United Church of Christ Mission Outreach
Click on the following links, to learn more about each of these ministries...
Lancaster Theological Seminary (LTS)
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS)
Neighbors In Need (NIN)
The Christmas Fund (Veterans of the Cross)
Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM)
United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries (UCCDM)
Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM)
Heidelberg Pastors Ministerium
Disaster Response Ministries - SPRUCC
Disaster Response Ministries - PSEC
Disaster Response Ministries - UCC
Bethany Children's Home
Bethany Children's Home is an historic ministry of the United Church of Christ, serving children in the community since 1863. Click on this Bethany Children's Home for more information.
St. Paul's UCC supports Bethany Children's Home in a number of ways, including: (1) providing financial aid; (2) supporting Bethany events; (3) welcoming Bethany youth to our church activities; (4) providing ride tickets and lunch for Bethany youth and chaperones to our annual fun day at Knoebels Amusement Park; and (5) providing pastoral and spiritual support.
Phoebe-Berks Ministries
Phoebe is one of the United Church of Christ retirement communities. Click on this Phoebe Ministries link for more information about Phoebe in general, or on this Phoebe-Berks Ministries link for more information about Phoebe's campus in Wernersville.
St. Paul's UCC supports Phoebe financially and through individual volunteering of our members.
Lancaster Theological Seminary
There are six theological seminaries in the United Church of Christ throughout the country. Lancaster Theological Seminary (LTS) is the one closest to us, the one to which St. Paul's UCC is assigned to be of support. Each UCC congregation is given a UCC seminary in which to be of support. Seminary is a graduate school that prepares women and men for ordained ministry. LTS also has educational programs for lay adults and teen youth leaders.
Many of the pastors who have served St. Paul's UCC are graduates of LTS, including the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Motz.
St. Paul's UCC provides annual financial support for LTS. During the month of February St. Paul's will be taking a special offering for LTS. This offering will enable the seminary to provide quality educational programs for persons seeking to become ordained ministers with the UCC, as well as programs for lay leaders and teen youth leaders. If you would like to give, please give online on our secure online donation page. [Please indicate the amount and that it is for “LTS”.] The funds will then be forwarded on to the seminary.
To learn more about Lancaster Theological Seminary go to www.lancasterseminary.edu.
One Great Hour of Sharing
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) supports partners in countries with ministries that fund health, education and agricultural development, emergency relief, refugee ministries and both international and domestic disaster response, administered by Wider Church Ministries, Global Sharing of Resources.
This is one of our national UCC "Five for Five" annual offerings, and is received on the Fourth Sunday of Lent.
Click on this OGHS link for more information.
Strengthen the Church
Strengthen the Church (STC) supports church growth, pastoral and lay leadership development, youth and young adult ministries within conferences and administered by Local Church Ministries.
This is one of our national UCC "Five for Five" annual offerings, and is received on Pentecost Sunday.
Click on this Strengthen the Church link for more information.
Neighbors In Need
One-third of the Neighbors In Need (NIN) offering supports the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM), and two-thirds is administered by Justice and Witness Ministries to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants.
This is one of our national UCC "Five for Five" annual offerings, and is received on First Sunday of October as part of World Communion Sunday.
Click on this NIN link for more information.
The Christmas Fund (Veterans of the Cross)
"The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund" has been caring for active and retired clergy, surviving spouses, and lay employees of the United Church of Christ for over 100 years. The fund provides pension and health premium supplementation, emergency assistance, and Christmas thank you checks.
The emergency financial needs of many who serve the church have increased dramatically. These difficult times make the need for the Christmas Fund more urgent than ever.
This is a ministry of the UCC Pension Boards, one of our national UCC "Five for Five" annual offerings, that is received annually on the Sunday before Christmas.
We hope you will prayerfully consider giving to this needy cause. You may securely give online by clicking on this Online Giving link. When making your dontation, simply designate your gift as "Christmas Fund" on the "Special Mission" line.
Click on this The Christmas Fund link for more information on the national UCC website.
Council for American Indian Ministry
The Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM) is the voice for American Indian people in the UCC. CAIM provides Christian ministry and witness to American Indians and to the wider church. Justice issues that affect American Indian life are communicated to the whole UCC by CAIM.
Historically, the forebears of the UCC established churches and worked with Lakota, Dakota, Nakota, Mandan, Hidatsa, Arickara, and Hocak in North and South Dakota, Wisconsin and northern Nebraska. Today there are 20 UCC congregations on reservations and one urban, multi-tribal UCC congregation in Minneapolis, Minnesota. CAIM supports these local churches and their pastors. In addition, CAIM strives to be a resource for more than 1,000 individuals from dozens of other tribes and nations who are members of other UCC congregations and to strengthen their participation in the life of the church.
Click on this CAIM link for more information about our UCC American Indian Ministries.
United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries
The UCC Disabilities Ministries (UCCDM) envisions a world in which all people are included in the fullness of life because they are created in the image of God. To make this end, the UCCDM supports all settings of the UCC including but not limited to: local congregations, Associations, Conferences, camps, and National settings, as they seek to include people with disabilities in all aspects of the Church’s life and ministry.
The UCCDM Board of Directors is committed to making this vision a reality through action as we encourage and support local churches to become Accessible to All (A2A) in all aspects of their lives: buildings, worship, education, fellowship, and service in order to proclaim God’s word to all people. We are also committed to be advocates with and for people with disabilities to overcome marginalization an injustice. The UCCDM Board By-laws outline the full intentions of the UCCDM.
Disability Awareness Resources
All Saints Offering
This offering of the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the UCC provides financial assistance, including healthcare and dental insurance assistance to UCC pastors, spouses, and widows within our local conference.
The first Sunday in November is designated as All Saints Sunday. We celebrate long ago saints and those we know as saints today; people who inspired us by grit and determination to “keep on trying.”
Many of these people are pastors whose lives shaped and influenced our own. Some of our Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC) pastors who retired years ago are now in need of special assistance. Because their retirement income is low, the churches of the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference supplement the cost of their health benefits.
Our Church's Wider Mission
Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM) makes the above UCC national and conference ministries possible. OCWM funds the work we do in the Associations, Conferences, and in the national and global church. OCWM funds are invested in programs, resources, and tools needed to keep local UCC churches strong, effective, and growing.
OCWM helps provide pastoral placement and education for church leaders; worship materials and theological interpretation; resources and training for stewardship and fundraising; and so much more. We are one church—a united and uniting church. We are the United Church of Christ.
OCWM is one of our national "Five for Five" UCC annual offerings. Support for OCWM is received weekly at St. Paul's throughout the year. Contributions to OCWM can be made by marking a donation as "OCWM", as well as through funds marked as "Christian Mission" in the weekly offering envelope in the annual offering envelope packets.
Click on this OCWM pdf brochure link for more information.
Covenant Association of the United Church of Christ
The United Church of Christ is divided into conferences by geography. The conferences are further divided into associations. St. Paul's UCC belongs to the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC) and the Covenant Association. The Covenant Association basically includes all of the UCC churches in Berks County.
The Covenant Association came to be in October 2016 from a merger of the Heidelberg, East Berks, and Reading Associations. Prior to that merger, St. Paul's UCC was a part of the Heidelberg Association.
In addition to mutual support of one another's churches and pastors, the Covenant Association organizes local mission efforts.
Click on this Covenant Association link for more information.
Heidelberg Pastors Ministerium
The current and retired pastors in the Heidelberg region (those churches that were previously a part of the Heidelberg Association, which mergerd to form the Covenant Association) gather monthly for mutual support of one another and the ministries of our churches within the region.
Click on this Covenant Association link for more information about our regional UCC pastors.
Disaster Response Ministries / Disaster Recovery Team
The Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC) Disaster Recovery Mission Team organizes the disaster response ministries in our conference.
The mission of the Disaster Recovery Mission Team is to prepare congregations to deal with disaster events by providing preparedness training and acting as a communication nexus for receiving and dispersing human services referrals, volunteer relief opportunities, recovery supplies availability, and timely information on disaster management. The Disaster Recovery Mission Team represents PSEC in its work with other faith-based and community organizations to constantly discover and disseminate best practices of dealing with disaster.
All Disaster Recovery activities are coordinated with the UCC National Disaster Ministry which oversees related activities on the national level.
Click on this Disaster Recovery Team pdf brochure link for more information.
UCC Disaster Ministries
The members of St. Paul's UCC support many of denomination's disaster relief efforts in particular, and the UCC's disaster relief efforts in general through the OGHS and OCWM offerings.
Click on this UCC Disaster Ministries link for the latest relief efforts of the UCC in our nation and throughout the world.