Confirmation Rite


Confirmation Overview

Confirmation Program / Confirmation Classes

Confirmation Vows

Congregation's Vows



Confirmation Overview

     The following is excerpted and adapted from the UCC Book of Worship.

     A person is incorporated into the universal church, the body of Christ, through the sacrament of baptism.  When an infant or very young child is baptized, the baptismal promises are made by one or more parent(s) and/or sponsor(s).  These adult Christians assume certain responsibilities for the Christian nurture of the baptized child.  Those who consent to this ministry of nurture are members in good standing of a Christian church in order that they may honor their promises fully.  The entire congregation also assumes the role of sponsors as its members promise to provide a supportive Christian community in which a child may grow in awareness and understanding concerning the meaning of life in Christ.
     As a child who was baptized in infancy approaches adolescence, the local church offers that person the opportunity to give public assent to the baptismal promises.  Confirmation celebrates this occasion of affirmation of baptism in the life of the individual and of the local church.
     Before a service of confirmation is scheduled, the appropriate leaders of the local church shall be satisfied that the participants have been instructed properly in the Christian faith and personally desire to affirm their baptism.  This is done through our Confirmation Program.



Confirmation Program

     St. Paul's United Church of Christ offers a confirmation program for teens and young adults to learn about Christian discipleship, the Christian church, and the vows they will be invited to take.  The suggested age to begin the confirmation program is when entering 8th grade.  Youth as young as 7th grade are welcome, and older youth and young adults are very much welcome, as well.

     For more information about enrolling in the confirmation program, please contact the church office at or 610-621-5770.  The meeting day/time changes from year to year to meet the varied schedules of interested youth, as best we can.



Confirmation Vows

Question:  Do you desire to affirm your baptism into the faith and family of Jesus Christ?

Candidate:  I do.

Question:  Do you renounce the powers of evil and desire the freedom of new life in Christ?
Candidate:  I do.

Question:  Do you profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
Candidate:  I do.


Question:  Do you promise, by the grace of God, to be Christ's disciple, to follow in the way of our Savior, to resist oppression and evil, to show love and justice, and to witness to the work and word of Jesus Christ as best you are able?
Candidate:  I promise, with the help of God.


Question:  Do you promise, according to the grace given you, to grow in the Christian faith and to be a faithful member of the church of Jesus Christ, celebrating Christ's presence and furthering Christ's mission in all the world?
Candidate:  I promise, with the help of God

Question:  Do you promise to participate in the life and mission of this family of God's people, sharing regularly in the worship of God and enlisting in the work of this local church as it serves this community and the world?
Candidate:  I promise, with the help of God.



Congregation's Vows

     The congregation offers the following welcome and vow of support and partnership to the confirmands and their ongoing journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Pastor:  Let us, the members of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, express our welcome and affirm our mutual ministry in Christ.
Congregation:  We promise you our continuing friendship and prayers as we share the hopes and labors of the church of Jesus Christ.  By the power of the Holy Spirit may we continue to grow together in God’s knowledge and love and be witnesses of our risen Savior.



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