~ ~ ~ Past Events & Articles in 2015 ~ ~ ~
Christmas Eve with St. Paul’s UCC
Thursday , December 24th
This Christmas Eve we will once again be offering two evening worship services. We hope that you will join us for one or both of these services. There will be some similarities between the two services, but there will be enough differences that if you come to both, you will have two different (and hopefully spiritually enriching) worship experiences.
For the Earlier Christmas Eve Worship Service:
6:30pm - Instrumentalists will begin sharing Christmas music at 6:30pm
7:00pm - We will begin the liturgy part of the worship service
✧ We will be lighting the Christ Candle for the Advent Wreath
✧ There will be communion in the pews
✧ Pastor Motz will be retelling Luke’s Birth Narrative verbatim
✧ There will be a children focused message from the book “Jacob’s Gift” by Max Lucado
✧ We will have Christmas carols during worship (different ones from the later service)
✧ The Senior Choir will be singing
✧ The Handbell Choir will be playing
✧ We will be ending the service with candlelight, three verses of “Silent Night”
followed by “Joy to the World”
For the Later Christmas Eve Worship Service:
11:00pm - The worship service will begin
✧ We will be lighting the Christ Candle for the Advent Wreath
✧ There will be communion at the chancel rail
✧ Pastor Motz will be retelling Luke’s Birth Narrative verbatim
✧ There will be two touching Christmas readings (including one about a Christmas rose)
✧ We will have Christmas carols during worship (different ones from the earlier service)
✧ There will be a soloist
✧ We will be ending the service with candlelight, and all six verses of “Silent Night”
followed by “Joy to the World”
✧ We hope to end the worship service just a little after midnight - Christmas Morning
Children & Youth Christmas Program
Sunday, December 20 at 10:25am
Join us in worship on Sunday, December 20 at 10:25am to support our youth and to share in the joy and celebration of the expectant Jesus with them for our annual Children and Youth Christmas Program.
To view photos from this year's program, click on this 2014 Youth Christmas Program link.
To view photos from last year's Children & Youth Christmas Program, click on this 2013 Youth Christmas Program link.
Rehearsals will be on Sunday mornings from November 22 to December 13 at 9:15am.
Fourth Sunday of Advent - Love
Sunday, December 20th
9:15am - Sunday school
10:25am - Worship with Children & Youth Christmas Program
Third Sunday of Advent - Guadete Sunday - Joy
Sunday, December 13
9:15am - Sunday school
10:25am - Worship
11:45am - Annual Congregational Meeting
(adopting the "2016 Mission & Program" and electing new officers)
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, December 13 at 11:45am
Following the 10:25am worship service we will have our Annual Fall Congregational Meeting, where we will be electing new leadership for 2016, sharing in the joy of the 2015 ministries and the anticipated 2016 ministries, and voting on the proposed 2016 Budget (as found in your December newsletter). Voting is limited to members in good standing.
Wreaths Across America
Saturday, December 12, 2015
We will be participating in the Wreaths Across America event at Fort Indiantown Gap on Saturday morning. This will involve a worship service in rememberance of our fallen military and in support of our military serving away from home over Christmas and their loved ones left at home. The worship service begins at 12:00noon. After the worship service we will be placing wreaths on graves and offering individual prayers for the fallen.
We plan to meet at Epler's UCC in Leesport at 10:15am, and then carpool from there to the cemetery.
Click on this Wreaths Across America flyer link to download the 2015 event flyer.
To view pictures from this event, click on this Wreaths Across America 2015 photos link.
Community Church Blood Drive
December 10, 2015 from 2:00pm-7:00pm
On December 10th the Robesonia Community Church Blood Drive will be hosted by Trinity ELCA in Robesonia from 2:00pm-7:00pm. Please call Trinity ELCA at 610-693-6062 for information on how to make an appointment.
Second Sunday of Advent - Peace
First Communion Sunday
Sunday, December 6
9:15am - Sunday school
10:25am - Worship with Communion at the Chancel Rail
Children and their parents who completed the Children Communion Classes will be sharing in a special way during the communion service this Sunday.
6:00pm - Confirmation Class
Orders Due: Sunday, December 6
To order poinsettias for this Christmas Eve, please return the form by Sunday morning, December 6. We will use the poinsettias to help decorate the sanctuary on Christmas Eve. You will be able to take your sponsored poinsettia with you that evening (after either worship service) or the following Sunday. We will print the sponorships in both Christmas Eve bulletins.
For a poinsettia order form:
(1) click on this Poinsettia Order Form link;
(2) there is one enclosed in the December issue of The Herald (the monthly newsletter);
(3) forms can be found in the Nov 22, Nov 29, & Dec 6 bulletins; or
(4) forms can be found on a table in the narthex hallway.
For more information, contact the chair of the Decorating Committee or the church office at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org.
Advent Begins - First Sunday of Advent - Hope
Sunday, November 29 at 10:25am
Join us in the lighting of the Advent Wreath, as we prepare for the coming of the Lord!
We welcome the Rev. Barbara Peronteau, who will be or guest preacher this Sunday.
Prayers for France
Sunday, November 15, 2015
During worship on Sunday, November 15 we paused to pray for the victims of terrorist attacks in France, and provided the opportunity to light a candle in solidarity with their loved ones and their nations. Please keep the victims, those hospitalized, surviving loved ones, first responders, medical personel, and law enforcement in our prayers. Let us also continually pray for peace for our world, and may our Christian witness be strong and bold enough to lead all of humanity to see the value of life and the sisterhood and brotherhood of one another.
Bible Sponsorship
Large Print English Bibles (NRSV)
Regular Print Spanish-English Bilingual Bibles (LBLA-NASB)
We are seeking to purchase new large print NRSV Bibles, in order to help individuals participate in adult Sunday school classes and Bible studies more fully and more easily.
We are seeking to purchase new Bilingual LBLA-NASB Bibles, in order to help individuals for whom Spanish is their first language to participate in worship, Sunday school classes, and Bible studies more fully and more easily.
(Our youth receive CEV Bibles from the church beginning in first grade, and we have extra on hand for visiting youth, so no additional Bibles for elementary age is needed at this time. In addition, our teens receive NRSV Study Bibles in the beginning of the confirmation program, and there are additional Bibles in their class room for visiting teens, and as such our teens are not currently in need of Bibles for Sunday school either).
Click here for a Large Print Bible Sponsorship Form and more information. You may print out that form, fill it out, and return it to the church office with your sponsorship donation.
More information and sponsorship forms can be found in the December 2015 issue of our monthly newsletter, The Herald, as well as by contacting the church office, or by picking up a form on a table in the narthex hallway.
Thanksgiving Eve
Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 7:00pm
You are invited to join us for this inter-faith, ecumenical community service, where a number of churches from the Conrad Weiser School District will gather and give thanks to God for the blessings received this year.
St. Paul's UCC is hosting this year. The Rev. Rebecca Knox of St. Daniel's Lutheran Church in Robesonia will be preaching, including offering a children's sermon. We will also have children's bulletins available for our young worshipers.
The evening's offering will go to support the Mind, Body, and Spirit Club after school program.
Last year, this event was cancelled due to snow; the forecast looks much, much more promising this year.
Bible Presentation to Youth
Sunday, November 22, 2015 at 10:25am
During worship on Sunday, November 22, we will be presenting the children of St. Paul's UCC with Bibles, who are in grades 1-6 (who have not yet received a CEV youth Bible from the church). On this same day, we will also be presenting our confirmation class with their study Bibles and hymnals.
For your 1st - 6th grader to receive a Bible, and to make sure that we spell your child's name correctly on the presentation page, please fill out a "Youth Bible Request Form" (available from the church office), and return it to the office by November 1, 2015.
For those who are receiving a Bible, our prayers and our spiritual support and guidance are with you. Please remember to bring your Bibles with you weekly to Sunday school.
Christkindlemarkt and Craft Bazaar
Saturday, November 21 from 9:00am - 2:00pm
The annual Christkindlmarkt and Craft Bazaar will be held on Saturday, November 21 from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM at St. Paul's UCC. Homemade candy, soup, baked goods, bar-b-que, chow chow and other canned goods will be sold. There is a basket raffle with many different theme baskets and also gift cards. Attic Treasures, including Christmas items will also be sold. There are eleven juried craft vendors selling handmade items. Light breakfast items and lunch will be available all day. Come out and do your Christmas shopping all in one place. Hope to see you there.
Drum Circle & Lakota American Indian Mission Presentation
Sunday, November 15 from 6:00-8:00pm
Register by November 8
For this activity for teens, we will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall of St. Paul's UCC at 6:00pm.
We will have a presentation on traditional American Indian drumming, followed by a presentation on mission work with the Lakota American Indians, and then there will be an opportunity to participiate in a drum circle led by Earth Rhythms.
Pizza and soda will be provided.
Please pre-register with your home church by November 8, so that we can make sure to have enough pizza, soda, and drums for all (i.e. members of St. Paul's UCC should pre-register with St. Paul's UCC; members of St. Daniel's ELCA should pre-register with St. Daniel's ELCA; etc.).
You can find pictures from this event by clicking on this Drum Cir
cle and Lakota First Peoples Mission Presentation Photos link.
Fall Leaves
Saturday Mornings -
- October 10 to November 14 at 8:30am
Call for help to all able bodies, Fall project. Assembly on Saturday morning to rake leaves at the Church/Parsonage grove. It should only take a few minutes. Raking can be a joy if you are working with a couple friends. So put on those boots and that comfy flannel shirt, grab your rake and meet at the church building this and every Saturday morning, in October and November at 8:30am and every Saturday morning until the leaves are gone. Thank you. You'll feel good about this. See you there. The Trustees
Join in the Journey - Trust in the Promise
Guest Speaker - Sunday, November 8 at 10:25am
Celebration Luncheon - Sunday, November 8 at 11:45am
If you have not already done so, contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org with your RSVP for this annual celebration luncheon, as we join together journeying toward a future of hope. There is no fee for the luncheon - friends, visitors, all are very welcome.
Annually we have a fall celebration of the ministries we have been able to engage in the past year and the ministries we are hoping to support in the year to come. This year’s theme is “Join in the Journey - Trust in the Promise,” which is the national UCC theme for this year. It is based on a passage from the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah, “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).
We are using the symbolism of bicycling, as we join together towards that promise of a future with hope.
During the 10:30am worship services, we will be having individual witness on Sunday, October 18 and Sunday, October 25; a special witness by the Sunday school youth on Sunday, November 1; and this year's special speaker will be the Rev. Bruce Dalious, who will be sharing with us a special message on Sunday, November 8 during the 10:25am worship service.
Join in the Journey - Hand Blessing
Sunday, November 8 at 10:25am
Sunday, November 15 at 10:25am
If you were not able to attend worship on Sunday, November 8 and therefore missed having your hands blessed by Pastor Motz or Pastor Dalious, you still have an opportunity to share in this annual blessing. During worship on Sunday, November 15 we will again have the blessing prayer, and after worship, those who were unable to attend on November 8, will have the opportunity to receive a blessing from a church elder.
PSEC Fall Youth Event - Camp Conrad Weiser
November 6 at 5:00pm to November 8 at 12:00noon
Register by October 25
The Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC) is the UCC conference which serves the UCC churches in our area, including St. Paul's UCC. We invite youth to participate in this faith-filled event, bringing together youth from throughout the southeast corner of Pennsylvania.
This year's theme is: May the Faith Be With You.
Youth between the ages of 13-18 years-old are invited to join us from November 6-8 at South Mountain YMCA Camp (Camp Conrad Weiser), which is located at: 201 Cushion Pak Road in Reinholds, PA 17569. The event begins at 5 pm on Friday for arrival and check-in. Friday events include: dinner, family groups, large group activities, movie, and bonfire. On Saturday we will have breakfast, morning watch, workshops, lunch, workshops, free time, dinner, family groups, worship, and dance. Sunday we start with breakfast, then family groups, morning watch, large group activities, closing worship, affirmations, and depart by 12 pm.
Sunday, April 1, 2018
6:45am - Sunrise Worship Service
Our sunrise worship service will begin outside at the rear of the church building by a fire with candlelight, where we will light our new Paschal Candle. We will then process to the front of the building, following the Paschal Candle and Processional Cross, bringing the new light into the sanctuary. The worship service will conclude in the sanctuary with communion. The majority of the worship service will take place in the sanctuary. We are anticipating the sun to rise at 6:48am this year on Easter Sunday, as such our sunrise worship service is planned for 6:45am.
8:00am - Breakfast
Each year we have a free breakfast on Easter Sunday in the fellowship hall in-between our sunrise worship service and Sunday school. All are welcome.
9:15am - Sunday School
10:25am - Worship Service
Our second Easter worship service will take place at our regular time of 10:25am. We have a children's sermon, regular sermon, children's bulletins, available nursery, the choir, and pew communion.
Youth Communion Classes
Sunday, November 8 at 9:15am -- 7th grade & older
Sunday, November 15 at 9:15am -- 6th grade & younger
Communion Classes are being offered this November for children, teens, and young adults (and their parents/guardians) who are interested in communing, but who have not yet been confirmed. The classes give the opportunity for youth to have an understanding and greater reverence for the sacrament before participating in communion.
Classes will be held in the sanctuary. Classes for 7th graders through “college/vocational school age” should participate with their parents/guardians on Sunday, November 8 at 9:15am. Classes for 6th graders and younger will be held on the following Sunday. If possible, attend the class for your age group. If not possible, then attend the other class.
If you are unsure whether participating in communion is right for your child at this time, please note that youth do not need to commune after taking the class. You can come to the class, learn more, and then decide afterwards.
However, if you do wish to commune, as of December 2015 unconfirmed youth need to participate in communion classes prior to communing.
For more details about children and communion, you can pick up a copy of St. Paul’s “Children & Communion” booklet from the church office. For more information, please contact the Pastor.
All Saints Sunday
Sunday, November 1, 2015 at 10:30am
Join us on this day for our annual rememberance and celebration of all the saints of the church, and a special rememberance of the members of St. Paul's UCC who passed away since last year's All Saints' Sunday.
The Sunday school youth will be our special Witnessing Stewards during the Jr. Sermon.
Jack Frost Parade
Sunday, November 1, 2015 from 3:00-5:00pm
For those participating, join us at the Conrad Weiser High School at 2:00pm.
Trick or Treating at St. Paul's
Saturday, October 31, 2015 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Stop by the front of the church building on Halloween night in your Halloween costume and receive a yummy treat (while candy supplies last). All are welcome. Trick or Treat Night for Robesonia is Saturday, October 31 from 6:00pm to900.
Reformation Sunday
Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 10:30am
Join us for this annual celebration of the roots and forebearers of our Reformed faith.
Pastor Emeritus Returns to the Pulpit
Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 10:30am
We extend a warm welcome to the Rev. George Miller, our Pastor Emeritus, who will be preaching on Sunday, October 18 while the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Motz is on vacation. Rev. Miller will be offering both the regular sermon and the junior sermon that Sunday, as well as leading us in worship.
Remembering Our Past - Moving Into the Future
Saturday October 17 at 1:00pm
Trinity UCC in Rehrersburg will be hosting the Evangelical and Reformed Historical Society for a presentation entitled "Remembering Our Past As We Move Into The Future: A History of The Reformed Church in Our Region." There will be a talk, lite refreshments, and time for Q & A.
St. Paul's is one of the historic Reformed Church congregations in this region. St. Paul's UCC was previously "St. Paul's Evangelical & Reformed Church", and previously to that "St. Paul's Reforemed Church".
The event is free. Trinity UCC is located at 27 Maria Street; Rehrersburg, PA 19552. For more information contact Trinity UCC at 484-638-4278 or trinuccrehr@juno.com" data-mce-href="mailto:trinuccrehr@juno.com" data-mce-href="mailto:trinuccrehr@juno.com">trinuccrehr@juno.com">trinuccrehr@juno.com" data-mce-href="mailto:trinuccrehr@juno.com">trinuccrehr@juno.com.
Crop Walk
Sunday, October 11
10:30am - Commissioning of Walkers during Worship
12:30pm - Teen Fellowship Activity
1:30pm - Crop Walk for All Ages
The Crop Walk helps raise funds and awareness for the Reading Food Bank through Church World Service (CWS).
The walk will be at Gring's Mill, and will go from 1:30pm to about 3:30pm.
For teens, we will be meeting at Gring's Mill at 12:30pm at the field on the right just before the river. For those who pre-register, St. Daniel's ELCA will be providing hotdogs, chips, and a drink. For those who do not pre-register, please bring a packed lunch. We will have get-to-know-you games for teens of other churches to get to know one another.
Dress comfortably for this 1-5 mile walk to help fight hunger.
To join our church's Crop Walk team or to make a donation to our church's team, click on this St. Paul's UCC in Robesonia Crop Walk Team link.
For general information click on this Reading Berks Crop Walk link.
Fire & Ice
Acolyte Training & Ice Cream Party
Sunday, October 4 at 11:45am
After Sunday morning worship on October 4, we will be having acolyte training. This is intended both for those who have not yet served as an acolyte and as a refresher for those who perhaps have been serving as acolytes for years. Plus, we hope that our seasoned, older youth will come to help our newest and youngest youth.
Although registering in advance is not required, we encourage you to sign up beforehand, to help us to plan for enough ice cream. You can sign up by: (1) using the sign up sheet in the narthex; (2) e-mailing the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org; or (3) calling the office at 610-621-5770.
World Communion Sunday 
Sunday, October 4 at 10:30am
In unity with Christ, Christians around the world will be celebrating in World Communion Sunday this day. Join us for worship at 10:30am and share in with our sisters and brothers in Christ throughout the world, as we celebrate our oneness through God.
Potato Picking
Sunday, September 27 at 12:00noon
For this youth activity, we will be picking potatoes in Shoemakersville for the Food Bank.
We will be meeting at Trinity UCC in Rehersburg at 12:00noon to meet with other teens and eat pizza for lunch. Please bring money to chip in for pizza. From there we will carpool to Shoemakersville, and begin picking from about 1:00pm to 4:30pm. Hot dogs and french fries are usually provided free at this event for volunteers at about 4:30pm.
Update: We will be potato picking at +PA+19555/@40.5081744,-75.9834393,303m/data=%213m1%211e3%214m2%213m1%211s0x89c5dbfc5cb0e1e9:0x8b26af31533a8654" data-mce-href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/1043+Water+St,+Shoemakersville,+PA+19555/@40.5081744" data-mce-href="mailto:+PA+19555/@40.5081744">+PA+19555/@40.5081744,-75.9834393,303m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c5dbfc5cb0e1e9:0x8b26af31533a8654">1043 Water Street; Shoemakersville, PA 19555. Please note, this a change from the previously advertised site at +PA+19522/@40.450269,-75.8375283,606m/data=%213m2%211e3%214b1%214m2%213m1%211s0x89c5d6f4038c8705:0xa694ffc23f460b6c" data-mce-href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/15+Lenhart+Rd,+Fleetwood,+PA+19522/@40.450269" data-mce-href="mailto:+PA+19522/@40.450269">+PA+19522/@40.450269,-75.8375283,606m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c5d6f4038c8705:0xa694ffc23f460b6c">15 Lenhart Road; Fleetwood, PA 19522.
Come dressed in comfortable work clothing, including closed toe shoes. We will be bending down in the dirt/mud. We expect to get dirty and sweaty. We recommend bringing a sweatshirt or light jacket, in the event the temperature becomes cooler later in the day. If showers are predicted, please bring rain gear. Please come dressed accordingly.
For more information about this event, click on this I Hart Harvest, Inc link.
Blood Drives Scheduled
September 22, 2015
On Tuesday September 22, from 2-7pm the Robesonia Community Church Blood Drive will be at St. Daniel's in Robesonia. Walk- ins in are welcome.
On December 10th the blood drive will be at Trinity ELCA in Robesonia from 2-7pm. Call Trinity for information on how to make an appointment.
Ketchup Sunday
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Bring Some Green - We'll Have Some Red
Stick around for food and fellowship after worship this Sunday, and we will have some red ketchup for on your hotdog, and you can "catch-up" on what everyone's been up to over the summer.
While on vacation, you may have accumulated some unused offering envelopes in your packet over the summer months. On September 20 bring along with you any unused envelopes in your offering envelope packet from January through August, insert some green cash in them, place them in offering plates, and "catch-up" with your offering.
If you can't make it on September 20 bring your envelopes with you the following week, or simply mail them to the following address:
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
attn: Ketchup
301 West Penn Avenue
Robesonia, PA 19551
New Confirmation Class
Starts September 20th 6:00-7:30
The confirmation Program is the process by which teens and young adults become full members of the church. The program is designed to teach youth the basics of Christian faith, give opprtunites to practice faith together, hlep youth become connected to their church, and help youth understand their membership vows.
The recommended age to begin the program is 8th grade. It is recommended that you start the confirmation program by 11th grade or sooner. If you would like to start a year early, students as young as 7th grade are welcome. Students who are older than 8th grade into their young twenties, are of course very much welcome, as well.
The first class will be on Sunday September 20th at 6:00pm. The first class will be for both the student and their parents/guardians. (If both parents took the baptismal vows for their child, both parents are encouraged to attend this first class).
So that we can be sure to have enough materials in advance, please pre-register by September 1st with the church secretary, at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org. For more information about the confirmation program, please contact Pastor Motz at 610-621-5770 orPastorMotz@sprucc.org.
Rally Day
Sunday, September 20, 2015 at 11:30am
Rally Day will be held on September 20th. Immediately following the worship service we will venture downstairs to start the food and fun! Rally Day will be held in Miller Fellowship Hall so we can all share our time together. There will be games, crafts, bingo, and food for everyone!
Please start "shopping" for bingo prizes. We would like the prizes to cost less than $3.00 and the prizes can be gag gifts, fun gifts, every day items (examples - Kleenex, toilet paper, candy, framed picture of you, can of soup, box of mac n cheese, etc) or whatever you can think to bring! If able, please bring one prize for an adult and another one for a child. The prizes should be wrapped and marked "adult" or "child" and dropped off on Rally Day at the bingo area.
Regular Schedule Resumes
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Our regular schedule of Sunday School at 9:15am (including two adult classes) and Sunday Worship at 10:30am resumes on Sunday, September 6, 2015.
Soup and Such is expanding
Beginning September 10 - going to twice a month
Beginning September 10, we will be serving a meal twice a month at St. Paul's. There have been many inquiries about when we would do this by the patrons. We are so glad that they have expressed their desire for another free meal a month.
The Caron Foundation caterers have asked if they could participate with us helping out in the community. So beginning on September 10, the second Thursday of the month, they will be cooking the meal and serving it at St. Paul's. We will continue the last Thursday of the month as usual.
St. Francis de Sales church will continue to supply the desserts of cookies, fresh fruit, etc.
This has been a wonderful mission project for St. Paul's and we have so many loyal helpers who show up month after month. This could not be done without them. Thank you so much.
Sunday, August 23, 2015 at 9:30am
Students of all ages (preschool, school age, college, graduate school, and more) are welcome and invited to bring their school backpacks with them to worship on this Sunday. We will have a special blessing of the backpacks, as well as special prayers for students and teachers as they begin the new school year.
Pictured here is a photo of Pastor Ben and some of our youth from our August 2014 Blessing of the Backpacks worship service.
Knoebels Amusement Park
Sunday, August 16, 2015 at 9:00am
We will be gathering for worship in the Fellowship Hall at St. Paul's UCC at 9:00am for a casual worship service. A little after 9:30am we will depart to Knoebels Amusement Park in Elysburg, PA for a time of fellowship at the park. Carpooling will be available.
We will gather at Pavilion Tent #4 at the park.
Friends, family, visitors are all very welcome to participate. There is NO park admission fee. There is NO parking fee. You need only to pay for ride tickets (for whatever rides you may wish) and any food you may wish to purchase there.
We will be providing ride tickets and lunch for two cottages of youth from Bethany Children's Home (as well as for their adult chaperones). The group from Bethany will also be joining us for worship that Sunday morning.
9:00am - worship at St. Paul's UCC in the Fellowship Hall
9:30am - depart for Knoebels Amusement Park
11:00am - rides and water park opens
12:00noon - lunch at Pavilion Tent #4 (We will have the tables marked "Motz")
8:00pm - water park closes
9:00pm - park closes
To view photos from last year's trip to Knoebels click on this Knoebels 2014 Photos link. To find out more about the rides, shows that day, and other information about the amusement park, click on this Knoebels Amusement Park link.
10th Annual Car Show
Saturday, August 8, 2015 from 10:00am to 3:00pm
Come for a great time at the 10th annual St. Paul's car Show. This event, held rain or shine, includes Antique cars, Classics, Modified , Street Rods, Jalopys' and more, plus lots of homemade food and baked goods. Doors Prizes will also be handed out.
Have a car you want to show? Register now or on the day of the show. Pre-registration is by August 1st at $8.00, day of the show is $10.00. All are welcome, Come join the fun.
Call the church office for more information.
You can view pictures from the 2014 Car Show by clicking on this link: 2014 Car Show Photos.
You can view pictures from 2015 by clicking on this link: 2015 Car Show Photos.
Singing Cedars to Perform
Sunday, July 12 at 9:30am
On July 12th, during the 9:30 worship service, St. Paul's will have the pleasure of hearing the Barbershop group the Singing Cedars. The Singing Cedars have performed before at St. Paul's and have been well received.
Join us on July 12th to enjoy their harmonies and praise the Lord for allowing them to share their gifts with us.
Visitor Follow Up
Wednesday, June 10 at 6:00pm
You are invited to help St. Paul’s UCC follow up with first time visitors. The Pastor will be leading members in a visitor follow up training workshop from 6:00-7:00pm at a member’s house on Wednesday, June 10 at 6:00pm.
We are looking to have a dozen or so trained members who can help us welcome back first time visitors in a positive way to increase the chances those visitors will return again. We will also be discussing options for a gift to give first time visitors.
This workshop is open to any member of St. Paul’s UCC. There is no fee. Refreshments will be served.
Come and help St. Paul’s increase the chance that visitors will return to experience and re-experience the Good News of God’s love through our church.
For more information, please contact Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or PastorMotz@sprucc.org.">PastorMotz@sprucc.org." data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org.">PastorMotz@sprucc.org
Long-Range Growth Plan Presentation
Sunday, June 7 at 9:30am
Join us on Sunday, June 7 when the Consistory will unveil the proposed five year long-range growth plan. Thank you to the many people who have been working on this plan over the past year.
Ham and Dandelion Dinner
Saturday April 18th 11am to 2pm
The Men's Fellowship Group is having a Ham and Dandelion Dinner on Saturday April 18th from 11am to 2pm in the Fellowship Hall. Adults are $10.00 and Children 6-12 are $4.00. Helpers and baked goods are needed, Please contact Mike Keffer for information.
Restructuring Task Group
Wednesday April 15th 5:30
Consistory is seeking to form a Restructuring Task Group to look at our current leadership structure and recommend revisions. Our first meeting will be on Wednesday April 15th at 5:30. Among other things we will Be looking at the size and term lenght of Consistory and other groups and committees within the church, communication structures between Consisory and other groups and committees within the church, and the number and composition of standing committees. If you would be interested in participateing on this task group, please add your name to the sign -up sheet in the narthex hallway. For more information contact Pastor Ben at Pastor Motz @sprucc.org or call the church office at 610 621-5770. Our time line is to have a proposal brought before the Consistory and then brought before the congregation as a whole before the Nominating Committee needs to begin thier work this coming fall.
Holy Humor Sunday
Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 10:30am
Holy Humor Sunday is an opportunity to let our hair down - way down - with a very upbeat and fun service, following the somber season of Lent. It is a day of humor and light-hearted fun.
Our 2015 theme for Holy Humor Sunday is “From Zeroes to Heroes.” We are inviting the youth to design bulletin covers. We will have cartoons in the bulletin, humorous interruptions, special decorations, unique way of collecting offering, special anthem, and more.
Adults and youth alike are invited to come dressed that Sunday as a hero.
You can come wearing a super hero outfit, t-shirt, cape, or necktie. Or, if you have a favorite super hero, you could wear the colors associated with them (i.e. green for the Hulk, or red, white, and blue for Wonder Woman).
Your hero does not need to come from the pages of a comic book. You might have a real life hero, such as Abraham Lincoln or Mother Teresa. Or, your hero might be an EMT, firefighter, police officer, U.S. naval officer, etc. Or, you might have a favorite Biblical hero: King David, Queen Esther, Ruth, Joseph and his many colored coat, Phoebe, or Samson. Or, your hero might be an athlete, and you could wear their sports jersey, team t-shirt, or Olympic shirt or necktie.
Whoever, your hero might be, you are invited if possible to wear something on Holy Humor Sunday symbolic of your hero. If you don’t have anything that directly symbolizes them, dress casually and we will have some name tag labels on hand that morning for you to be able to wear the name of a hero.
Holy Humor Sunday shares its roots with that of April Fool’s Day. When Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, he defeated death, and in doing so the Great Deceiver (i.e. the Devil) was deceived - bested by the best trick ever. From deceiving the Great Deceiver on Easter, April Fool’s Day came to be celebrated on April 1st, and Holy Humor Sunday came to be most commonly celebrated on the Sunday following Easter Sunday
Last year our theme was: "A Childlike vs a Childish Faith." You can view pictures from last year by clicking on this 2014 Holy Humor Sunday link.
Game Night
April 12th-6:00-7:30pm
Sunday April 12th - free Family Game Night! From 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm in hte Miller Fellowship Hall. Bring a favorite board game and a snack or drink to share for a night of fun and games. Oopen to everyone! All ages. Bring your friends!
Visioning and Long-Range Planning Retreat
Saturday, March 7 at 9:00am
Sunday, March 22 at 12:00noon
This March, we will be having a retreat to discuss and hopefully develop a vision and a long-range (3-5 year) plan for furthuring the ministry of St. Paul's United Chruch of Christ. We will be using the book study, Reclaiming the Great Commission, as the basis for this approach, as well as relying upon last sping's Unbinding Your Heart small group study, information from the cottage meetings and history event, and most importantly discernment of the Holy Sprit through study, prayer, and dialogue.
The first part of this event will be held at the Robesonia Borough Hall on Saturday, March 7 from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Lunch and a continental breakfast will be provided. There is no charge for this event.
The second part of this event will be on Sunday, March 22 from 12:00noon to 4:00pm.
For more Information, please contact Pasotor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or PastorMotz@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org">PastorMotz@sprucc.org">PastorMotz@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:PastorMotz@sprucc.org">PastorMotz@sprucc.org.
(This event was originally scheduled for Saturday, February 21, but as has been true for many things this winter, needed to be rescheduled).
Lenten Afternoons
Wednesdays at 12:00noon
St. Paul’s UCC will be sharing in worship with the other Conrad Weiser Ministerium churches this coming Lent. The following is the schedule for which church we will be at on which Wednesday.
Wednesday, February 25
Church: St. Daniel's ELCA, Robesonia
Preacher: The Rev. Bill Pifer-Foote
Wednesday, March 4
Church: St. Paul's UCC, Robesonia
Preacher: The Rev. Rebecca Knox
Wednesday, March 11
Church: St. John's (Hains) UCC, Wernersville
Preacher: Father Mark Wrightson
Wednesday, March 18
Church: Trinity ELCA, Robesonia
Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Benjamin D. Motz
Wednesday, March 25
Church: St. Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Church, Robesonia
Preacher: The Rev. Jennifer Dee
Lenten Evenings - Secrets of the Vine
Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm -- February 25 to March 25
Starting on Wednesday, February 25 at 6:30pm we will have a five week Wednesday evening Lenten worship/study series in the Upper Conference Room based on the “Secrets of the Vine.”
The series will primarily be a Bible study format where we will explore the Biblical imagery of the vine and its branches, as found in John 15, and we will journey through other parts of the Bible to learn what it means to live a fruitful Christian life.
In addition to the Bible, our primary resource will be Secrets of the Vine Bible Study by Bruce Wilkinson. You do not need to purchase the study guide book in order to participate. However, if you would like to have a copy it is $6.00, and you can order one by using the sheet in the narthex hallway or by e-mailing the church office at office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:office@sprucc.org">office@sprucc.org (checks should be made payable to St. Paul’s UCC). If you would like to do so, you are also invited to bring a Bible along with you.
For youth we are planning to play a Christian video series for them to watch during the Bible study discussions.
This will be a casual gathering. Come in blue jeans or other casual attire. Members and visitors alike are very welcome.
For more information, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or Office@sprucc.org" target="_self" data-mce-href="mailto:Office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:Office@sprucc.org">Office@sprucc.org">Office@sprucc.org" data-mce-href="mailto:Office@sprucc.org">Office@sprucc.org.
Easter Sale
Saturday, March 28 at 9:00am
21st Century Christian Women
The 21st Century Christian Women will be having an Easter Sale in the Fellowship Hall On March 28th from 9:00 am to 1:00pm. The Easter Sale features Homemade Easter candy, Homemade Soup and Bar-B-que as well as baked goods. All Items are Take out only.
Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 29 at 10:30am
Join us for worship for this annual celebration of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, marking the beginning of Holy Week. We will have a "Blessing of the Palms" and palm branches for everyone to take home with them.
Easter Egg Hunt on Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 29 at 11:45am
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held Palm Sunday, March 29th, immediately after the 10:30am worship service. Children from 0 - 12 are welcome to participate in the egg hunt. Older children are needed to help hide the eggs during church. This event is rain or shine. Donations of colored hard boiled eggs, candy, or money are welcome. Any questions, see a member of Christian Education.
Look for the sign-up sheet on the hallway easel.
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 2 at 6:30pm
On Maundy Thursday Jesus gathered with the disciples for the Feast of Passover. They shared in a meal. He took bread, blessed it and broke it, and instituted the Lord's Supper (HolyCommunion). He then took his disciples to a garden to pray, where he was betrayed and crucified.
On Thursday, April 2 at 6:30pm, we will begin worship in the Fellowship Hall at table with one another. We will have a light meal and communion. Then we will process to the sanctuary for Tenebrae - the service of shadows - where we will pray, hear the last words of Christ, and strip the altar in preparation of his crucifixion.
We hope you will join us for this meaningfully spiritual service.
Easter Worship Services
Sunday, April 5 at 6:30am & 10:30am
This year we will be having two Easter services. The first will be a Sunrise Worship Service, starting at 6:30am. We will start outside with vigil candles gathered around a fire. We will then process into the church with the Paschal Candle and bring the light in with us. The worship service will include communion and a sermon.
The second service will be at 10:30am. The service will include communion, choir anthem, sermon, and children's sermon. Communion will be served in the pews.
Alleluia, He is risen!
Maundy Thursday - Service of Tenebrae
Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 6:30pm
On Maundy Thursday Jesus gathered with the disciples for the Feast of Passover. They shared in a meal. He took bread, blessed it and broke it, and instituted the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). He then took his disciples to a garden to pray, where he was betrayed and crucified.
On Thursday, April 2 at 6:30pm, we will begin worship in the Fellowship Hall at table with one another. We will have a light meal and communion. Then we will process to the sanctuary for Tenebrae - the service of shadows - where we will pray, hear the last words of Christ, and strip the altar in preparation of his crucifixion.
We hope you will join us for this meaningfully spiritual service.
Easter Sunday-
Sunday, April 5, 2015 at 6:30am & 10:30am
More information to come as the date nears.
Tentatively, we are planning on having a sunrise service this day in addition to our regular 10:30am worship service. The sunrise worship service is tentatively planned to begin at 6:30am, with the anticipated sunrise being at 6:43am.
Girl Scout Sunday
Sunday, March 8 at 10:30am
All those involved in Girl Scouts U.S.A. are invited to wear their uniforms for this annual celebration. Check with your unit leader to see if she is providing you with a Girl Scout Sunday patch (that varies from year to year and leader to leader). If not, we are more than happy to present you with one on that day. To receive the 2015 Girl Scout Sunday patch from St. Paul's UCC, please use the sign up sheet in the narthex hallway by Sunday, February 22.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 18 at 6:30pm
Our Ash Wednesday worship service will be on Wednesday, February 18 at 6:30pm. We will be offering communion in the pews. In the evening bulletin will be a summary about why we use ashes on Ash Wednesday. Worshipers will have the option of receiving ashes on their foreheads, the back of their hands, or not at all.
We will have a Jr. Sermon and children's bulletins for this annual holy day worship service.
Burning of Palm Branches
Sunday, February 8 at 9:15am
We will be burning last year’s Palm Sunday’s palm branches during the Sunday school hour on Sunday, February 8 (rain/snow date is February 15). Pastor Ben will be talking about why we use last year’s palm branches for this year’s ashes. We will be outside, so dress appropriately. Pastor Ben will be giving a demonstration of the burning of the palms and the grounding them down into the ashes we will be using for Ash Wednesday.
If you have palms you would like to donate, you can begin bringing them to the church on February 1.
Boy Scout Sunday
Sunday, February 8 at 10:30am
Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Venture Scouts, and other youth and adults involved in the Boy Scouts of America program are invited to wear their uniforms for this annual celebration. To receive the 2015 Boy Scout Sunday patch, use the sign up sheet in the narthex hallway by Sunday, February 1.
Greeter & Usher Training and Refresher
Sunday, February 8 at 11:45am
Following the 10:30am worship service on Sunday, February 8 the Consistory has scheduled a "Greeter & Usher Training and Refresher" course to be led by the Pastor.
This brief course will only take about 45 minutes. It is for all current Greeters, Ushers, and Consistory members, as well as anyone else who might be interested in becoming a Greeter/Usher or learning about the process we use for intentional hospitality to visitors on Sunday mornings. Even if you took the course last year, you are strongly encouraged to attend, as recent changes have been made in the way St. Paul's does greeting and ushering and the wisdom of experience Greeters/Ushers can be of great benefit to our newest helpers.
If you have any questions about Greeting/Ushering, or if you cannot make it on February 8 and need to schedule an alternative date, please contact Pastor Ben Motz.
Palm Branches
Sunday, February 1
If you have Palm Branches from a past Palm Sunday that you would like to donate for the making of the ash for Ash Wednesday, please bring them to the church office beginning on Sunday, February 1. We will continue to receive them until Sunday, February 15.
SOUPerbowl Sunday
Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 11:45am
February 1st is our annual SOUPerbowl Sunday! Immediately following worship, we will be havig a soup luncheon in Miller Fellowship Hall. You are invited to make your favorite soup, put it in a crockpot with a label (your name and kind of soup), and place it in the kitchen area. After the worship service we will all enjoy the variety of soups prepared, along with any donations of bread, crackers, drinks, and desserts.
To help with the planning, there is a sign up sheet in the narthex hallway for those planning to bring soup or other food.
Last year we had the opportunity to sample 15 different soups --- all of them delicious!!!
Not to worry football fans - this activity will be done in plenty of time to get home for the big game.
Installation of New Officers
Sunday, January 25 at 10:30am
On this, the third Sunday after Epiphany we will be installing our newly elected officers into their respective positions. We hope that you will come and celebrate in this day with them and show them your support and thankfulness for their leadership.
Consistory Photo
Sunday, January 25 at 11:45am
Following the 10:30am installation and worship service, this year's Consistory will be gathering at the chancel steps for a group Consistory photograph.
Officers, chairpersons, and staff who do not have a current picture (or who would like a new picture taken) are asked to have their individual photo taken following the group photo of the Consistory.
Photo Directory Updates
Sunday, January 25
Starting this Sunday, we will have photographers available to take individual photos. Our current technology gives us the ability to do a basic photo directory in house.
On January 25, our photographers are available to take your photo after the Consistory photo, as well as during the luncheon.
Church History Event
Sunday, January 25 at 11:45 am
Following the worship service on Sunday, January 25 we will be having a special potluck luncheon followed by a celebration of the history of St. Paul's UCC.
Come and hear about how St. Paul's began; share your memories; hear the memories of others; see the historic pictures and videos. Everyone is welcome to this free event - visitors and members alike. This will not be a history class, but we hope will be like sharing stories around the campfire. Come and enjoy the food, fellowship and friendship.
Let us celebrate together in who we are as members of the congregation fo St. Paul's United Church of Christ.
The sharing on this day, will also be used to help guide the long-range planning, which will begin on February 21. (See below for more details about the upcoming Visioning and Long-Range Planning Retreat).
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, January 18 at 10:30am
Our guest preacher will be the Rev. Ruth Sheets. She and her sister will also be sharing their musical talents in providing special music this Sunday.
First Sunday after Epiphany - Baptism of the Lord Sunday
Sunday, January 11 at 10:30am
We will be celebrating in the sacrament of Holy Baptism on this Sunday for one of our youth. We hope you will come and join us, and offer your love, support, and care to her.
Church - A Safe Haven Workshop
Saturday, January 10 from 9:00am - 2:30pm
With the coming changes to Pennsylvania's Child Protection laws on January 1, 2015, church and community leaders are invited to attend "Church - A Safe Haven Workshop" to be held on Saturday, January 10 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at St. Daniel’s Lutheran Church, 480 Big Spring Road, Robesonia, PA 19551. Vicar Bonnie Oplinger, a former Social Worker and a current seminary Lancaster Seminary student leads an excellent discussion based on biblical and theological principles that will help individuals and congregations implement and strengthen their congregational Child Protection Policies. The cost is $10 per person; BYO (bring your own) Lunch; dessert & beverage will be provided by St. Daniels. Contact the Rev. Rebecca Knox (Pastor of St. Daniel's) at revknox7@gmail.com" data-mce-href="mailto:revknox7@gmail.com" data-mce-href="mailto:revknox7@gmail.com">revknox7@gmail.com">revknox7@gmail.com" data-mce-href="mailto:revknox7@gmail.com">revknox7@gmail.com for more information and to register or call St. Daniel’s Lutheran Church office at 610-693-5145.
On January 1, 2015 any volunteers that work with children and youth in congregational programming will become mandated reporters of child abuse. Bonnie will be available to answer questions specific to your congregation.
Our guest speaker Bonnie Oplinger has a master's degree in social work and many years ago did DPW approved training, primarily for County caseworkers who interviewed children who had allegedly been sexually abused. Now, she is no longer DPW approved. She has done work in seminary on developing the theological basis for the church being a safe haven for vulnerable people. She believes we need to go beyond what state requirements are now asking us to do.
St. Daniel's ELCA is hosting this event for all of the Conrad Ministerium Churches, as well as churches beyond our ministerium.
For information about St. Paul's UCC's child protection policies, please contact St. Paul's Christian Education Committee at office@sprucc.org, 610-621-5770, or use the leadership contact information found on page 2 of The Herald.
Second Sunday after Christmas - Epiphany Sunday
Sunday, January 4 at 10:30am
Epiphany is on Tuesday, January 6, which we will be celebrating on Sunday, January 4. Join us in this celebration of the arrival of the Wise Men to Bethlehem, revealing the good news of the Christian message and the reign of Christ being for the whole world. We will have a children's message, Holy Communion, and sharing in the joy of the season with the singing of Christmas carols.
Annual Pork and Sauerkraut Dinner
New Year's Day - January 1, 2015 - 11:00am to 2:00pm
The Men's Fellowship Group will cook a feast to start the new year out right. This annual meal starts at 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Pork, Sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, applesauce a roll and of course homemade desserts are on the menu. Adults-$10.00, Children(6-12)-$4.00, under six free. Come onct and eat yourself full!
St. Paul's UCC and Ruscombmanor Volunteer Fire Company were interviewed by Channel 69 WFMZ regarding our pork and sauerkraut dinners. You can see that interview by clicking on this WFMZ Pork & Sauerkraut video clip link, and you can read the article by clicking on this WFMZ Pork & Sauerkraut article link.
To view photos from this event, you can click on this New Years Day 2015 Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner link.