old).
From June 30th – July 4th, 2017, thousands from across the country (and
abroad) will gather for General Synod 31 in Baltimore, Maryland. Together, we will discern resolutions of witness, church structure, and function. We will stand up for issues that demand a faithful witness. And we will joined together in worship each day to lift up the Stillspeaking God.
At General Synod 31, we will “Make Glad!” as we celebrate, debate, worship and witness. Join us.
For more information on our national UCC website, click on this General Synod 31 link.
Community Church Blood Drive
Thursday, June 22, 2017 - from 2:00pm to 7:00pm
On Thursday, June 22 the Robesonia Community Church Blood Drive will be hosted by St. Paul's UCC in Robesonia from 2:00pm to 7:00pm. Please call St. Paul's at 610-621-5770 for information on how to make an appointment.
For more information about this ministry and the scheduled blood drives, you can click on this Robesonia Community Blood Drive link.
Blood Drive Schedule for 2017:
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 from 2:00pm-7:00pm
at St. Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church, Robesonia
Thursday, June 22, 2017 from 2:00pm-7:00pm
at St. Paul's UCC, Robesonia
Tuesday, September 26, 2017 from 2:00pm-7:00pm
at St. Daniel's ELCA, Robesonia
Thursday, December 7, 2017 from 2:00pm-7:00pm
at Trinity ELCA, Robesonia
Electronic Giving
Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 10:45am
This coming Sunday, June 11, the Financial Secretary will be in the hallway after the worship service to answer any questions you may have about electronic giving and to help you fill out the paperwork. Please take the time to talk to her about this convienent means of giving to our church.
Click on this Information About Electronic Giving link to learn more about this new feature at St. Paul's UCC.
Trinity Sunday
Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 9:25am
Sunday, June 11 is our annual Trinity Sunday Worship Service. For more information about this annual celebration, please contact chairperson Claudette Mettin or Consistory liaison Lynelle Heimbach.
2017 Spring Meeting of our
Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC)
Be Transformed
Friday, June 9 at 8:00am -- Sunday, June 11 at 2:00pm
The three day Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ's Annual Spring Meeting was held from Friday, June 9 at 8:00am to Sunday, June 11 at 2:00pm at West Chester University. The PSEC is the UCC Conference of which St. Paul's UCC is a member.
Installation of Conference Consistory
Serving as delegates from St. Paul's UCC were Melissa Lichtenwalner and Pastor Ben Motz. There were about 200 voting delegates present, representing the 166 churches of our conference, plus visitors, conference staff, and guests.
Congratulations to Melissa Lichtenwalner who was installed onto the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference Consistory during the Saturday afternoon worship service. She is pictured here standing next to our Conference Minister, the Rev. Bill Worley, who was leading the installation service.
Rev. Baskette Friday began with opening worship, followed by a two part session presented by the Rev. Molly Baskette, based on her books Real Good Church and Standing Naked Before God: The Art of Public Confession.
Rev. Blackmon The Rev. Traci Blackmon, Acting Executive Minister of Justice & Witness Ministries of the national offices of the United Church of Christ, preached during Friday evening's worship service.
Shane Claiborne
Saturday morning began with small group Bible study before breakfast. Our text for the weekend was Romans 12. The business meeting of the Conference was conducted after Saturday morning worship. About ten workshops were offered Saturday afternoon. Shane Claiborne, Christian activist and author who is a leading figure in the New Monasticism movement, led one of the afternoon workshops and was also the speaker for the Saturday evening program.
We recognized pastors celebrating significant ordination anniversaries, as well as churches celebrating a siginficant anniversary this year.
Rev. Flunder Celebration Worship took place Sunday morning with guest preacher, Rev. Yvette Flunder, who is an active voice for the Religion Council of the Human Rights Campaign. Worship concluded with the sacrament communion and the passing of the peace.
During the weekend there was time for fellowship; sharing of ideas; making new friends; discussion between members of different churches about what is working well and not well at their churches; perusing exhibit tables; opportunities for book signing; learning more about the ministries taking place within our Pennsylvania Southeast Conference; and great spiritually uplifting music led by choirs, bell choirs, and other musicians and individuals from UCC churches within our conference.
Grace Christian Fellowship UCC Choir
Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC) Spring Meeting
Friday, June 9 -- Sunday, June 11
Registration Deadline: May 17, 2017
The three day Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ's Annual Spring Meeting will be held from Friday, June 9 to Sunday, June 11 at West Chester University.
The PSEC is the UCC conference to which St. Paul's UCC belongs. We can send two adult delegates, one youth delegate, and our Pastor as voting delegates. We are currently in need of an adult and youth delegate. If you are interested in serving as a delegate, please contact Consistory President Terry Pastor or Vice President Mike Keffer. You can also attend as a non-voting visitor; there is no limit for how many visitors from St. Paul's who attend, as long as you register by the registration deadline.
Click on this PSEC Spring Meeting link for more information about this year's meeting, including information about workshops, guest speakers, conference reports, meeting agenda, and how to register.
Pentecost - Celebration of the Rite of Confirmation
Sunday, June 4, 2017 at 9:25am
Come and worship with us this Sunday and celebrate in welcoming our newest confirmands into full membership of the church.
Confirmation is the rite of affirmation of baptism, where youth and young adults, who were baptized as infants or young children, stand before the congregation and affirm the vows for themselves, which someone else had made for them when they were younger. Confirmed youth and young adults affirm Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, express their desire to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, join the United Church of Christ, and become full voting members of the congregation.
The Rite of Confirmation comes after a period of study and prayer. For more information about enrolling in next year's confirmation class, please click on this Confirmation Program link.
Summer Schedule Begins
Sunday, June 4, 2017 to Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 9:25am
Our summer schedule begins on the first Sunday of June and continues through the last Sunday in August. For the summer, worship will be at 9:25am. There will be no Sunday school over the summer. We will continue to have children's bulletins, available nursery, and children's sermons during every worship service, as well as Junior Worship on the first two Sundays of the month.
Our regular schedule resumes on Sunday, September 3, 2017, with Sunday school at 9:15am and worship at 10:25am.
Summer Schedule Begins
Sunday, June 4, 2017 to Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 9:25am
Our summer schedule begins on the first Sunday of June and continues through the last Sunday in August. For the summer, worship will be at 9:25am. There will be no Sunday school over the summer. We will continue to have children's bulletins, available nursery, and children's sermons during every worship service, as well as Junior Worship on the first two Sundays of the month.
Our regular schedule resumes on Sunday, September 3, 2017, with Sunday school at 9:15am and worship at 10:25am.
Website & Social Media
Modern Evangelism -- Help Needed
May 2016
The Evangelism Committee is looking for persons to help keep our website updated, fresh, and animated.
We are also looking for persons to help us expand our outreach through social media. We are looking for persons to help us set up and maintain social media outreach such as through Instagram, Twitter, and the like.
If you are interested in helping with the website and/or social media technologies, please contact chairperson Robin Henning; vice chair Geri Gammel; Pastor Ben Motz; or office secretary Terry Pastor at
office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.orgoffice@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">.
Greeter & Usher Training
Sunday, May 28 at 11:45am
Hospitality is a very important part of a growing church, and, as found throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, an important part of our faith life and practice.
There will be training for Ushers and Greeters on Sunday, May 28 following the worship service. This training is for all current ushers and greeters, anyone who is interested in becoming a greeter or usher, the Worship Committee, and the Evangelism Committee.
If you would like to help with the greeting and ushering ministry, please contact the office secretary Terry Pastor at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770 and attend this meeting.
Please plan on attending this training on May 28 after the worship service to see how the role of greeter and usher is changing.
For more information about ushering, greeting, or this training, please contact Claudette Mettin (chair of the Worship Committee) or Lynelle Heimbach (Consistory liaison for the Worship Committee).
Called To Care
Wednesday, May 24, 2017 from 6:00-8:00pm
“Called To Care” is the UCC program for lay church members to minister to the sick, hospitalized, grieving, and others in need. Our first training session will be on Wednesday, May 24 from 6:00-8:00pm in the Upper Room (the upstairs conference room).
Any member of St. Paul's UCC who is interested in participating in our visitation ministry is invited and encouraged to come to this first session. You can attend this first session without committing to be on the visitation ministry team. There is no fee to participate.
Pre-registration is not needed but encouraged. To help us make sure we have enough materials prepared please use the sign up sheet in the narthex hallway or contact the church office at office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.
For more detailed information, click on this last month's Called To Care article link, see the article in the May 2017 issue of The Herald, and/or contact Pastor Ben Motz at PastorMotz@sprucc.org">PastorMotz@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org">PastorMotz@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.
Confirmation Service Rehearsal
Sunday, May 21 at 9:15am
The confirmation class will have a rehearsal on Sunday, May 21 during Sunday school, to know what to do when, where to stand, etc.
Healing Worship Service
Sunday, May 21 at 10:25am
On Sunday, May 21 during the 10:25am worship service we will share in a time of Prayers of Healing. During this time there will be four options in how to participate in the Prayers of Healing, including: (1) opportunity to light a candle; (2) the opportunity to come forward to kneel and pray near the altar at the chancel rail; (3) the opportunity to be prayed for and annointed with oil; and/or (4) the opportunity to simply remain in your pew. All are welcome to come and be prayed for during this rite of healing -- members and visitors alike are welcome.
In addition, we would be happy to add you to our church's Prayer List or Prayer Chain -- members and nonmembers alike, as we seek to be a community of healing, where all may know the living presence of our loving God and where all may know that they need not journey through the challenges and tribulations of life alone. We pray for God's healing of body, mind, spirit, and relationship; seeking healing according to God's will and wisdom for each of us.
For more information about our periodic healing services, please contact the Worship Committee (chairperson Claudette Mettin or Consistory liaison Lynelle Heimbach) or the Pastor.
Visit to the Islamic Center of Reading
Friday, May 19, 2017
On Friday, May 19 the confirmation class and youth group took a field trip to the Islamic Center of Reading to learn about Islam and how Muslims practice their faith another faith, as well as to extend friendship and practice ecumenism. In addition to our teens, a few adults participated, as well.
Pictured here are members from the Islamic Center of Reading and members of St. Paul's UCC.
Our thanks to Elsayed "Steve" ElMarzouky (President of the Islamic Center of Reading), Chaplain Rubina Tareen, and the members of his congregation for their warm and kind reception of us, allowing us to observe their time of prayer, for providing food and drink, and for taking the time to share with us about their faith and religious practices. We made new friends and formed greater mutual respect and appreciation for one another's expressions and practices of faith. Thank you to all from St. Paul's who came and to Pastor Ben for coordinating this shared ecumenical opportunity.
Steve ElMarzouky had previously visited during the Installation Service of the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Motz, sharing in the welcome of our new Pastor to the area. Pastor Ben and Steve previously also have served together on The Reading Hospital's Chaplaincy Advisory Committee.
Click on this Trading Places link to view a UCC video found on our website about mutually shared respect and support among Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
Islamic Center of Reading
Friday, May 19, 2017 at 5:00pm
Registration Due: Tuesday, May 16 by 4:00pm
On Friday, May 19 the confirmation class and youth group are taking a field trip to the Islamic Center of Reading to learn about another faith, to extend friendship, and to practice being ecumenical. In addition to teens, interested adults are welcome to participate, as well. We will be meeting there at 5:00pm -- 18 Noble Street; Reading, PA 19611.
If you are interested in attending, please register by Tuesday, May 16 by contacting the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770 by 4:00pm (the end of office hours).
Attendees should dress modestly -- no shorts and no short skirts. Females should bring a head covering (i.e. scarf, shawl, shemagh, etc).
For more information, please contact the church office and/or Pastor Ben Motz.
Click on this Trading Places link to view a related UCC video found on our website.
Mother's Day - Festival of the Christian Home
Sunday, May 14 at 10:25am
Sunday, May 14 is Mother's Day and the Festival of the Christian Home. If you are interested in helping the Worship Committee in planning for this year's worship service, please contact chairperson Claudette Mettin or Consistory liaison Lynelle Heimbach.
Good Shepherd Sunday
Sunday, May 7 at 10:25am
On the Fourth Sunday of Easter, we celebrate Jesus as our Good Shepherd, who loves us, knows each of us by name, and calls each of us into his pasture.
Called To Care
Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 7:00pm
“Called To Care” is the UCC program for lay church members to minister to the sick, hospitalized, grieving, and others in need. We will begining the training and organizing of this program on Wednesday, May 3 at 7:00pm in the Upper Room (the upstairs conference room).
Who Can/Should Attend
Any member of St. Paul's UCC who is interested in participating in our visitation ministry is invited and encouraged to come to this first meeting. You can attend this first meeting without committing to be on the visitation ministry team. We may also have guests from other local churches joining us for them to learn more about this program. In addition, all members who have been ordained as an elder of St. Paul's UCC should participate in the Called To Care training and attend this first meeting, as you currently make up the visitation ministry team to the ill and the homebound.
Pre-registration is not needed but encouraged. To help us make sure we have enough materials prepared please use the sign up sheet in the narthex hallway or contact the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.
There is no fee.
All persons who have been ordained as an elder of St. Paul’s UCC currently make up the visitation ministry team to the ill and the homebound. Part of their ordination vows/charge is to visit and pray with the sick.
We are planning on expanding our visitation ministry to include other members (not just ordained elders), so that our visitation ministry team becomes those who are: (1) trained in visitation; (2) approved to visit on behalf of the church by the Spiritual Council; and (3) cleared to visit by the “SafeConduct” background check process. Anyone who is interested in sharing in the visitation ministry is very much invited to participate for this meeting to launch the Called To Care program.
History and Previous Meetings
Called To Care is a UCC lay visitation ministry program. It is used in many different congregations of different denominations throughout the country. It was created in 1991, and revised in 1998 and 2007, with the lastest revision being 2008.
Part of our decision to call Pastor Motz to only part-time ministry included the expectation for the ordained elders to actively share in the visitation mininstry. More importantly however is that we believe in the "Priesthood of All Believers" and affirm visitation ministry as a ministry that should be shared within the congregation (and not just done by an ordained minister), and our lives are blessed when we visit and pray with those in need. Part of our Five Year Growth Plan is to train elders and others to share in the visitation ministry. Training helps the visitor and the visitee get the most out of the prayerful visitation experience. As part of our Five Year Growth Plan, we are seeking to develop training in all aspects of our ministry, not just in visitations.
Called To Care has been used for many years at St. John's (Hains) UCC and Phoebe Berks. This past February all those who have been ordained as an elder of St. Paul’s UCC were encouraged to participate in a “Called To Care” workshop led by the Rev. Dr. Jon Fogle of St. John’s Hains UCC in Wernersville to evaluate whether or not we would like to implement this program here at St. Paul’s. All interested members were also invited to attend this free workshop, as well as members of other local churches (members from St. Daniel’s ELCA and Zion’s UCC attended).
At the March 2017 Consistory meeting, the Spiritual Council in consensus voiced support to begin the Called To Care program here at St. Paul’s.
For more information, please contact Pastor Ben Motz (Head Elder); Mike Keffer (Elder who schedules the weekly elder visitation list); Geri Gammel (Elder who oversees the quarterly homebound elder visitation list); or any member of the Spiritual Council (Elders on Consistory).
Help Enable Dads to Change Diapers
May 2016
We are almost there. So far your contributions have enabled us to put two toddler seats in each of our four restrooms. Your contributions have also enabled us to put a diaper changing table in each of our two women’s restrooms and in the downstairs men’s restroom. Thank you for your support. We need about $200 more for a final changing station to be installed into the upstairs men’s restroom. Don’t let the men get off the hook for the responsibility of changing diapers, make a donation today payable to “St. Paul’s UCC” marked “Changing Table.”
You can also make a secure online contribution by clicking on this Online Giving link; list your amount of your donation in “other;” and type “Changing Table” in the description.
Any additional funds received beyond what is needed to purchase the final table will be used for diaper changing and nursery supplies.
For more information, please contact any member of the Property Committee, including: Jon Henning, chairperson; Dale Metzner, vice chair and Head Trustee; or Mike Pastor, Trustee.
Covenant Association Spring Meeting
Sunday, April 30, 2017 from 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Good Shepherd UCC, Boyertown
The UCC association to which St. Paul's UCC belongs is the "Covenant Association", which was formed by the merger of the Heidelberg Association (to which St. Paul's UCC used to belong), the East Berks Association, and the Reading Association. We meet twice a year - once in the fall and once in the spring.
For more information about the meeting, click on this Covenant Association Advanced Documents for the 2017 Annual Spring Meeting link.
Tentatively, the agenda will include: (1) the name of the new "Covenant Association"; (2) revisions to the association's bylaws; (3) election of officers; and (4) five break-out session options. Pastor Ben Motz will be leading the Evangelism break-out session, and he has been nominated to be elected for a two year term on to the Committee of Ministry.
Online registartion is available until April 18, 2017. You can register online and find out more information about this event by clicking on this Covenant Assoiciation Online Registration link. For those who do not register in advance, you can register at the door (advanced registration is not necessary, but is encouraged, as it will help the planning team know how many people to expect and how many packets of materials to prepare). There is no fee for this event. Our voting delegates can include: two adults, one youth, and one clergy. All other members of St. Paul's UCC are invited to come as visitors (non-voting participants).
For more information, please contact our delegates: Melissa Lichtenwalner and Mike Keffer.
It's a Transgeneration - Physician General for Pennsylvania
Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 1:00pm
Dr. Rachel Levine will be this month's guest speaker for the "Seminarian Hour" at our Lancaster Theological Seminary (LTS) of the United Church of Christ. She will be speaking on Wednesday, April 26 at 1:00pm at the LTS library. You are welcome to attend in person or participate in her presentation through a live webinar.
Dr. Rachel Levine, Physician General for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is the highest ranking openly transgender woman in State Government. A priority of Dr. Levine’s is to bring attention the health disparities that impact LGBTQ people and the particularly vulnerable transgender community. The discussion will distinguish sexual orientation from gender identity, explain the basics of transgender medicine and outline current and future challenges the LGBTQ community faces and the State’s response to those challenges.
About Dr. Levine
Dr. Levine is currently the Physician General for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine.
Dr. Levine graduated from Harvard College and the Tulane University School of Medicine. She completed her training in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City.
She joined the staff at Penn State Hershey Medical Center in 1993 where she started the Penn State Hershey Eating Disorders Program. This program offers multidisciplinary treatment for children, adolescents and adults with eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
Please join this special presentation, either in person at the LTS Philip Schaff Library or via Go to Webinar.
Please register for Webinar It's a Transgeneration with Dr. Rachel Levine on Apr 26, 2017 1:00pm EDT at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8167284903061492483
Holy Humor Sunday - Game On!
Sunday, April 23, 2017 at 10:25am
Holy Humor Sunday is an opportunity to let our hair down - way down - with a very upbeat and fun service, following the somber season of Lent. It is a day of humor and light-hearted fun.
Our theme this year was chosen by our confirmation class: "Game On!" Everyone is invited to come dressed casually in their game clothes, which might include: favorite video game t-shirt, favorite sports team jersey or t-shirt, comfy clothes for family game night or video gaming, clothes you wear to play a team sport, clothes you wear to watch a sporting event, etc.
We are planning on having humor, cartoons, game decorations, a very special Easter version of “Joy to the World,” and a very unique Minecraft video game based physical activity for youth in the sanctuary during the worship service.
Refreshments and Games
Following the worship service, the Fellowship Committee will be hosting game day in the Miller Fellowship Hall, where we will be playing board games and enjoying light luncheon. You are invited to bring along a favorite board game, card game, puzzle, etc. You are also invited to bring a side dish, dessert, or beverage. Whether you can bring a refreshment or not -- all are invited to the luncheon and game time. To help with the games and/or refreshments, please contact Georgianna Hildebrand, Steve Miller, or any member of the Fellowship Committee.
Helping with Bulletins and Decorations
We are inviting children and youth to create the bulletin cover art; click on this Holy Humor Sunday Bulletin Cover link for more information. We are hoping to have assortment of different pictures on different bulletins. Bulletin cover art needs to be returned to the office secretary by Sunday, April 16. You can give place a hard copy in the secretary's office mailbox, or e-mail her a jpg picture at office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
The teens are also looking for cardboard boxes to be donated for creating some of the special surprise decorations for that Sunday. Please donate medium sized empty boxes by Easter Sunday - Sunday, April 16. (Medium sized might include a 1'x1'x1' to 3'x3'x3' box - a little bigger or a little smaller is fine, too. A pencil box would be too small and a refrigerator box would be too big for what they are planning).
Roots of Holy Humor Sunday
Holy Humor Sunday shares its roots with that of April Fool’s Day. When Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, he defeated death, and in doing so the Great Deceiver (i.e. the Devil) was deceived - bested by the best trick ever. From deceiving the Great Deceiver on Easter, April Fool’s Day came to be celebrated on April 1st, and Holy Humor Sunday came to be most commonly celebrated on the Sunday following Easter Sunday.
Check back here for more information as the date approaches. We plan to have our 2017 theme posted here by early March.
You can view pictures from previous years by clicking on the following links:
2016 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Come Fishing"
2015 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: “From Zeroes to Heroes”
2014 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "A Childlike vs A Childish Faith"
Earth Day
Saturday, April 22, 2017
To learn more about the environmental stewardship efforts made here at St. Paul's UCC, and those of our UCC denomination, click on this Environmental Ministries link.
Holy Humor Sunday - Bulletin Cover Entry
Due: Sunday, April 16, 2017
Instead of our normal bulletins, on the Second Sunday of Easter (April 23) - Holy Humor Sunday - we will be using pictures created by our youth as the covers for the bulletin. We hope to have an assortment of different pictures on different bulletins. The pictures will appear on the front cover of the bulletins on Sunday, April 23, 2017, when we will celebrate Holy Humor Sunday.
Our theme this year is "Game On." You are invited to draw a picture that in someway represents our theme: playing video games, board games, sports game, freeze tag, playing on a swing set, etc. Or, you can draw us a picture that in someway represents "The Joy of Christianity" or "The Joy of Easter."
You can click on this Holy Humor Sunday 2017 Bulletin Cover Entry Form to download a form, and return that form to the church secretary, Terry Pastor, by Easter Sunday, April 16. Multiple entries by the same youth are welcome and entries by members/non-members alike are welcome. Forms are also available by contacting the church office at 610-621-5770 oroffice@sprucc.org. For more information, please contact Terry Pastor or Worship Committee Chairperson Claudette Mettin, or any member of the Worship Committee.
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 16, 2017
6:15am - Sunrise Worship Service
Our sunrise worship service will begin outside by a fire with candlelight, and will conclude in the sanctuary. We are anticipating the sun to rise at 6:16am this year on Easter Sunday, as such our sunrise worship service is planned for 6:15am.
8:00am - Breakfast
The Men's Fellowship Group will be preparing a free breakfast for Easter Sunday.
9:15am - Sunday School
10:25am - Worship Service
Our second Easter worship service will take place at our regular time of 10:25am. We have a children's sermon, regular sermon, children's bulletins, available nursery, the choir, and pew communion.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 13, 2017
On Maundy Thursday Jesus gathered with the disciples for the Feast of Passover. They shared in a meal. He took bread, blessed it and broke it, and instituted the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). He then took his disciples to a garden to pray, where he was betrayed and crucified.
On Thursday, April 13th at 6:30pm, we will begin worship in the Fellowship Hall at table with one another. We will have a light meal and communion. Then we will process to the sanctuary for Tenebrae - the service of shadows - where we will pray, hear the last words of Christ, and strip the altar in preparation of his crucifixion.
We hope you will join us for this meaningfully spiritual service.
The meal is provided by the church; there is no charge for the meal, and there is no need to bring any food along with you. As always, visitors, friends, and members are all equally welcome.
(Please note, with having Tenebrae included in our Maundy Thursday worship service, we will not be having a separate Good Friday worship service).
Exploring Faith Series
Begins: Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 9:15am
Registration: Sunday, April 2
This six week series begins on Sunday, April 9, 2017. Our classes will be from 9:15am - 10:15am, and will be held downstairs in the the Miller Fellowship Hall.
During this series of learning more about God, the Bible, the UCC, and Christian discipleship. This class is helpful for new members and those considering membership - without any pressure to join the church.
The series will be led by Pastor and will cover such topics as....
(1) Why and how do we as Christians use the Bible
(2) How and why we worship in the way that we do
(3) Prayer practices
(4) Baptism and Holy Communion
(5) Who is God and what is the Trinity
(6) History, structure, creeds, and statements of faith of the UCC
(7) Learning about the Spiritual Gifts God has given each of us
(8) The Mission & Vision of St. Paul’s UCC
(9) The new SafeConduct policies processes within St. Paul’s UCC
(10) and more....
This class also serves as our New Member Class. If you participate in this class, there is no obligation to join. This adult class is open to visitors, new members, long-time members, and everyone in between.
If you joined St. Paul’s UCC within the past year or two, and have not take this class, you are strongly encouraged to participate, as we want you to know your church well.
You are welcome to participate even if you cannot make all the classes. Even if you can only make two or three of the classes, we are happy to have you participate. There is no fee.
Please pre-register for the class by contacting the church office at office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770 or sign up in the narthex hallway (preferably by Sunday, April 2), so we can be sure to have enough materials for everyone for our first day of class. However, you need not pre-register, walk-ins will be very welcome.
For more information, contact Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or PastorMotz@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org.">PastorMotz@sprucc.org.
Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 10:25am
Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jeru
salem, as well as the beginning of Holy Week. We will have a "Blessing of the Palms" and palm branches for everyone to take home with them.
During the sermon, the pastor shared the following video about Ruby Bridges and Dr. Robert Coles. You can watch the video on YouTube and share it with others by clicking on this Ruby Bridges at 6 Years Old link. You can watch a YouTube ideo about Ruby as an adult by clicking on this An Interview with Ruby Bridges as an Adult link.
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 11:45am
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held Palm Sunday, March 20th at 11:45am, following the 10:25am Palm Sunday service. Chidren from 0-12 years old are welcome to participate in the egg hunt. Older children are needed to help hide the eggs. This event is rain or shine. Visitors and friends are very welcome (you do not need to be member of St. Paul's UCC to participate).
Sensory Sensitive Worship Service
Autism Awareness Sunday
Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 10:25am
April is Autism Awareness month. Many people who fall within the autism spectrum also are challenged by greater sensory sensitivity, which can include greater sensitivity to sound, touch, light, etc.
On Sunday, April 2 at 10:25am, in recognition of the challenges of autism and the desire to be as welcoming and accesssbile as possible, we will be seeking to offer a sensory sensitive worship serivce. At the end of worship, we will be inviting your feedback about how to increase the feeling of welcome and accessibility in St. Paul's UCC.
Our thanks to Melissa Lichtenwalner, who is crafting the liturgy and sermon and leading worship; Rich DiGirolamo, who is crafting the bulletin artwork; Geri Gammel, who is crafting and leading the junior sermon; and Terry Pastor, who is typing everything up and putting it together in the bulletin.
Nicholas Allen Moore - Celebration of Life
Saturday, April 1, 2017 at 1:00pm
Conrad Weiser High School Auditorium
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family, friends, and loved ones of Nick Moore, who passed away Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at St. Joseph's Hospital.
There will be a Celebration of Life Service held on Saturday, April 1 at 1:00pm at the Conrad Weiser High School Auditorium, 44 Big Spring Road, Robesonia, PA 19551.
Memorial Services for family, close friends, and neighbors will be held on Friday, March 31 at 10:00am at his home church, Zion United Church of Christ in Womelsdorf, with Pastor Melissa Burkhart officiating.
Nick has been in the thoughts and prayers of many within our congregation and community. His life, love, joy, humor, talent, music, intelligence, positive attitude, caring, and kindness were inspiring to all. Thank you to those who have been offering prayers. Thank you to those who have given moral, practical, and visitation support to him and his family. Thank you to those who have given financial support for his medical care, especially through the Help Hope Live - Nick Moore Fund. Thank you to our youth for the kites you made him when he returned home from the hospital in the spring of 2015 and for the delivering of the kites.
You can click on this Mull Funeral Home link for his obituary, service details, and guest book. You can click on this Nicholas Allen Moore Facebook Page link to view additional pictures and learn more about this inspiring young man. The Reading Eagle published a newspaper article on March 25, 2017 about Nick, his life, and his passing entitled "Friends, Family Remember Nick Moore" and a May 29, 2015 article entiled "At Long Last, Nick Moore Comes Home" (a Reading Eagle subscription or day pass may be needed to read their full articles on line).
In lieu of flowers, contributions in memory of Nicholas A. Moore, may be made to the "CWHS Musical" c/o Conrad Weiser High School; Attn: Stacy Miller; 44 Big Spring Road, Robesonia, PA 19551.
Five Weeks of Prayer - Cultivating Fruitfulness
Wednesdays 2017
As we engage in a study of the Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations over the course of the five mid-week Wednesday evening worship services, there is an additional option of sharing in five weeks of prayer. For those who are interested, for $8 you can purchase through the church office the book Cultivating Fruitfulness, which has five weeks of daily devotions that match the theme of the evening Wednesday worship services. For more information, please contact Pastor Ben Motz, Terry Pastor, or Pastor Rebecca Knox.
Easter Candy Orders
Order Deadline: Wednesday, March 22
Candy Making: TBD
Order Pickup: Saturday, April 8 or Sunday, April 9, 2017
The 21st Century Christian Women's Fellowship Group will be making Easter candy this April. Order forms are available through the church office or by clicking on this Easter Candy Order Form link. The Deadline to order is Wednesday, March 22.
You may pick up your candy at the church building on Saturday, April 8 from 9:00am to 1:00pm, or on Sunday, April 9 following the 10:25am worship service.
For more information about ordering or helping to make candy, please contact Sue Hiester, chairperson of the 21st Century Christian Women's Fellowship Group.
Ham and Dandelion Dinner
Saturday, March 25, 2017 from 11:00am-2:00pm
A Ham and Dandelion dinner with all the trimmings is set for Saturday, March 25 and sponsored by the Men's Fellowship Group. The dinner will be from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Adults are $10.00 and Children, 6-12 years of age are $4.00. The dinner includes a drink, roll, ham, dandelion with bacon dressing, mashed potaotes, and desert. Take out is available. For more information, please contact Mike Keffer, chairperson.
Girl Scout Sunday
Sunday, March 12, 2017 at 10:25am
All those involved in Girl Scouts U.S.A. are invited to wear their uniforms for this annual celebration. Check with your unit leader to see if she is providing you with a Girl Scout Sunday patch (that varies from year to year and leader to leader). If not, we are more than happy to present you with one on that day. To receive the 2017 Girl Scout Sunday patch from St. Paul's UCC, please use the sign up sheet in the narthex hallway or contact the church office at 610 621-5770 or office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org
Combined Lenten Afternoons
Wednesdays -- March 8 - April 5, 2017 -- at 12:00noon
St. Paul’s UCC will be sharing in worship with the other Conrad Weiser Ministerium churches during Lent. We will have a shared worship service, followed by lunch. (Lunch is provided free of charge by the host churh). The following is the schedule for which church we will be at on which Wednesday.
Wednesday, March 8th at St. Daniels Lutheran Church in Robesonia
Preaching: Rev. Julie Osterhout
Theme: Mary, Mother of Jesus
Wednesday, March 15th at Trinity Lutheran Church in Wernersville - Snow Cancellation
Preaching: Rev. Dr. Benjamin Motz
Theme: Mary Magdalene
Wednesday, March 22nd at St John (Hains’) UCC Church in Wernersville
Preaching: Rev. William Weiser
Theme: Judas Iscariot
Wednesday, March 29th at Trinity Lutheran Church in Robesonia
Preaching: Rev. Dr. Jon Fogle
Theme: Pontius Pilate
Wednesday, April 5th St. Francis De Sales Roman Catholic Church in Robesonia
Preaching: Rev. Rebecca Knox
Theme: Peter
Combined Lenten Evenings
Wednesdays -- March 8 - April 5, 2017
at St. Daniel's Lutheran Church in Robesonia
6:00pm - Free Dinner
7:00pm - Worship
There will be a combined service of St. Paul’s UCC and St. Daniel’s ELCA on Wednesday evenings. St. Daniel’s Lutheran Church in Robesonia will be hosting this year, and Pastor Rebecca Knox and Pastor Benjamin Motz will be taking turns preaching. (The plan is to continue shared Lenten evening worship year after year, rotating which of our two churches hosts the dinner and worship service). There will be a meal at 6:00pm, followed by worship at 7:00pm, with a video and opportunities to discuss with one another the Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. Each week we will focus on a different practice. For the youth, there will be an opportunity to break off from the adults to discuss with one another each of the five practices.
St. Daniel's will be providing the meal and St. Paul's will be provinding the leadership for the youth discussions. If you are interested in helping, please contact chairperson Claudette Mettin or Lynelle Heimbach.
Bring the family on Wednesday evenings, enjoy a meal and a meaningful message, and not need to worry about preparing supper that evening. We realize with various schedules, coming right at 6:00pm will be challenging for some — feel free to stroll in anytime between 6:00-7:00pm to share in something to eat.
The Five Practices (our five weekly themes):
Wednesday, March 8 - Passionate Worship
Wednesday, March 15 - Risk-taking Mission and Service - Snow Cancellation
Wednesday, March 22 - Radical Hospitality
Wednesday, March 29 - Extravagant Generosity
Wednesday, April 5 - Intentional Faith Development
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. The season of Lent includes the 40 days and six Sundays before Easter. It is a season of penitence as we reflect upon our personal sins, which led to the need for the sacrifice of Jesus’ life for us upon the cross. The root word of “Lent” means “to lengthen”, referring to the lengthening of days as we anticipate spring and the new life granted through the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter -- moving from darkness to light.
Our Ash Wednesday worship service will be on Wednesday, March 1 at 6:30pm. We will be offering the imposition of ashes and communion in the pews. Worshipers will have the option of receiving ashes on their foreheads, the back of their hands, or not at all. Click on this "Why Ashes on Ash Wednesday" link to learn more about the use of ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Burning of Palm Branches
Sunday, February 19, 2017 at 9:15am
We will be burning last year’s Palm Sunday’s palm branches during the Sunday school hour on Sunday, February 19 (rain/snow date is February 26). The ashes from the palms will be used for the imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Pastor Ben will be talking about why we use last year’s palm branches for this year’s ashes. We will be outside, so dress appropriately. Pastor Ben will be giving a demonstration of the burning of the palms and the grounding them down into the ashes we will be using for Ash Wednesday.
Visitors, members, neighbors, friends, and persons of all ages are welcome.
If you have palms you would like to donate, you can begin bringing them to the church on February 5.
For more information, please see Pastor Ben, Claudette Mettin (Worship Committee chairperson), or any member of the Worship Committee.
Photo Directory
Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 11:45am
Sunday, January 29 at 11:45am
Sunday, February 5 at 11:45am
Sunday, February 12 at 11:45am
St. Paul's UCC is currently working on creating a new photo directory. To help enhance fellowship and care amongst us, and to help new members get to know us (and us to know them), we are creating a booklet to put names to faces. Each year we hand out address directories to members, this year those directories will include a photo.
We need your help to do so. All you need to do is smile and say "cheese." There is no cost. The first opportunity to have your photo taken will be Sunday, January 22 after worship in Miller Fellowship Hall.
Audra and Donna will be offering opportunities to have your photo taken after worship for at least the next two following Sundays, as well. As another option, you can also send a selfie or other picture of yourself in a jpg format to office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
Rather than hiring a company to create one for us, we will be using the computer software we already own to create this year's photo directory. Our thanks to two new members Audra and Donna who have offered to be our photographers for creating the directory.
For more information, please contact either of them or the Fellowship Committee: Vice Chairperson Georgianna Hildebrand or Consistory Liaison Steve Miller.
Called to Care
Wednesday, February 15, 2017 from 7:00-8:30pm
The Rev. Dr. Jon Fogle of St. John’s Hains UCC in Wernersville will be leading a “Called to Care” workshop at St. Paul’s UCC on Wednesday, February 15 at 7:00pm. “Called to Care” is the UCC program for church members to minister to the sick, hospitalized, grieving, etc members of their church. It is used in many different congregations throughout the country, including at St. John’s Hains UCC.
All are welcome to attend this workshop. There is no fee. We may have some other churches joining us, as well. Pre-registration is not required, but is encouraged. To help Dr. Fogle have an idea of how many participants to prepare for, there is a sign up sheet in the narthex hallway, or you can call or e-mail the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.
If possible all members who have been ordained as an Elder should also attend this workshop (not just the four Elders currently on Consistory).
Currently our Elders make up our lay visitation team. However, following this workshop, we are hoping/planning to expand the lay visitation team to those who: (1) are trained in visitation; (2) approved to visit on behalf of the church by the Spiritual Council; and (3) are cleared to visit by the “SafeConduct” background check process.
For more information, please contact Pastor Ben Motz (Head Elder); Mike Keffer (Elder who schedules the weekly elder visitation list); Geri Gammel (Elder who oversees the quarterly homebound elder visitation list); or any member of the Spiritual Council (Elders on Consistory).
Boy Scout Sunday
Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 10:25am
Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Venture Scouts, and other youth and adults involved in the Boy Scouts of America program are invited to wear their uniforms for this annual celebration.
To receive the 2017 Boy Scout Sunday patch, use the sign up sheet in the narthex hallway by Sunday, January 29; or contact the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.
A Faith In Common
Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 3:00pm
Dr. Lee C. Barrett will be leading a community forum entitled, "A Faith in Common" on Sunday, February 12 at 3:00pm at the Double Tree Hotel, with responses from an interfaith panel. A Faith in Common is an exploration of those elements that humans possess in common which point to a dimension beyond the self.
In an increasingly globalized world, religious traditions seem to be clashing in ways that are increasingly ugly, cruel, and sometimes violent. When they do coexist harmoniously, that civility is often purchased at the expense of their own unique values and convictions. Often believers are encouraged to leave behind the individuating features of their faiths in order to pursue collegiality and concord. We will explore the alternative possibility that religions can mutually enrich one other without sacrificing their own highly particular visions of human flourishing; reciprocal appreciation can be achieved without reducing all religions to the lowest common denominator. In spite of the plurality that must be honored, all religions share at least one common feature: the good life cannot be defined solely in terms of material wealth, health, power, and security. That shared insight can serve as the basis for a rich and lively conversation and a concerted critical engagement with our deadening consumerist culture.
Lee Barrett is the Mary B. and Henry P. Stager Professor of Theology at our UCC Lancaster Theological Seminary where he has taught since September 1993. He holds B.A., M.A., M.Div., and Ph.D. degrees from Yale University.
Location: DoubleTree Hotel; 701 Penn Street, Reading, PA; in the Amphitheatre
This forum is sponsored by the UCC Spiritual Exploration Project. For more information, please contact the Rev. Dr. Harry Serio at HLSerio@aol.com" data-mce-href="mailto:HLSerio@aol.com">HLSerio@aol.com" data-mce-href="mailto:HLSerio@aol.com" data-mce-href="mailto:HLSerio@aol.com" data-mce-href="mailto:HLSerio@aol.com">HLSerio@aol.com">HLSerio@aol.com" data-mce-href="mailto:HLSerio@aol.com">HLSerio@aol.com">HLSerio@aol.com" data-mce-href="mailto:HLSerio@aol.com" data-mce-href="mailto:HLSerio@aol.com">HLSerio@aol.com">HLSerio@aol.com" data-mce-href="mailto:HLSerio@aol.com">HLSerio@aol.com.
Ecumenical Evangelism Workshop
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 from 6:00-8:30pm
Registration By: February 1, 2017

SOUPer Bowl
Sunday, February 5, 2017 at 11:45am
February 5 is SOUPerbowl Sunday! Immediately following worship, we will be having a soup luncheon in Miller Fellowship Hall. Please make your favorite soup, put it in a crock pot with a label (your name and kind of soup), and place it in the kitchen area. After the worship service we will all enjoy the variety of soups prepared along with any donations of bread, crackers, drinks, and desserts.
This is a free meal. Visitors, members, friends, and neighbors are all invited. Whether you are able to bring soup or other food to share with others or not, you are very much invited.
You will have plenty of time to enjoy this meal and see the actual football Super Bowl! (The snow date will be Sunday, February 12).
As the Apostle Luke records in Acts 2:42, "They [those who welcomed the message of Christ] devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." We also come together to be in study of the apostles' teaching during Sunday school, and then in prayer and thanksgiving worship to God for the Good News of Christ, and then in fellowship with one another, which strengthens the bonds that better enable us to serve Christ more fully as his disciples.
For more information please see the January issue of The Herald or contact Beth Miller.
Standing With Our Muslim Neighbors
Friday, February 3, 2017 at 1:00pm
On Friday, February 3 at 1:00pm at the Islamic Center of Reading (18 Noble Street, Reading, PA 19611). We have been welcomed to attend services in support and solidarity with Muslim community of Berks on Jumah (Friday). This inter-faith showing of support has been organized by Atonement Lutheran of Reading as an effort to promote understanding and support for refugees in the Muslim community, and to speak to the Christian principle of welcoming the stranger. We have been invited by Hamid Chaudhry, currently serving as President of the Islamic Center of Reading.
Reclaiming the Great Commission
Tuesday, January 31, 2017 from 6:00-8:00pm
As part of the Five Year Growth Plan, we have adopted the Missional Approach as our philosophy to evangelism and church growth. The Missional Approach to evangelism and church growth is all about reclaiming the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and living out the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-39; Mark 12:28-31; and Luke 10:27).
Pastor Ben will be offering a workshop on the Missional Approach on Tuesday, January 31 from 6:00-8:00pm. This free workshop is open to members and visitors alike. Preregistration is encouraged, so that we can have enough materials photocopied in advance. To register, please use the sign up sheet in the hallway or contact the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.
As part of the Five Year Growth Plan, all Consistory members and Standing Committee Chairpersons should attend, as well as other leaders. If you are a leader who cannot attend on this date, please be in contact with Pastor Ben, as there may be the possibility of scheduling a second opportunity.
Healing Service
Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 10:25am
On Sunday, January 29 during the 10:25am worship service we will share in a time of Prayers of Healing. During this time there will be four options in how to participate in the Prayers of Healing, including: (1) opportunity to light a candle; (2) the opportunity to come forward to kneel and pray near the altar at the chancel rail; (3) the opportunity to be prayed for and annointed with oil; and/or (4) the opportunity to simply remain in your pew. All are welcome to come and be prayed for during this rite of healing -- members and visitors alike are welcome.
In addition, we would be happy to add you to our church's Prayer List or Prayer Chain -- members and nonmembers alike, as we seek to be a community of healing, where all may know the living presence of our loving God and where all may know that they need not journey through the challenges and tribulations of life alone. We pray for God's healing of body, mind, spirit, and relationship; seeking healing according to God's will and wisdom for each of us.
For more information about our periodic healing services, please contact the Worship Committee or the Pastor. Our next healing service is tentatively planned for a Sunday after Easter in the spring.
Installation of New Leadership
Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 10:25am
We will be ordaining and installing our newly elected leadership into their respective positions on Sunday, January 22 during the 10:25am worship service.
We will be installing thirteen leaders, two of whom will be ordained as new Deacons.
Worship will be held in Miller Fellowship Hall this Sunday, in order to more seamlessly share in the fellowship and delicious food of the potluck luncheon.
We hope that you will come and celebrate in this day with them and show them your support and thankfulness for their leadership.
Potluck Fellowship Luncheon
Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 11:45am
Mark your calendars now! We will be having a special winter fellowship luncheon on Sunday, January 22 following the 10:25am worship service. Coffee and drinks will be provided. There is no fee. Visitors are of course very welcome. Whether you are able to bring a potluck dish or not, you are still very welcome.
Ladies, if you have a special dish that you want to try out on someone other than your husband, here is your chance.
For more information, you can contact the Fellowship Committee: Vice Chairperson Georgianna Hildebrand or Consistory Liaison Steve Miller.
Photo Directory
Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 11:45am
Sunday, January 29 at 11:45am
Sunday, February 5 at 11:45am
St. Paul's UCC is currently working on creating a new photo directory. To help enhance fellowship and care amongst us, and to help new members get to know us (and us to know them), we are creating a booklet to put names to faces. Each year we hand out address directories to members, this year those directories will include a photo.
We need your help to do so. All you need to do is smile and say "cheese." There is no cost. The first opportunity to have your photo taken will be Sunday, January 22 after worship in Miller Fellowship Hall.
Audra and Donna will be offering opportunities to have your photo taken after worship for at least the next two following Sundays, as well. As another option, you can also send a selfie or other picture of yourself in a jpg format to office@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org.">office@sprucc.org.
Rather than hiring a company to create one for us, we will be using the computer software we already own to create this year's photo directory. Our thanks to two new members Audra and Donna who have offered to be our photographers for creating the directory.
For more information, please contact either of them or the Fellowship Committee: Vice Chairperson Georgianna Hildebrand or Consistory Liaison Steve Miller.
Special Conference Meeting
New Associate Conference Minister for Congregational Development
Saturday, January 21, 2017 at 1:30pm
A special meeting of the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the UCC has been called for Saturday, January 21 to be held at St. Paul's UCC Amityville in Douglassville, PA. Registration begins at 1:30pm and the meeting begins at 2:00pm.
The purpose of the meeting is to vote on the candidate for the new Associate Conference Minister for Congregational Development position. The candidate is the Rev. Cean James. You can click on this ACM Candidate link to learn more. The announcement can also be found in the Sunday, January 8, 2017 Communitas, which is the PSEC's weekly information bulletin insert.
Our voting delegates include: 2 Adult Lay Delegates; 1 Youth Delegate; and 1 Clergy. As of January 19, we are still looking for an adult lay delegate to attend this meeting. If you are a member who is interested and available to serve as a delegate for this meeting, please contact either: President Terry Pastor; Vice President Mike Keffer; or Pastor Ben Motz.
I Don't Know What You're Talking About
Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 6:00pm
On Tuesday, January 10 from 6:00-6:45pm Pastor Ben is offering a Communications Workshop. This workshop is designed to: (1) help provide you with guidance to help make sure your articles are providing the congregation with the information they need to know what you are talking about and what your activity is all about; (2) go over the format needed to submit articles to the office secretary; and (3) to make sure your articles, posters, and flyers fit the necessary guidelines to be used within St. Paul's UCC.
This workshop is for all elected leaders who have not participated in this workshop in the past few years, as well as anyone who might be interested in communicating within the church through the newsletter, bulletin, flyers, posters, website, facebook, or E-News.
Please note the scheduling of this meeting to increase convenience and attendance of Consistory members, as the January Consistory meeting will begin at 7:00pm following the workshop.
Soup & Such and St. Paul's Clothing Closet
Thursday, January 12 & 26, 2017
Thursday, February 9 & 23, 2017
Twice a month (with the exception of November & December 2016, when there will only be one "Soup & Such" per month), St. Paul's UCC offers "Soup & Such" and the "St. Paul's Clothing Closet."
Soup & Such is a free meal for all served from 4:00-6:00pm.
(Volunteers are welcome to come and help prepare and set up at 2:00pm).
St. Paul's Clothing Closet offers a free bag of gently used children's clothing from 3:30-6:00pm.
More Information
You can click on this Soup & Such link for more information and for this year's schedule, or contact coordinator Claudette Mettin.
You can click on this St. Paul's Clothing Closet for more information, or contact coordinator Robin Henning. We are continually looking for donations of gently used children's clothing.
Acolyte Training
Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 9:15am
During the Sunday school hour on Sunday, January 8 at 9:15am the Worship Committee will be hosting its annual Acolyte Training. This is intended both for those who have not yet served as an acolyte and as a refresher for those who perhaps have been serving as acolytes for years. Plus, we hope that our seasoned, older youth will come to help our newest and youngest youth.
Greeter & Usher Training and Refresher
Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 11:45am
Following the 10:25am worship service on Sunday, January 8 there will be a "Greeter & Usher Training and Refresher" course to be led by the Worship Committee.
This brief course will only take about 45 minutes. It is for all current Greeters, Ushers, and Consistory members, as well as anyone else who might be interested in becoming a Greeter/Usher or learning about the process we use for intentional hospitality to visitors on Sunday mornings. If you haven't taken a course in the past year (prior to 2016), you are strongly encouraged to attend, as there have been changes made since 2015 in the way St. Paul's does greeting and ushering. In addition, we want our expereinced Greeters/Ushers in attendance, as your wisdom and experience can be of great benefit to our newest helpers. Any Consistory member who didn't go through the 2016 Usher Training, including the new Consistory members, should be here for this training or contact the Worship Committee to schedule an alternative date.
If you have any questions about Greeting/Ushering, or if you cannot make it on January 8 and need to schedule an alternative date, please contact the Worship Committee Chairperson Claudette Mettin.
Annual Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner
New Year's Day - Sunday, January 1, 2017 - 11:00am to 2:00pm
The Men's Fellowship Group will cook a feast to start the new year out right. This annual meal starts at 11:00am to 2:00pm. Pork, Sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, applesauce a roll and of course homemade desserts are on the menu. Adults-$10.00, Children(6-12)-$4.00, under six free. Come onct and eat yourself full.
For More information, please contact Mike Keffer, chair of the Men's Fellowship Group.
To view photos from previous years, you can click on the following links:
New Years Day 2016 Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner Facebook Photos
New Years Day 2015 Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner
Annual Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner - Thank You
New Year's Day - Sunday, January 1, 2017 - 11:00am to 2:00pm
Thank you to all who helped with the Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner on New Years Day. With at least 260 tickets sold, we had a record number of people dining with us. We had a few pictures and a wonderful article featured in The Reading Eagle that Monday, January 2. Plus, we made national UCC headlines being featured in the national KYP - Keeping You Posted UCC website. Thank you to all who helped make this such a great event.
Click on this 2017 Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner link to view pictures from this year's event.
For More information, please contact Mike Keffer, chair of the Men's Fellowship Group or Rob Seifrit.
To view photos from previous years, you can click on the following links:
New Years Day 2016 Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner Facebook Photos
New Years Day 2015 Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner
Annual Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner
New Year's Day - Sunday, January 1, 2017 - 11:00am to 2:00pm
The Men's Fellowship Group will cook a feast to start the new year out right. This annual meal starts at 11:00am to 2:00pm. Pork, Sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, applesauce a roll and of course homemade desserts are on the menu. Adults-$10.00, Children(6-12)-$4.00, under six free. Come onct and eat yourself full.
For More information, please contact Mike Keffer, chair of the Men's Fellowship Group.
To view photos from previous years, you can click on the following links:
New Years Day 2016 Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner Facebook Photos