Past News Articles
In the event that you missed the information about a previous event at St. Paul's UCC that you had wanted to know, you might be able to find it here. The following events are listed in order of the most recent at the top of the page and the oldest articles at the bottom of the page.
~ Past Events in 2022 ~
Christmas Day
Christmas Legend
Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 9:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Indoor In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
We hope you will join us this Sunday to celebrate the birth of Christ, and to prayerfully end the calendar year, on this the last Sunday of 2022. Please note that the worship service will begin at 9:15am.
Each year on the Sunday after Christmas, Pastor Ben shares a different Christmas legend with us. What will it be this year? Stay tuned!
Sunday School
There will be NO Youth and Adult Sunday School Classes on December 25, 2022 and January 1, 2023. Click on the following links to check out our Online Children & Youth Sunday School Resources and our Online Sunday School Music to engage in God's word at home.
Christmas Eve
Saturday, December 24, Christmas Eve Services
Early Worship Service - 7:00pm - In-person and Virtual
Midnight Worship Service - 11:00pm - In-person and Virtual
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Saturday = Low
On Christmas Eve we will be having two hybrid worship services.
The first will be at 7:00pm. This service will include the handbell choir, communion, candlelight, Silent Night and other Christmas carols.
The 11:00pm worship service will be different from the first service. This service will begin at 11:00pm and end shortly after midnight on Christmas morning. As a part of this worship service, we will have communion, candlelight, Silent Night, and Joy to the World on Christmas morning.
For more information about the Christmas Eve worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (chair), the church office, or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Christmas Caroling
Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 1:00pm
On Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 1:00pm, we are going to go out Christmas Caroling to the Homebound/Shut-in Members of St. Paul's UCC and Zion UCC.
We have 29 people to visit. If we can get enough people to participate, we plan to break into 2 or 3 groups and carpool in different directions to cover the area.
Please RSVP with Wanda Moore by Friday, December 16, to let her know if you are planning to participate, which will help her in her planning, or RSVP with the church office by Thursday, December 15, so that Geri can pass that information on to Wanda. In addition, Wanda will be ordering pizzas for carolers to enjoy before heading out to carol. The hope is to finish packing bags between 12:00-12:30pm; enjoy pizza around 12:15pm; and then leave the church building by 1:00pm.
We are hoping some of the families with children will help as well, and Wanda has bought 12 reindeer antler headbands for them to wear!
In addition to caroling, we will be delivering bags of goodies. To help put those bags together, please contact Wanda Moore. She plans to have volunteers help on Thursday, December 15 in the afternoon (before choir rehearsal), as well as at 12noon on the day of caroling. We have received donations of Christmas stocking ornaments, candy canes, chocolates, small tissue packs, crackers, and cookies. If there are additional things which you would like to donate, please be in contact with Wanda.
This is a very busy time of year for everyone, but for those people who are Homebound, this Five Minute act of kindness will go a long way to brighten what might be a very lonely time of year for them. We sincerely hope that you can set aside a few hours to participate in this event. Our visits of caroling last year were very meaningful, even bringing tears to some who were visited; they were so touched that we took time to come see them !
Children's Christmas Program
Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Indoor In-person
We hope that you will join us during the worship service on Sunday, December 18th when the Sunday school children will present their version of the Christmas story. The children will be dressing up and singing Christmas songs. Please plan to attend to support the children as we all prepare for Christmas!
For more information, please contact Sheri Rowe, Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee), or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, December 11, 2022 at 11:30am
In-Person or by ZOOM
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, December 11 for those in-person or by Zoom. You may begin logging into the meeting at 11:30am (after the 10:15am worship service).
The two topics of "business" for this annual meeting is: (1) electing the new Consistory members, Chairpersons, and other leadership positions for the upcoming 2023 year; and (2) voting on the "2023 Ministry and Mission Program" (i.e. the 2023 budget). Those documents will be emailed to members prior to the Congregational Meeting.
To log in by computer, smartphone, tablet, or other smart device:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 828 5526 6524
Passcode: 301301
To log in by phone (cell phone or landline):
Call: 1-646-558-8656 (New York, NY)
Meeting ID: 828 5526 6524
Passcode: 301301
When logging in, please include your name in the "Your Name" field. For those using a computer or smart device with a camera, we will count votes by asking you to raise your hand; for those calling in, we will count votes verbally.
For more information about the Annual Congregational Meeting, please contact Sheri Rowe (St. Paul's President of Consistory), Elsa Wertz (St. Paul's Vice President), George McLain (Zion's President of Consistory), or Cory Putt (Zion's Vice President), the church office, or any member of the Consistories.
Youth Group Advisors Meetings
Thursday, December 8, 202 at 5:30pm
The Adult Youth Group Advisors meet on the second Thursday of the month at 5:30pm (half an hour before the youth group meeting). Our adult advisors are approved through our SafeConduct process, and seek to provide a well supervised, safe, fun, and meaningful youth group experience.
For more information about our Youth Group, click on this Youth Fellowship Group link.
Youth Fellowship Group Bi-Monthly Meetings
Held In-Person twice a month from 6:00-7:00pm:
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Thursday, December 29, 2022 - Cancelled
Our regular youth group meetings are on the second and last Thursdays of the month from 6:00-7:00pm, and are intended for grades 5-12 (and/or up to age 21).
During our monthly meetings we have time for fellowship, prayer, learning, fun, and the youth planning for their own upcoming activities, all with appropriate adult supervision (who are approved through our SafeConduct process).
We continue to hold our youth group meetings in-person. If you would like to join by Zoom, please let us know. Fully vaccinated youth and adults do not need to wear a mask while socially distant for youth group activities, all others continue to need to wear a mask while indoors, and optional while socially distant outdoors.
Click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page for more information about our youth group, upcoming youth group activities, additional youth group links, and more.
Soup 'n' Such &
Currently Dine-in or Take Out: Subject to Change
St. Paul's Clothing Closet
Open During Soup & Such
Held on the Last Thursday of the Month
Thursday, December 8 from 4:00 - 6:00pm
Once a month St. Paul's UCC offers "Soup 'n' Such" and "St. Paul's Clothing Closet".
Soup 'n' Such is a free meal for all served from 4:00-6:00pm on the last Thursday of the
Volunteers are welcome to come and help prepare and set up at 3:00pm, and of course are also welcome to share in the meal.
All are welcome to share in this meal -- we do NOT have any income, residency, or religious affiliation requirements.
In addition to food, we are hear to offer prayer. During Soup 'n' Such, we would be happy to be in prayer with you individually and/or add a name and a need to our prayer chain or prayer list.
St. Paul's Clothing Closet offers a free bag of gently used children's clothing for each child in
a family. The Clothing Closet is open during Soup & Such - the last Thursday of the month
from 4:00-6:00pm. If you are unable to come on that particular day, you may set up an
appointment to come at another day/time. Please call the church office at 610-621-5770,
leave your name and phone number, and our coordinator, Robin, will get back to you.
We also accept donations of gently used, clean clothing, in good condition. Clothing may be
placed under the roof at the Pearl Street entrance to the church building (there will be a sign
indicating where to place the bags of clothing), or donations may be made during normal office
hours or Sunday mornings.
Through these two ministries we seek to share live out the teachings of Christ in sharing the love of God in both practical and spiritual ways (Matthew 25:14-46).
We NEED MONETARY DONATIONS. We need members to donate financially to Soup 'n' Such in order to purchase the food to make this distribution of food possible. For more information about making donations, please click on this Supporting Soup 'n' Such link.
More Information
You can click on this Soup 'n' Such link for more information and for this year's schedule, or contact Chief Cook, Steve Miller, or the chairperson of the Mission Committee, Geri Gammel.
You can click on this St. Paul's Clothing Closet for more information, or contact coordinator Robin Henning. We are continually looking for donations of gently used children's clothing.
Robesonia Blood Drive - 2022 Schedule
Next Blood Drive
Thursday, December 1, 2022
The Robesonia Community Blood Drive takes place once a quarter, and rotates among the four Robesonia churches. Our blood drive is done through the Miller-Keystone Blood Center.
Blood Drive Schedule
Please check this site for updates to the blood drive schedule. The following is the listing of the month and location for the upcoming schedule:
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 from 2:00-7:00pm - Cancelled
at St. Francis deSales Catholic Church, Robesonia
Saturday, June 18, 2022 from 8:00am-1:00pm - Cancelled
at St. Paul's UCC, Robesonia
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 from 1:00-7:00pm - Done
at St. Daniel's Lutheran Church, Robesonia
Thursday, December 1, 2022 from 2:00-7:00pm
at Trinity Lutheran Church, Robesonia
The Christmas Fund (Veterans of the Cross)
December 2022
Annually UCC churches across the country receive a special offering for "The Christmas Fund (Veterans of the Cross)." These funds are collected for retired pastors and widows/widowers of pastors who are now in financial need. You can learn more about this fund on our UCC Missions page by clicking on this The Christmas Fund link.
A special envelope along with an article about this offering will be included in the December newsletter. You can also securely donate online by clicking on this Online Giving link, and simply designate your gift as "Christmas Fund" on the "Special Mission" line.
Light In A Darkened World
Advent & December 2022
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Indoor In-person
Throughout the Season of Advent (the four Sundays before Christmas) we share in a different weekly theme of what the advent (anticipated coming) of Christ means for us and for our world.
Sunday, November 27, First Sunday of Advent, at 10:15am - Hope
In a world darkened by anxiety and fear, we find hope in Christ who overcomes for us all that creates darkness.
This worship service will include Holy Communion.
Sunday, December 4, Second Sunday of Advent, at 10:15am - Peace
In a world torn by violence and conflict, we learn of a better path to peace through Christ who forgives, redeems, and unites us.
Sunday, December 11, Third Sunday of Advent, at 10:15am - Joy
In a world of grief and loss, we are led to greater and deeper of times of joy through Christ who strengthens and encourages us.
On this Sunday we will have a special celebration of "The Sacredness of the Greens."
(Our Annual Congregational Meeting will follow at 11:30am).
Sunday, December 18, Fourth Sunday of Advent, at 10:15am - Love
In a world with too much hate and division, we learn to love our neighbor as ourselves through Christ who loves us.
This worship service will also include our children leading our annual children's Christmas program.
Saturday, December 24, Christmas Eve Services - Light
Even as a single candle can bring light to a room, all shadows in our world are dissipated by the light of Christ.
Sunday, December 25, Christmas Day Service
We hope you will join us this Sunday to celebrate the birth of Christ, and to prayerfully end the calendar year, on this the last Sunday of 2022. The worship service will be at 9:15am. There will be no Sunday school.
For more information about the Advent and Christmas Eve worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Poinsettia Orders
Orders Due: Sunday, November 27, 2022
Please consider ordering a poinsettia to add to the beauty of our sanctuary at Christmas and to honor or remember a loved one.
Orders should be received by Sunday, November 27, 2021.
If you do not have time to send in your order, please call the church office at 610-621-5770.
- Using this "Online Giving" link or the green "Online Giving" button to the right of this page. Indicate the amount and on the "Other 1" or "Other 2" line indicate that it is for "Poinsettias".
- You may also make out a check made payable to St. Paul's UCC with a notation on the memo line that it is for "Poinsettias". Please mail or deliver your check to church.
Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service
Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 6:30pm
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = TBA
This will be a combined worship service with Zion UCC, St. Paul's UCC and St. Daniel's Lutheran Church. We will be using St. Paul's Zoom log in numbers.
Join Zoom Worship:
or Join Zoom Worship by phone: 1-646-558-8656 (NY)
Meeting ID: 104 401 368
Passcode: 301301
Please note: When you connect, your phone or device will automatically be on "mute", please leave it on mute throughout the worship service, so that other participants only hear the worship service and not you or other background noise in your home.
Click on the following link for the bulletin of this service:
Bulletin - Wednesday, November 23, 2022 - Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service (coming soon)
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Christ the King Sunday
24th Sunday after Pentecost
The Last Sunday of the Christian Year
Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = TBA
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Christmas Bazaar
Saturday November 19, 2022 from 9:00am until 1:00pm
The Miller Fellowship Hall of St. Paul's UCC will be bustling with the preparations for the Christmas season, as the Christmas bazaar kicks off the holidays. On Saturday, November 19, from 9:00am to 1:00pm we will be having food, a chance to win a raffle basket, and lots of interesting things to purchase.
There will be Homemade candy, soup, bar-b-q, chow chow, baked goods (including cookie trays).
A HUGE basket raffle (baskets, various containers filled with all kinds of items and goodies) and Attic Treasures including Christmas items.
For more information, please contact the church office.
Join us on November 19th. See you there!
PSEC Fall Meeting
Sunday, November 13, 2022 from 3:00-5:30pm - Hybrid: In-Person & Zoom
St. Paul's UCC is a member of the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC) of the United Church of Christ. The annual fall meeting of the PSEC will be on Sunday, November 13. It will be a hybrid meeting. Attendance may be in-person or by Zoom. The meeting will take place at:
Salt & Light Community Church, 5736 Chester Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, 19143
Registration opens at 2:00pm. Meeting begins at 3:00pm. A flyer may be found at this PSEC Fall Meeting Flyer link. Advanced reports may be found at this PSEC Fall Meeting Documents link.
There is no fee for participating in this meeting. Any member of St. Paul's UCC may participate in this Zoom meeting; simply register as a "non-voting visitor" and list your church as "St. Paul's UCC" in "Robesonia."
For more information, please contact our voting delegates Geri Gammel and Jon Henning or contact the church office.
Bible Presentation to Confirmation Class
Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 10:15am
We will be presenting study Bibles and hymnals to the confirmation class students during the 10:15am worship service on Sunday, November 13.
We hope that you will be present for worship on this day to show these young persons seeking to grow as disciples of Christ and as future members of St. Paul's UCC your support in their journey of faith.
Being able to have direct access to the written Word is a central and key belief in our Reformed tradition. Learning and growing in faith by having songs, prayers, and scripture in the home is a foundational belief in our Reformed tradition, especially in our affirmation of the Priesthood of All Believers. Thank you for your tithes which make providing youth with Bibles possible.
The version of the Bible they will be receiving is the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). The NRSV is a direct translation of the Bible (as opposed to a dynamic equivalance). The Bible they are receiving is a study Bible, which includes commentary, maps, and other resources to help them better understand the passages they are reading. It includes the Old Testament, New Testament, and the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical texts. [The NRSV is our primary translation for worship, adult Sunday school and Bible studies, new adult members, and the version teens receive as confirmands].
Harvest Home Sunday
23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 13, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = TBA
Harvest Home will be celebrated on Sunday, November 13, and during our 10:15am worship service we will be blessing the donated gifts and giving thanks to God for the many ways God has blessed us.
We are mainly collecting monetary donations, but nonperishable items for the Conrad Weiser Food Bank are welcome as well. Please be generous in your contributions. The harvest has been good this year and we praise the Lord for all the goodness and blessings he has brought to us. Now it is time to share our blessings by giving to the food bank. Items will be collected until the end of the month, and given to the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry.
About Harvest Home
Harvest Home is about giving thanks to God. Harvest Home is held in the fall, when we receive the final harvest from the fields and orchards of the growing season before the coming of winter. We give thanks to God for the harvest of the year and the bounty we receive (whether that is through food in farming, animals in ranching, paychecks in laboring, or social security and pensions in retirement). All that we are and all that we have comes from God, and we give thanks. An important way that we give thanks is to gather in worship in prayer, praise, song, and scripture. Another important way that we give thanks to share the first fruits of this year's bounty through our church to those in need, enabling others to receive the bounty of God in their lives, as well. Harvest Home reminds us, especially when many of us now purchase food from grocery store shelves rather than directly from fields, that what we receive is from God, and that we are to give thanks -- not just on this day, but each and every day.
For more information about Harvest Home and how and what contributions you can make to help feed the hungry in our community, please contact Geri Gammel, Chair of the Mission Committee.
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
All Saints Sunday
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = TBA
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Trick or Treating in Robesonia - Come for a Treat!
Monday, October 31, 2022 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Stop by the front of the church building on Robesonia's Trick or Treat Night on Monday, October 31 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm to get a sweet treat!
We are inviting members to donate individually wrapped candy in advance for us to hand out. Please bring your donations to church by Sunday, October 23. They should be placed in the orange tub found in the upstairs church hallway. With the bags of candy, we will be including a small flyer sharing some of the ministries within our church that might be of interest to young trick or treaters. We are also looking for persons to help hand out the candy, decorate the front of the church for the evening, and help take down the decorations afterwards. We always have a fun time. If you would be interested in helping with any of that, please contact those on the Evangelism Committee - Robin Henning & Geri Gammel.
Reformation Sunday
21st Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = TBA
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Fire & Ice - Acolyte Training
Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 9:00am
During the Sunday school hour we will have acolyte training for youth to learn how to be an acolyte. This training is for all youth in grades 5 and up.
After worship we plan to have ice cream for all to enjoy (our traditional treat on acolyte training Sunday for our - "fire & ice").
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Consecration Celebration Sunday
20th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Sunday School at 9:00am
Worship at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = TBA
Fellowship Luncheon at 11:30am
Durng the 10:15am worship service on Sunday, October 23 we will be consecrating (blessing) the work of our hands.
After worship we will have a FREE celebration luncheon. So that we can plan for appropriate numbers of guests, please RSVP for the luncheon by contacting the church office at or 610-621-5770.
For questions or more information about the luncheon, please contact Head Deacon Steve Miller.
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Saturday, October 22, 2022 from 12noon to 6pm
We are excited for our first Oktoberfest to be held on Saturday, October 22 from 12:00 to 6:00pm!
Live Music
12:00pm - Margaret Young - Scottish Fiddler
2:00pm - Kermit Ohlinger - Accordion - back by extremely popular demand
4:00pm - Crow Hill - a very popular local band - Bluegrass, Gospel, and more
Food & Drink
Ridgewood Winery - wine tasting
Beer Tent
Traditional Oktoberfest Food
Other Food & Beverages
Other Activities
Two Inflatables for Kids
Craft Tent for Kids - Survival Bracelets - Thriving in Faith
Prayer Station
Tethered Hot Air Balloon Rides - from 4:00-6:00pm (wind/weather permitting)
For more information and to help with this event, please contact the Men’s Fellowship Group, chaired by Brian Keppley, or contact Head Deacon - Steve Miller.
19th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = TBA
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
18th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = TBA
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Duncan's Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch
Sunday, October 2, 2022 at 3:45pm
A trip has been planned to visit Duncan's Corn Maze on Sunday afternoon, October 2nd. This is open to family and friends of all ages. Duncan's Corn Maze is located at 30 Quarry Road, Robesonia. Enjoy the corn maze, visit the pumpkin patch, or just hangout and enjoy snacks by the campfire. Little ones can enjoy the slide, haybales, and corn box.
We will be gathering near the maze entrance at 3:45pm. We will register as a group in order to get the group rate of $9.00/person (6 years old and up). Children 5 and under are free. Every year the maze has a different theme. The 2022 theme is Animal Rescue League. Join us for a fun afternoon!
World Communion Sunday
17th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 2, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = TBA
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
16th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 25, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
You can watch this worship service live or from our library by clicking on this "My Heart is Breaking for the Children of God" link.
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Confirmation Class Begins
Sunday, September 18, 2022 at 6:00pm
Confirmation helps youth and young adults learn some basics of the Christian faith including reading the Bible, prayer, worship, mission outreach, etc., and help them to decide for themselves if they would like to be a part of the Christian faith.
The recommended age to begin confirmation is 8th grade; teens and young adults from 7th grade through college are also welcome.
This school year's confirmation class program begins on Sunday, September 18 at 6:00pm and goes until 7:30pm. The first class is for students and their parents.
Please preregister for this class, so we can be sure to have enough materials for the first day, by contacting the church office at 610-621-5770 by Sunday, September 4.
For more information, click on this Confirmation Class Program link, which will take you to our the page on our site dedicated to the confirmation program.
Ketchup Sunday
15th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Sunday School at 9:00am
Worship at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = TBA
Fellowship Luncheon at 11:30am
After worship on Sunday, September 18 we will be celebrating in our annual "Ketchup Sunday", with hot dogs, ketchup, and other refreshments.
We hope this fellowship time will give us a chance to catch-up with each other after our summer vacations. To help with catching up, you are invited to email the church office pictures from your summer vacation at If you have multiple picures, please do send them to the church. We will include them in a summer vacation slide show which will be presented during the fellowship time.
Ketchup Sunday is also about catching up with our missed offerings. If you look through your offering envelope packet, you may find a few from the summer that you haven't yet used. If so, you are invited and encouraged to bring those with you on September 18 (with an offering in them) and place them in the offering plate to be blessed and uplifted to God, and in doing so "Catch-Up" in your support of Christ's ministries through his church. If you cannot attend, you may also mail those offerings to the office or contribute electronically.
Whether you submit pictures or not, and whether you bring your envelopes or not, we hope that you will come, join in the refreshments, and catch up with your church family as we begin the fall.
Moving Forward - Better Together
Congregational Updates
Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 11:30am
On Sunday, September 11 at 11:30am (right after the 10:15am worship service), the combined Moving Forward Committee will be hosting an informal informational congregational meeting to give updates on our process and progress. During the meeting, the Naming Sub-committee will give an update on the results of the last round of congregational input on narrowing down the possible names of the potential new church.
For more information about this process, please click on this Moving Forward - Better Together link.
For more information about the Sunday, September 11 meeting, please click on this Moving Forward September 11, 2022 Meeting Announcement link. This announcement can also be found in the September newsletter.
For the latest article from the September newsletter about this process, please click on the Moving Forward, Together & Beyond - September Updates link.
This will be a hybrid meeting. For those unable to come in person, who would like to attend via Zoom, below is the log-in information for St. Paul's UCC. Please note, this meeting will start with both congregations in the same room together, and then we will meet in separate rooms, and therefore there are separate Zoom numbers for St. Paul's UCC and Zion UCC members.
For the congregation of St. Paul’s UCC:
Meeting ID: 104 401 368
Passcode: 301301
For people joining with telephone, choose one of these numbers:
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Sunday School Resumes
14th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 11, 2022
Sunday School at 9:00am
Sunday Worship at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
From Memorial Day to Labor Day, our Sunday school program takes a brief pause, and our teachers come back re-energized in the fall.
We have classes for adults and youth. Classes resume at 9:00am and go until 9:45am..
For information about our worship services or our Sunday school program, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
13th Sunday after Pentecost
Labor Day Weekend
Sunday, September 4, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
12th Sunday after Pentecost
Blessing of the Backpacks
Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
All preschool, school age youth, and college and graduate students are welcome and invited to bring their school backpacks with them to worship on this Sunday for a "Blessing of the Backpacks," as we send students back to school with our prayers. Visitors, friends, members, and students of all ages are welcome to bring their backpacks and participate in the blessing.
During this worship service we will also have special prayers for students, school teachers, and Sunday school teachers as they begin the new school year.
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
11th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 21, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Worship at Knoebels Amusement Park
Sunday, August 14, 2022 at 10:30am
We will be gathering for worship at Knoebels Amusement Park in Elysburg, PA at Pavilion Tent #4 on the second Sunday of August at 10:30am.
Friends, family, visitors are all very welcome to participate. There is NO park admission fee. There is NO parking fee. You need only to pay for ride tickets (for whatever rides you may wish) and any food you may wish to purchase there.
Schedule at the Park
10:00am - begin to gather at Pavilion Tent #4
10:30am - worship at the pavilion
11:00am - pool opens
12:00pm - park opens
6:00pm - pool closes
8:00pm - park closes
Virtual Worship at St. Paul's on August 14
For those who are unable to journey with us to Knoebels, we are planning to have a worship service in the sanctuary of St. Paul's UCC at 10:15am.
Previous Year's Photos
To view photos from previous year's click on the following links:
Knoebels 2016 - Facebook Photos
Knoebels 2015 - Website Photos
Knoebels 2015 - Facebook Photos
Knoebels 2014 - Website Photos
Knoebels 2014 - Facebook Photos
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 14, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Annual Car Show
Saturday, August 13, 2022 from 10:00am to 3:00pm
St. Paul's Annual Car Show will take place rain or shine on Saturday, August 13 from 10:00am to 3:00pm. The show will take place behind the church in the grass lot. There will be four classes of cars to be judged: Antique, Classic, Modified and Special Interest.
Five trophy awards will be presented. If you would like to pre-register, please do so by August 7, 2022. You may also register on the same day as the show. Either way, the cost is $10.00 per car. The first 100 cars to register will receive a free gift. Food will be available for purchase during the event.
To obtain the registration form, please click on this registration link. You may then download and print the form. Please follow the instructions found on the form. If you would like a form sent to you, please call the church at 610-621-5770.
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 7, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 31, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 24, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 17, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 10, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 3, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Eagle Scout Award Presentation
Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 6:00pm
Steven Motz, a member of St. Paul's UCC, completed his Eagle Scout rank in December 2019, but due to the coronavirus has not yet had the opportunity to have a ceremony to be awarded the rank.
His Eagle Scout project was setting up the Live Stream technology, software, and hardware upon which we so greatly rely during this pandemic.
This was previously rescheduled from May 2020, to the summer of 2020, and then to May 2021, then fall 2021, the winter 2021, and now winter/spring of 2022 as we were hoping for a day when the pandemic numbers are low to have a presentation celebration. Finally the pandemic numbers are low. A presentation celebration will take place on Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 6:00pm.
Congratulations Steven Motz!!
Third Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Father's Day
Sunday, June 19, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Low
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Vacation Bible Study (VBS)
Monday, June 13, 2022 to Thursday, June 16, 2022 from 5:30 - 8:00pm
Vacation Bible School is coming! This joint event, sponsored by the churches of St. Paul, Zion and St. Daniel, will take place the second full week in June. It will be an evening event that starts at 5:30pm and concludes at 8:00pm at St. Paul's UCC Church Building. This year's program is entitled Discovery on Adventure Island. Youth from 3 years old and up to about age 11 (those entering 6th grade in the fall) are invited to attend.
Discovery on Adventure Island VBS invites everyone to explore the ways that God's great light shines in the world, and shows them how they can reflect that light in their own lives. From a whimsical lighthouse on an enchanted island, Explorers (the children) are guided by a Lighthouse Keeper on an exciting quest to find five mysterious Infinity Lanterns (Love, Trust, Faith, Joy, Hope) to help light their way. Using map coordinates from their Reference Book (the Bible), children discover clues to finding each Lantern while learning how God's light shines in the lives of familiar biblical characters in Old and New Testament stories.
To register for this event please click on the this Discovery on Adventure Island VBS link. It will take you to pdf registration form. Please fill it out, print it and send it to: St. Paul's UCC, 301 W. Penn Avenue, Robesonia, PA 19551. You may also save the completed form on your computer and email it to the church at If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the church. Leave a message if no one answers and the VBS director, Geri Gammel, will call you back.
Trinity Sunday
Sunday, June 12, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Moderate
Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost, a festival which is widely celebrated in the Western Church. It honors the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus' apostles and followers. In Christian doctrine of the Trinity, we celebrate the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the one Godhead. This is considered to be one of the central mysteries and Christian affirmations about God.
Trinity is a doctrine or belief that is found only in the Christian faith; but not all who identify as Christian accept the Trinitarian concept of the Godhead. Jehovah's Witnesses and the Unitarian Church speak of God as one and only one. But then, those who speak in Trinitarian terms are rarely speaking God as anything but One. Yet this oneness is expressed in terms of three expressions of One God. God expresses God's self in three ways: as a Father, as the Son and as the Holy Spirit. Is it too simple to say it is similar to the reality of a father, a son, a husband being one and the same person? Perhaps this image will help us as we try to understand this Holy Mystery.
The festivals in the Christian Church are generally in remembrance of something that happened. For example, Christ was born, Christ died, Christ rose again, the Holy Spirit descended on the early Church. But the festival of the Holy Trinity is a festival centering on a doctrine of the Church rather than something that happened in history. It celebrates one of the deepest mysteries of our faith, that the Eternal God, who is eternally One, has revealed Self in three ways: as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, yet remains One holy and eternal God, Creator, Sustainer and Provider.
This doctrine of the Trinity is not explicit in any of the books of the New Testament. There are, however, several formulas:
Matthew 28:19 - Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
II Corinthians 13:14 -The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
I Corinthians 12:4-5 - There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
I Peter 1:2 - who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to be obedient to Jesus Christ and sprinkled with his blood:
Revelation 1:4-5 - Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.
So, let us gather in worship of God who comes to us as Creator and Sustainer of our lives, not only on Trinity Sunday, but all Sundays of the Church Year. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
For more information about this worship service or other services, please contact the Worship Committee including Terry Pastor (Chairperson).
Pentecost Sunday
Sunday, June 5, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Moderate
Pentecost is the day that commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus' disciples as recorded in the New Testament of the Bible. It also marks the birth of the Christian Church.
It was on the 50th day after Easter when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles as they were praying together. They received the Spirit's gift of speaking in various languages (tongues), and they immediately began preaching about Jesus Christ to the Jewish people who had gathered in masses in Jerusalem from all over the world. The crowds were in the city for the Feast of Shavuot.
For more information about this worship service or other services, please contact the Worship Committee including Terry Pastor (Chairperson).
Wine & Strawberry Festival
Saturday, June 4, 2022 from 3:00-6:00pm
Zion UCC & St. Paul's UCC will be offering our community a Wine & Strawberry Festival on the first Saturday of June from 3:00-6:00pm.
We are planning live music, a bouncy house and inflatible slide for kids, wine tasting from local wineries (including strawberry wine slushies), hot dogs, popcorn, and of course strawberries, cake and ice cream.
To help with the festival in general, please contact Cory Putt of Zion UCC. To help cook and serve food, please contact Brian Keppley, chair of St. Paul's UCC Men's Fellowship. To help with bouncy house and advertising, please contact Robin Henning, member of St. Paul's UCC Evangelism Committee.
Pennsylvania Southeast Conference Annual Spring Meeting
Friday, June 3, 2022, 9:00am - Saturday, June 4, 2022, 5:30pm
“Living the Jesus Life — Contemplatives in Action” is the theme of this year’s Annual Spring Conference meeting to be held at West Chester University. We will meet in person for a time of soulful recovery and revival amid the exhaustion created by the pandemic and the new realities to which we’ve had to adapt. Spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, scripture study) and active living (ministering to the needs of our communities) unite us for a weekend of living together the Jesus life.
As Conference Minister Bill Worley says, "Living the Jesus Life is simply about joining with Jesus’ teaching, healing, and solidarity with others in a life of prayer, worship, and intimate experiences of the Holy. Jesus often went away from the busyness of the crowds to be at one with God. This enabled his public witness, formed disciples, created inclusive community, exemplified self-giving love, and nonviolent resistance. His life of integrated contemplation and action is the model for our living and our Annual Meeting. Spiritual practices (prayer, meditation, scripture study) and active living (ministering to the needs of our communities) unite us for a weekend of living together the Jesus life."
For more information, please contact our delegates: Jon Henning and Geri Gammel.
Zoom Worship - As of June 1, 2022: No longer offered
You can also connect to the worship service via "Zoom," and watch on a computer or just listen through your landline or cell phone. Below is the connection information that you need for the upcoming worship service.
Zoom Worship for Summer Sundays (June, July, August) at 9:30am
Zoom Worship for Regular Sundays (September - May) at 10:15am
Join Zoom Worship:
or Join Zoom Worship by phone: 1-646-558-8656 (NY)
Meeting ID: 104 401 368
Passcode: 301301
Please note: When you connect, your phone or device will automatically be on "mute", please leave it on mute throughout the worship service, so that other participants only hear the worship service and not you or other background noise in your home. For children's sermon, the pastor or other worship leader may ask parents/guardians to unmute their device for the children's sermon, so the youth can interact - if interested in doing so; please set it back to mute at the end of the children's sermon.
Zoom Worship for Maundy Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 6:30pm
Please note: Zion UCC will be hosting the Zoom call for our combined Maundy Thursday worship service. As such, the meeting and passcode numbers will be different than those used for our regular Sunday worship.
Join Zoom Worship:
or Join Zoom Worship by phone: 1-646-558-8656 (NY)
Meeting ID: 889 4662 4289
Passcode: 579687
Bible Study - The Book of Acts
Select Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm
Hybrid: Zoom & In-person in the Miller Fellowship at church
June 1, 2022 - Last Session before Summer Break
Will Resume in September 2022
We continue to have our Wednesday evening Bible study using the book, Acts 1-12: God Moves in the Early Church, written by Chuck and Winnie Christensen. This study teaches about the beginning of the Christian Church after Jesus ascended into heaven. It was a time when the disciples needed to begin making decisions and providing leadership without Jesus being physically there with them to lead the church.
All in our community are welcome to participate. There is no fee to participate. Although it would be nice to have the study book, it is not necessary to participate. However, a Bible will be needed (any version). If you do not have a Bible, come to the church to participate, and a Bible will be supplied. The study is being hosted at St. Paul's UCC, led by Pastor Mary Etta Mest, and is a combined study by Zion UCC and St. Paul's UCC. It will be a hybrid study and go from 6:30-7:20pm. Those who would like to participate from home should use the Zoom information found below. Those who would like to participate in person should come to the church. A large screen will be set up in the Miller Fellowship Hall. The schedule will be as follows:
October 20, 2021
October 27, 2021
November 17, 2021
December 15, 2021
(Not December 22 or December 29)
January 19, 2022
January 26, 2022
February 16, 2022
February 23, 2022
Temporary Break in the Series from Ash Wednesday to Easter
for 6:30pm Wednesday Evening Lenten Worship
April 20, 2022 - starting at Chapter 6
April 27, 2022
May 4, 2022
May 11, 2022 (No study on May 18)
May 25, 2022
June 1, 2022 (last study before summer break; will resume in the Fall)
We will meet several times. During each meeting we will try to cover 2 sessions found in the Bible Study book.
The same Zoom numbers will be used each week.
To join the Zoom meeting use the following:
Meeting ID: 874 5212 4156
Passcode: 783249
For people joining with telephone, choose one of these numbers:
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
For more information, please contact Terry Pastor, who provides leadership of our Christian Education Committee.
Lectionary Bible Study
Tuesdays from 9:00-9:45am
May 31, 2022 - Last Session before Summer Break
Will Resume September 6, 2022
This Bible Study, hosted weekly by Zion UCC in Womelsdorf, studies scripture passages following the weekly calendar of the Revised Common Lectionary.
You may use any version of the Bible. The study goes from 9:00 to 9:45am most of the time (occassionally it may go a little longer). No additional book is need. There is no cost to participate, and there is no pre-registration. This is by Zoom Only. For more information contact the church office of St. Paul's UCC or Zion UCC.
Zoom Login: Call 1-301-715-8592 (Washington, DC) or 1-646-558-8656 (New York)
Meeting ID: 874 5212 4156; Passcode: 783249
Reunion by Zoom
Sunday, May 29, 2022 at 7:00pm
Zion UCC is having a congregational reunion conversation by Zoom. The members of St. Paul's UCC are also invited. The Meeting ID is 874 5212 4156; Passcode: 783249.
This will be a great way to catch up with others, especially if you live outside the area, are homebound, or have not yet been able to return to in-person worship.
For more information, please contact Pastor Mary Etta Mest or the church office (610-621-5770).
Ascension Sunday
7th Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 29, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & In-person
COVID Safety Precaution Level for this Sunday = Moderate
On Sunday, May 29 we will have our annual celebration of the Ascension of Jesus Christ.
Ascension Day is celebration of the day when Jesus took his disciples to Bethany and blessed them, as he was lifted up into heaven. This was forty days after Easter Sunday, and ten days before Pentecost. After Jesus was lifted into heaven, the disciples gathered in worship with great joy! This was the last day that Jesus would be physically walking the earth with his disciples, and we are reminded in this scripture by two men in white robes (presumably angels) that Jesus would in the future return in the same way in which he was seen going into heaven.
The Ascension Sunday worship service includes the ceremony of extinguishing the Paschal Candle, which has been lit every Sunday during the season of Easter, symbolizing that Jesus is no longer physically present with us, for he has ascended! From Pentecost through Epiphany, the Paschal Candle will be placed near the baptismal font, symbolizing that it is through our baptism that we ascend with Christ. During the rest of the church year, we will only be lighting the Paschal Candle for baptisms and funerals/memorials, as a part of that symbolism of ascending with Christ at the time of our earthly death, through our baptism.
We will also be sharing in pew communion together, gathering together as one body, as the disciples did on that day of Ascension.
This is an important day for all of the disciples of Christ to gather together as one body. For it is a day that we show one another our mutual support, and our life together as the Body of Christ here on earth, now that he has Ascended. It is important for us to follow the example of those first disciples, and gather, worship, pray, and fellowship together on this day to prepare for the Holy Spirit coming into our lives. It is also important for us to gather together and be centered on the Spirit, for as we are about to enter the longest season of the church (Pentecost), the Holy Spirit is about to send us out into the world in mission and ministry, and we need the strength of the Spirit and the support of one another to faithfully live out God’s calling in that season.
We hope for all to gather together in worship, praise, prayer, and fellowship, as we celebrate the Ascension of our Lord! Alleluia!
For more information about this worship service or other services, please contact the Worship Committee including Terry Pastor (Chairperson).
Soup 'n' Such &
Currently Dine-in or Take Out: Subject to Change
St. Paul's Clothing Closet
Open During Soup & Such
Last Thursday of the Month
May - Thursday, May 26 from 4:00 - 6:00pm
Special Joint Congregational Meeting
Sunday, May 22 - Following the Worship Service
Following the worship service on Sunday, May 22 at approximately 11:30am, there will be an informational congregational meeting for the Naming Sub-Committee to share with our congregations the results from the "Naming Survey".
At this meeting, we also plan to present a "straw poll" about the overall moving forward together process. A straw poll is non-binding. The purpose is to give the Moving Forward Together (MFT) Committee an idea or a sense of our members' perspective on continuing with the process. The wording of the straw poll is still being discerned and developed, but in the meantime, we wanted everyone to mark their calendars for this date.
6th Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
This is the last day for Sunday school before taking a break over the summer. Usually once Sunday school goes on break, the worship service time changes to an earlier hour. However, it was decided at a recent Consistory meeting that the worship time for the summer would remain at 10:15am. Please make a note of the changes.
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
5th Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 15, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Youth Group Advisors Meetings
Thursday, May 12, 2022 - Cancelled*
*Unfortunately the May 12 meeting date needed to be cancelled. The Advisors will next meet on Thursday, June 9.
For more information about our Youth Group, click on this Youth Fellowship Group link.
Youth Fellowship Group Bi-Monthly Meetings
Thursday, May 12, 2022 from 6:00-7:00pm - Cancelled*
*Unfortunately the May 12 meeting date needed to be cancelled. However, we will meet on the next scheduled meeting date of Thursday, May 26 at 6:00pm. See you then!
Click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page for more information about our youth group, upcoming youth group activities, additional youth group links, and more.
Good Shepherd Sunday
4th Sunday of Easter
Mother's Day & Festival of the Christian Home
Sunday, May 8, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
Happy Mother's Day to all of our moms! A delicious treat will be handed out to all the ladies of the church after the worship service.
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
3rd Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
For information about our worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Matching Funds
Contribute By: May 1, 2022
We are excited to share with you that we are being granted up to $5,000.00 for a “Matching Fund Campaign.” Every dollar that individuals give to the Matching Fund (above their usual contributions), from February 1 through May 1, 2022, will give us a dollar in grant money, up to $5,000.00.
You can contribute by: (1) putting a donation in an envelope and marking it “Matching Fund”; (2) sending a check to St. Paul’s UCC, 301 West Penn Ave, Robesonia, PA 19551 with “Matching Fund” written in the memo line; or (3) click on this “online giving” link to make a secure donation by entering “Matching Fund” and your amount in the "Other 1" or "Other 2" donation fields.
This is a great opportunity to financially support the ministries of St. Paul's UCC. Please prayerfully consider how much God might be leading you to contribute to this matching fund to support the mission and ministries of His church. The only way that we can receive any money from this grant is through your donations; the only way that we can receive the full $5,000 is by individuals contributing a total of $5,000. Thank you for your donations and your efforts to help us receive the full amount possible through this grant.
For more information, please contact Steve Miller, Head Deacon; Terry Pastor, Treasurer; or Jon Henning, Assistant Treasurer. Additional information can also be found in the February 2022 issue of The Herald.
Precautions Due to the Coronavirus
We are taking a number of precautions here at St. Paul's United Church of Christ in response to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus), while simultaneously still seeking to provide meaningful, appropriate, and important spiritual support, especially in such times when there is fear, anxiety, and illness. We thank you for your understanding, patience, support, and prayer as we seek to discern how best to be in ministry in this moment of time.
Please look at the below upcoming events for changes in activities.
You can find a summary of our precautions and COVID-19 updates on our News page by clicking on this Coronavirus Precautions link.
Please continue to check here and on our Cancellation Page for information about cancellations.
Reunion by Zoom
Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 7:00pm
Zion UCC is having a congregational reunion conversation by Zoom. The members of St. Paul's UCC are also invited. The Meeting ID is 874 5212 4156; Passcode: 783249.
This will be a great way to catch up with others during these COVID-times, especially if you live outside the area, are homebound, or have not yet been able to return to in-person worship.
For more information, please contact Pastor Mary Etta Mest.
Holy Humor Sunday - Good News
2nd Sunday of Easter
Sunday, April 24, 2022 at 10:15am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live & Zoom
In the midst of all the bad news we've heard and seen in the media over the past couple of years, and especially in the past few months, we could all use some "Good News." And, that is what Jesus brings us -- Good News!
Each year we pick a different theme and this year's Holy Humor theme will be "Good News." As always we will have humor during worship, as well as activities for youth. You are invited to come dressed for the theme in what good news means for you. Perhaps that is: necktie or t-shirt with your kids or grandkids, it's good news to hear of their birth; or a t-shirt with your favorite rock band, it's good news when they have a concert; or a favorite sports team jersey, it's good news when they win; shirt representing a favorite activity, it's good news when the weather is right for golf, camping, hiking, fishing, playing tennis, gardening, going for a bike ride, etc.; or a tie or t-shirt about your Christian faith, sharing the Good News of Jesus.
Come and hear a message about the Good News that Christ brings to all of humanity.
What is Holy Humor Sunday?
Holy Humor Sunday is an opportunity to let our hair down - way down - with a very upbeat and fun service, following the somber season of Lent. It is a day of humor and light-hearted fun.
Holy Humor Sunday shares its roots with that of April Fool’s Day. When Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, he defeated death, and in doing so the Great Deceiver (i.e. the Devil) was deceived - bested by the best trick ever. From deceiving the Great Deceiver on Easter, April Fool’s Day came to be celebrated on April 1st, and Holy Humor Sunday came to be most commonly celebrated on the Sunday following Easter Sunday.
This ancient Easter custom was begun by the Greeks in the early centuries of Christianity. For centuries Holy Humor Sunday has been celebrated by Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant countries going by a variety of names, including "Bright Sunday" (the Sunday after Easter) and “days of joy and laughter” with parties and picnics the week after Easter to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Churchgoers and pastors played practical jokes on each other, drenched each other with water, told jokes, sang, and danced.
The custom was written about by early church theologians, including Augustine, Gregory of Nyssa, and John Chrysostom. These theologians called it “Risus paschalis - the Easter laugh,” referring to God playing a practical joke on the devil by raising Jesus from the dead.
The custom began to fade by the mid 1900s in many churches. In 1988 the Fellowship of Merry Christians, which bi-monthly publishes The Joyful Noiseletter, began to encourage churches to resurrect “Bright Sunday” celebrations and to call it “Holy Humor Sunday.” The first theme they encouraged was: “Jesus is the LIFE of the party.” The Fellowship of Merry Christians encourages churches in general to uplift the joy and humor found in scripture and in our Christian faith. You can learn more on their website at:
St. Paul’s UCC has been celebrating Holy Humor Sunday annually since 2014. Previous themes and pictures from those worship services can be found on the “Photos” page of our website.
The Worship Committee begins considering themes each January for the next Holy Humor Sunday, and we welcome individuals to share ideas. For the past few years our youth group or confirmation class came up with and developed the theme
For more information, contact any member of the Worship Committee (Terry Pastor, Chairperson) or contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">
Previous Holy Humor Themes
You can view pictures from some of our previous years by clicking on the following links:
2021 Holy Humor Sunday - There's No Business Like God's Business - Live Stream Worship
2020 Holy Humor Sunday - Cancelled due to COVID-19
2019 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Drawn to Christ"
2018 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Medieval"
2017 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Game On!"
2016 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Come Fishing"
2015 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: “From Zeroes to Heroes”
2014 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "A Childlike vs A Childish Faith"
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 17, 2022
6:15am - Sunrise Worship
In-person Only
Our Easter Sunrise worship service will begin outdoors around a fire with candlelight, right before sunrise, and conclude in the sanctuary. There will be the processional of the cross, the return of the light to the sanctuary, and Holy Communion.
Because this worship service begins outdoors and ends in the sanctuary, this year's sunrise worship service will be in-person only. However the 10:15am worship service will be hybrid.
9:00am - Sunday School
We will have our usual Sunday school classes for all ages at our usual 9:00am time.
10:15am - Worship
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
Our second Easter worship service will take place at our regular time 10:15am. We will have a children's sermon, regular sermon. children's bulletins, available nursery, the choir, the bell choir, and Holy Communion. Join us for the celebration of the resurrection of Christ.
For more information about our Easter worship services, please contact any member of the Worship Committee (Terry Pastor Chairperson and Sheri Rowe Liaison).
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 6:30pm
On Maundy Thursday Jesus gathered with the disciples for the Feast of Passover. They shared in a meal. He took bread, blessed it and broke it, and instituted the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). He then took his disciples to a garden to pray, where he was betrayed and crucified.
On Thursday, April 14 at 6:30pm, we will begin worship in the Fellowship Hall at table with one another. We will have a free light meal and communion. Then we will process to the sanctuary for Tenebrae - the service of shadows - where we will pray, hear the last words of Christ, and strip the altar in preparation of his crucifixion, as the sanctuary slowly becomes shrouded in darkness.
We hope you will join us for this meaningfully spiritual service.
The meal is provided by the church; there is no charge for the meal, and there is no need to bring any food along with you. As always, visitors, friends, and members are all equally welcome.
(Please note, with having Tenebrae included in our Maundy Thursday worship service, we will not be having a separate Good Friday worship service).
Due to the logistics of starting in the fellowship hall and moving to the sanctuary, this worship service will be live only. However, we will reply last year's virtual worship service on our YouTube Live Stream & Phone Stream, so that those remaining at home may still participate in the scripture lessons, music, and worship of Maundy Thursday.
Palm/Passion Sunday
6th Sunday in Lent
Sunday, April 10, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
The Sunday before Easter is "Palm Sunday" and "Passion Sunday." Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Passion Sunday commemerates the beginning of Holy Week.
We will have our traditional "Blessing of the Palms" this Sunday, and we will have enough palms for everyone to be able to take a blessed palm branch home with them.
For information about the Lenten worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Easter Egg Hunt
Sunday, April 3, 2022 - Deadline to receive Egg Hunt Candy
Sunday, April 10, 2022 at 9:00am - Egg Hunt
St. Paul’s is holding their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 10, during our regularly scheduled Sunday school time for the youth ages 0-12. Yes, friends, family, neighbors, are all certainly invited.
We are asking for donations of individually wrapped candy to put into plastic eggs. We are requesting NO hard boiled eggs this year. Please place your candy donations into the basket or container located upstairs in the church. In order to have enough time to fill the plastic eggs, please bring your candy to the church no later than Sunday, April 3rd. Thank you!
For more information, please contact coordinator Laurie Ostimchuk or Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee or the church office at 610-621-5770.
5th Sunday in Lent
Sunday, April 3, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
The handbell choir will be opening our service this week. Join us as we prepare for Holy week.
A short congregational meeting will foolow the service.
For information about the Lenten worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Important Soup 'n' Such Meeting
Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 6:00pm
There will be an important meeting after Soup & Such. At the meeting we will discuss ways that we can involve more people in the various roles involved with Soup 'n' Such. We are looking at having a more team approach to cooking, serving, clean-up, prayer, etc. The Youth Group meeting which normally follows Soup & Such will be absorbed into the Soup & Such meeting.
For more information, please contact Steve Miller or Geri Gammel (Mission Committee Chair).
Reunion by Zoom
Sunday, March 27, 2022 at 7:00pm
Zion UCC is having a congregational reunion conversation by Zoom. The members of St. Paul's UCC are also invited. The Meeting ID is 874 5212 4156; Passcode: 783249.
This will be a great way to catch up with others during these COVID-times, especially if you live outside the area, are homebound, or have not yet been able to return to in-person worship.
For more information, please contact Pastor Mary Etta Mest.
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
Sunday, March 27, 2022 during worship
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) supports partners in countries with ministries that fund health, education and agricultural development, emergency relief, refugee ministries and both international and domestic disaster response, administered by Wider Church Ministries, Global Sharing of Resources.
This is one of our national UCC "Five for Five" annual offerings, and is received on the Fourth Sunday of Lent.
At the beginning of March fish banks were handed out to help support OGHS. We are hoping and asking everyone who took a bank to return them full to the church on Sunday, March 27, 2022. You see, when you give to OGHS, you deploy resources to people in need all around the world, and in our own communities. When man-made or natural disasters strike, love responds. Not just for the immediate future, but for the long haul. When you give to OGHS, you are working alongside families to restore not only structures, but hope. Your giving ensures that no matter how difficult the situation, Love remains.
And now these three remain:
faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
Easter Flowers
Order Due Date: March 27, 2022
Pick Up: Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022 after the 10:15am worship service
Flowers sprouting out of the ground are signs for us as Christians of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter, and the rebirth to new life we experience through him. Flowers also add to the beauty of the Easter season at St. Paul's UCC. The Decorating Committee is taking orders for potted Easter Flower plants to put on display in the sanctuary for Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior! Dedication of the flowers to honor or remember special loved ones will be printed in the Easter Sunday bulletin.
To place an order please click on this Easter Flower Order Form link.
Print out the form and send it to the church along with your payment. Please note the details found on the order form. All orders must be paid for when placed. Paper copies of the order form are also available on the upstairs hallway table at church, or you may contact the church office and a copy will be sent to you. All orders are due Sunday, March 27. Paper copies should be mailed to the church at:
St. Paul's UCC, 301 West Penn Avenue, Robesonia, PA 19551
Thank you in advance for placing an order!
You may take home your flowers after the 10:15am worship service on Easter Sunday. For more information please contact Denise Unger or the church office.
Time to Make Easter Candy!
Beginning Saturday, March 26, 2022
Sales are up and we are looking for many volunteers to help with the Easter candy making this year. We need help in a variety of ways: set up tables, assemble boxes, roll coconut or peanut butter balls, dip in chocolate, put candy in boxes, label, and clean up (with occasional sampling). Normally we start on a Sunday, but with so many orders coming in, we are starting a day earlier this year - Saturday, March 26. No previous experience is required, both men and women, young and old are wanted. The work isn't hard. Everyone works together in the same area so there are various conversations going on, helpful tips being passed to one another, good camaraderie taking place. Lunch is provided. You need not come at the start, nor stay until the end. Come when you can and stay for as long as you can. If you come later in the day and are unsure of whether prople are still working on the candy, call the church (610-621-5770) and someone should pick up if they are here. If you have questions or need clarification, contact the church via phone or email (" data-mce-href=""> Candy will be made over a 2-week period.
For more information about how to help, please contact Sue Hiester, chair of the 21st Century Christian Women's Group, or any member of the Women's Group, or the church offfice.
The schedule is as follows:
Saturday, March 26 - 12:00pm: mix and roll coconut, assemble boxes, setup tables
Sunday, March 27 - 2:00pm: continue to mix and roll coconut,
begin coating coconut balls and other items
Monday, March 28 - 8:30am: continue with the above and pack boxes
Tuesday, March 29 - 8:30am: coat, pack boxes and clean up kitchen
Wednesday, March 30 - 9:30am: finish packing and clean fellowship hall
in preparation for Soup & Such which is on Thursday, March 31
Saturday, April 2 - 12:00pm: mix and roll peanut butter (PB)
Sunday, April 3 - 2:00pm: continue to mix and roll PB, begin coating PB balls and other items
Monday, April 4 - 8:30am: continue with the above and pack boxes
Tuesday, April 5 - 8:30am: coat and pack boxes
Wednesday, April 6 - 8:30am: finish coating, pack boxes and clean up kitchen
Thursday, April 7 - 9:00am: finish packing, fill and assemble all orders
Saturday, April 9 - 9:00am to 1:00pm: candy pickup
Easter Candy Sale
Order Due Date: March 27, 2022
Pick Up Date: April 9, 2022
St. Paul's UCC's 21st Century Christian Women's Group is now receiving orders for their annual Easter Candy Sale. Proceeds help support the many important ministries you find on this website. This is a delicious way to support the ministries of the church, and a satisfying way to bring an end to your Lenten fast.
An order form is available by clicking on this Easter Candy Order Form link. Please print out the form and send it to the church along with your payment. Please note the details found on the order form. All orders must be paid for when placed. Paper copies of the order form are also available on the upstairs hallway table at church, or you may contact the church office and a copy will be sent to you. All orders are due Sunday, March 27. Paper copies should be mailed to the church at:
St. Paul's UCC, 301 West Penn Avenue, Robesonia, PA 19551
Orders may be picked up at the church on Saturday, April 9 between 9:00am and 1:00pm.
For more information, please contact Sue Hiester, chair of the 21st Century Christian Women's Group or the church office.
The candy making schedule is listed below. We hope you will be able to help.
4th Sunday in Lent
Laetare Sunday
Sunday, March 27, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
Much is happening on this Sunday. For March 27, 2022, Easter candy and flower orders are due. During worship we will be receiving the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. Please continue to scroll down to learn more about all of these things.
Laetare Sunday is a Sunday of "Joy" as we pass the half way point of the somber season of Lent. In some traditions, Laetare Sunday is a day to take a small break in your Lenten fast. In some churches, pink/rose colored paraments are used to highlight this day, as the liturgical color of "joy". Let us join together - even if by live stream - in joy of the Good News of our Lord.
For information about the Lenten worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
3rd Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
Info coming soon.....
For information about the Lenten worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
2nd Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 13, 2022 at 10:15am
Sunday School and Worship Service cancelled due to the bad weather
For information about the Lenten worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
1st Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
On this first Sunday in Lent we will hear about the 40 days in which Jesus was in the wilderness tempted by the devil, as we begin our 40 day spiritual Lenten journey.
For more information about the worship services throughout the season of Lent, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Extreme Air
Friday, March 4, 2022 at 5:00pm
The next Youth Group fellowship activity will be at Extreme Air Trampoline Center on Friday, March 4. The cost is $5.00, and includes special socks and an ice cream sundae. Advance registration is required for the group rate, as are parental release forms. Friends are welcome. Please arrive by 4:45pm for sign-in at The Works, 1109 Bern Rd, Wyomissing, PA 19610. We will be jumping for about an hour, and then enjoying ice cream sundaes. Parental pick up is at 6:15pm.
To sign up, or for more information, please contact the church office at or 610-621-5770.
Dateline: Jerusalem
Dialogue Series for Six Wednesdays During Lent
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, & April 6
We hope that you will join us throughout the Season of Lent. Each Wednesday evening at 6:30pm from March 2 to April 6 we will hear about the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ from a different perspective of an eye witness who is being interviewed by our hard hitting action news team. St. Paul’s & Zion UCC will be offering this series in a hybrid format, where you can attend in person or virtually through our Live Stream, Facebook Live, Live Phone Stream, or Zoom.
The series was written by Scott A. Bryte, 2004, Lutheran pastor in Pittsburgh, PA and graduate from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettsyburg, PA — Dateline: Jerusalem; Dramatic Dialogue Sermons for Lent, Lima, Ohio: CSS Publishing.
May this six week journey in worship deepen our faith and expand our understanding of this holy season’s journey to the cross.
For more information about our mid-week worship services, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship Committee) or any member of the Worship Committee.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 6:30pm
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. The season of Lent includes the 40 days and six Sundays before Easter. It is a season of penitence as we reflect upon our personal sins, which led to the need for the sacrifice of Jesus’ life for us upon the cross. The root word of “Lent” means “to lengthen,” referring to the lengthening of days as we anticipate the longer days of spring and the new life granted through the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter -- moving from darkness to light.
A worship service will take place on March 2nd at 6:30pm. During the service ashes will be placed in the sign of the cross on the forehead or back of the hand of those who wish to receive them. The minister will say, "Remember that you are dust, and unto dust, you shall return." We will also share communion together.
If you would like to learn more about the use of ashes on Ash Wednesday, please click on the following link, "Why Ashes on Ash Wednesday". For the YouTube Live Stream of this worship service click on this Ash Wednesday Live Stream link.
For more information about the worship services throughout the season of Lent, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Reunion by Zoom
Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 7:00pm
Zion UCC is having a congregational reunion conversation by Zoom. The members of St. Paul's UCC are also invited. The Meeting ID is 874 5212 4156; Passcode: 783249.
This will be a great way to catch up with others during these COVID-times, especially if you live outside the area, are homebound, or have not yet been able to return to in-person worship.
Prayer Vigil - Peace and People in Ukraine
Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 6:00pm
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
On Sunday, February 27 from 6:00-6:30pm we will be gathering for prayer for peace in Ukraine and for the people of Ukraine.
All are welcome and invited. You can participate in this vigil in person or virtually on our YouTube Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Zoom. For Zoom, the Meeting ID is 874 5212 4156; Passcode: 783249.
Transfiguration Sunday
Scout Sunday
Last Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
All those involved in a scouting organization are welcome and invited to come to our 10:15am worship service in uniform this Sunday. Our Girl Scout Troop will be helping in the leading of worship.
The final Sunday following Epiphany, and before Lent, is Transfiguration Sunday. All three of the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark & Luke) tell a story of Peter, James, and John accompanying Jesus to the top of a holy mountain. There, before their eyes, Jesus is transfigured or transformed into a dazzling white brightness. Transfiguration Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, February 27, 2022 during the 10:15am worship service.
Click on this Transfiguration Live Stream Worship link for our YouTube Live Stream of this worship service.
For more information about the worship services throughout the season of Epiphany, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Bible Study - The Book of Acts
Wednesday Evenings
Beginning Wednesday, October 20, 2021, from 6:00-7:00pm
Hybrid: Zoom & In-person in the Miller Fellowship at church
We continue to have our Wednesday evening Bible study using the book, Acts 1-12: God Moves in the Early Church, written by Chuck and Winnie Christensen. This study teaches about the beginning of the Christian Church after Jesus ascended into heaven. It was a time when the disciples needed to begin making decisions and providing leadership without Jesus being physically there with them to lead the church.
All in our community are welcome to participate. There is no fee to participate. Although it would be nice to have the study book, it is not necessary to participate. However, a Bible will be needed (any version). If you do not have a Bible, come to the church to participate, and a Bible will be supplied. The study is being hosted at St. Paul's UCC, led by Pastor Mary Etta Mest, and is a combined study by Zion UCC and St. Paul's UCC. It will be a hybrid study and go from 6:00-7:00pm. Those who would like to participate from home should use the Zoom information found below. Those who would like to participate in person should come to the church. A large screen will be set up in the Miller Fellowship Hall. The schedule will be as follows:
February 16
February 23
We will meet a total of 8 times. During each meeting we will cover 2 sessions found in the Bible Study book.
The same Zoom numbers will be used each week.
To join the Zoom meeting use the following:
Meeting ID: 874 5212 4156
Passcode: 783249
For people joining with telephone, choose one of these numbers:
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
For more information, please contact Elsa Wertz or Terry Pastor, who provide leadership of our Christian Education Committee.
Weekly Morning Bible Study
Every Tuesday morning
Virtual ONLY via Zoom
Tuesday mornings Zion UCC of Womelsdorf offers a Zoom Bible Study based on the scripture passages for the coming Sunday. You may use any version of the Bible. The study goes from 9:00 to 9:45am most of the time (occassionally it may go a little longer). We would be happy to have you join us!
Passcode: 783249
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Burning of the Palms
Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 9:00am
Snow/Rain Date: Sunday, February 27
We will be having the annual burning of the palms outside on Sunday, February 20 during the 9:00am Sunday school hour, weather permitting. Pastor Ben will be teaching why we use ash made from the Palm Sunday branches for our Ash Wednesday service, as well as demonstrating the tools and process of creating the Ash Wednesday ashes.
If you have palms you would like to donate, you can bring them to the church office on Sunday, February 6 or 13 (or bring them anytime between now and Sunday school on February 20).
For information, please contact Terry Pastor, Chair of the Worship & Education Committee; or Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or or
7th Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
For more information about the worship services throughout the season of Epiphany, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
6th Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
For more information about the worship services throughout the season of Epiphany, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Installation & Ordination of New Leadership
5th Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, February 6, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
We will be celebrating in the installation of our new Consistory, chairpersons, and other elected leadership on Sunday, February 6. We hope that you will join us in-person or virtually to celebrate this special day with them. We hope you will show them your support and thankfulness for their leadership by helping them to fulfill St. Paul’s Mission Statement:
We are called by the Spirit
to live and share the love of God
through joyful service
and fellowship in Christ.
4th Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, January 30, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
During this worship service we will be installing the new leadership of Zion UCC.
For more information about the worship services throughout the season of Epiphany, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Safe Conduct Workshop
Sunday, January 23, 2022 at 11:30am
At 11:30am, after the worship service on Sunday, January 23, our Christian Education Committee will be leading a Safe Conduct Workshop for all those who need to meet the CHYLD Worker requirements for working with vulnerable persons within the church (children, homebound, hospitalized, etc) or who are in a leadership position that oversees those who work with vulnerable persons.
Look here for more details in the near future.
For more information, please contact Elsa Wertz (Safe Conduct Coordinator), Denise Unger (Safe Conduct Co-Coordinator), or Terry Pastor (Chairperson of the Worship & Education Committee). Our safety policies can be found at this Safe Sanctuary link.
3rd Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, January 23, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
We are looking forward to Becky Boone sharing liturgical dance with us on Sunday, January 23 during the 10:15am worship service (snow date: January 30). For clarification: no dancing skills required, only Becky will be dancing, the rest of us will simply be seated in the pews.
For more information about the worship services throughout the season of Epiphany, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Reclaiming the Great Commission
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 from 7:00-9:00pm
As part of our overall ministry and growth plan, we have adopted the Missional Approach as our philosophy to evangelism and church growth. The Missional Approach to evangelism and church growth is all about reclaiming the Great Commission and living out the Great Commandment.
Pastor Ben will be offering a workshop on the Missional Approach on Wednesday, January 19 from 7:00-9:00pm. This free workshop is open to members and visitors alike. Preregistration is encouraged, so that we can email you the materials in advance and/or get you hard copy printouts. To register, please contact the church office at or 610-621-5770 by Sunday, January 9 (if you register later than January 9, we may or may not have enough handouts printed for you, but still let us know that you are coming ahead of time anyway).
All Consistory members and all Standing Committee Chairpersons are to attend this training at least every other year. If you did not attend this refresher last year, you should attend this workshop this year, as well as other leaders and staff. If you are a leader who cannot attend on this date, please be in contact with Pastor Ben at 610-621-5770 or to see if an additional date might be possible.
In addition, this year the leadership of Zion UCC will be joining in this workshop with us to learn more about the Missional Approach philosophy of ministry that we are using here, and why we like this approach so much.
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, January 16, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
For more information about the worship services throughout the season of Epiphany, please contact Terry Pastor (Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
I Don't Know What You're Talking About
Communications Workshop
Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 6:00pm
On Tuesday, January 11 from 6:00-6:45pm Pastor Ben is offering a Communications Workshop. This workshop is designed to: (1) help provide you with guidance to help make sure your articles are providing the congregation with the information they need to know what you are talking about and what your activity is all about; (2) go over the format needed to submit articles to the office secretary; and (3) to make sure your articles, posters, and flyers fit the necessary guidelines to be used within St. Paul's UCC.
This workshop is for any person who wishes to submit an article for the newsletter, bulletin, website, or hang a flyer in the church building. All elected leaders, as well as anyone who might be interested in communicating within the church through the newsletter, bulletin, flyers, posters, website, facebook, or E-News should attend this workshop.
This workshop is free and open to all members and open to visitors. This workshop is for any person who wishes to submit an article for the newsletter, bulletin, website, or hang a flyer in the church building. All elected leaders, as well as anyone who might be interested in communicating within the church through the newsletter, bulletin, flyers, posters, website, Facebook, or E-News should attend this workshop.
This workshop is free. No advance registration is needed. However, we encourage you to sign up in advance, so that we can email you the materials in advance. To sign up, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or
Pastor Ben offers this workshop annually in January. If you took this workshop in the past, it will be similar to the 2021 workshop. However, if you have not taken this workshop since 2017 or before, there have been significant changes, so you should attend this workshop, also.
For more information, please contact Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or
As a reminder, it is the policy at St. Paul’s UCC that no committee or individual should hang or set out flyers/posters about an event or activity before submitting a complete article to the office secretary about the event, following the guidelines discussed in this workshop.
Closing of the 2021 Books
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Thank you to all who have been mailing their tithes and offerings to the church office, dropping it in the mail slot, giving electronically, or have been placing your offerings in the offering plate.
We will be closing the 2021 books on Sunday, January 9, 2022.
As in the past, and as is common in many churches, the morning of the second Sunday of January will be the last day that donations and expenses will be received for 2021. This will give sufficient time for contributions to be mailed, expenses to be submitted, and donations to be forwarded to the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC).
For donations to be counted for the 2021 contribution year, they need to: (1) be received by the counting team by worship on Sunday, January 9; and (2) dated for 2021. As of January 1, all other contributions will be attributed to the 2022 giving year.
For additional information about donations, please contact the Financial Secretary, Terry Pastor at the church office or at
All bills and reimbursement requests: (1) must be submitted to the Treasurer, Jon Henning, by the end of worship on Sunday, January 9, 2022; and (2) be dated for 2021. As of January 1, all other expenditures will be attributed to the 2022 fiscal/budget year.
For additional information about expenses, please contact the church Treasurer, Jon Henning.
Epiphany Sunday
The Arrival of the Wise Men
Baptism of Christ Sunday
Sunday, January 9, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person
Throughout scripture, we hear about dancing for joy and dancing in worship of the Lord. On this Sunday we will have a dancer sharing in the joy of the Christ child through her "liturgical dance" as a part of the worship service.
Epiphany is the celebration of the arrival of the Wise Men to Bethlehem, revealing the good news of the Christian message and the reign of Christ being for the whole world. The season of Epiphany begins on January 6 and continues until Ash Wednesday.
For more information about the worship services throughout the season of Epiphany, please contact Terry Pastor (Acting Chair of the Worship & Education Committee) or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Second Sunday after Christmas
9th Day of Christmas
Sunday, January 2, 2022 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
For more information about our Christmas season worship services, please contact any member of the Worship& Christian Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson, and Terry Pastor, Vice Chairperson).
Sunday School
There will be no Youth and Adult Sunday School Classes on December 26, 2021 and January 2, 2022. Click on the following links to check out our Online Children & Youth Sunday School Resources and our Online Sunday School Music to engage in God's word at home.
Annual Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner
Saturday, January 1, 2022 from 11:00am to 1:00pm
Yes, we will be having our annual Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner on New Year's Day! Again this year, for the safety of all, it will be Take-Out ONLY.
The meal includes pork, sauerkraut, green beans, mashed potatoes, applesauce, roll and cake. The cost is $12.00 per meal. As this is take-out, there is only one price (as opposed to previous years, when it was all you can eat and different costs based on age). You may pay when you pick up with cash or a check (payable to St. Paul's UCC in Robesonia). You may also pay online in advance by clicking on this online giving link; enter "Pork Dinner" plus number of meals in the "Fund-Raiser" line; print your receipt; and bring your receipt with you. If paying in advance online, those online orders must be made by 6:00pm Friday, December 31, to ensure sufficient meals will be set aside for you. We will continue serving meals until 1:00pm, or until we run out of food; we do recommend you come early.
You may pick up your meal on Saturday, January 1 from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Look for attendants directing traffic for directions for the drive up along Pearl Street.
This fund-raiser helps us begin the New Year well, by giving financial support to the many ministries and mission efforts of St. Paul's UCC at the beginning of January. If you are not interested in pork and sauerkraut for New Years, but would still like to offer financial support on New Year's Day, you may make an online contribution, or send a contribution to "St. Paul's UCC, 301 West Penn Avenue, Robesonia, PA 19551."
For those who are perhaps new to the area, pork and sauerkraut on New Year's Day is a tradition for many/most Pennsylvania-German (Pennsylvania-Deustche) families. It is a delicious way to begin the new year. Komm onct and eat yourself full!