Past News Articles
In the event that you missed the information about a previous event at St. Paul's UCC that you had wanted to know, you might be able to find it here. The following events are listed in order of the most recent at the top of the page and the oldest articles at the bottom of the page.
~ Past Events in 2021 ~
The Christmas Fund (Veterans of the Cross)
December 2021
Annually UCC churches across the country receive a special offering for "The Christmas Fund (Veterans of the Cross)." These funds are collected for retired pastors and widows/widowers of pastors who are now in financial need. You can learn more about this fund on our UCC Missions page by clicking on this The Christmas Fund link.
United Church of Christ congregations, members and friends have blessed the Christmas Fund with their generosity for many years. This year, your care and compassion will be especially appreciated by those servants of the church who are facing a time of need.
You may donate online by clicking the green “Online Giving” button found in the column to the right; designate your gift as "Christmas Fund" on the "Special Mission" line. You may also send or bring your donation to the church. Your check should be made out to St. Paul’s UCC. Please indicate on the check’s memo line that the donation should go to the Christmas Fund.
Thank you!
Three Advent & Christmas Gifts
December 5, 24, & 25, 2021
Members will find three special envelopes in your offering envelope packet for you to use in December 2021. The following describes each of those three, followed by how to contribute.
Special Advent Envelope
Western Berks Ambulance
All donations to the "Advent" envelope will be sent on to Western Berks Ambulance Association. The ambulance association offers both Basic Life Support Services as well as Advanced Life Support Services to our community. They have 3 stations out of which they operate 15 ambulances and 6 wheelchair vans. They provide service to a 120+ square mile area in Western Berks County. They have 100+ volunteers and employees servicing over 3,800 households. Any and all help is appreciated.
Christmas Eve
Supporting Virtual Connections
Funds received from the “Christmas Eve Special Envelope” will go to help fund the technology use of our church. Technology helps us share the Good News during worship, to teach, to virtually meet, to communicate well, to receive online offerings, and share our church with our community. With time and experience our broadcasts have improved. However, we are in need of a new camera at the back of the church, and the computer to which everything is hooked up to, is VERY slow and really should be updated. Please consider helping us improve out broadcasts.
Christmas Envelope
A Gift for Church Ministries in a Difficult Year
We hope that you will use the special “Christmas Envelope” to offer a special end-of-the-year Christmas donation to your church, to help support and further the ministries of your church, particularly as we continue through this pandemic. Your generous Christmas donation will help greatly during this time. Thank you for your generous and faithful support.
How To Contribute
You can mail these envelopes to the church office at St. Paul’s UCC; 301 West Penn Avenue; Robesonia, PA 19551; or you can drop them in the mail slot at the church building (or in the plate on Christmas Eve if attending that worship service); or you can or you can contribute using the online contributions link on our website (using the “Special Missions” or “Other” line). Simply designate them “Advent Envelope,” “Christmas Eve Envelope,” or “Christmas Envelope” respectively.
If you do not receive an annual St. Paul's UCC offering packet or did receive it but misplaced it, and would like to mail a contribution, simply put the designation of your gift on the memo line of your check. The safest and simplest way to contribute to all or any of these three is to simply use the online giving option.
First Sunday after Christmas
2nd Day of Christmas
Sunday, December 26, 2021 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
We hope you will join us this Sunday to celebrate the birth of Christ, and to prayerfully end the calendar year, on this the last Sunday of 2021.
Sunday School
There will be no Youth and Adult Sunday School Classes on December 26, 2021 and January 2, 2022. Click on the following links to check out our Online Children & Youth Sunday School Resources and our Online Sunday School Music to engage in God's word at home.
Christmas Eve
Friday, December 24, Christmas Eve Services
Early Worship Services - 5:00pm & 8:00pm - In-person and Virtual
Midnight Worship Service - 11:00pm - In-person and Virtual
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
On Christmas Eve we will be having three hybrid worship services, combined with Zion UCC.
The first two will be at 5:00pm & 8:00pm. Those two will be identical to each other, with the exception of different special music for each. These services will include communion, candlelight, Silent Night and other Christmas carols.
The 11:00pm worship service will be different from the first two services. This service will begin at 11:00pm and end shortly after midnight on Christmas morning. As a part of this worship service, we will have communion, candlelight, Silent Night, and Joy to the World on Christmas morning.
Due to our COVID safety social distancing guidelines, we have limited seating in the sanctuary, and all worshipers over the age of 2 years old need to wear a mask that covers mouth, nose, and chin.
We are hoping that in offering both a 5:00pm and an 8:00pm worship service we will be able to accommodate more people overall in the sanctuary. Our sanctuary seating is limited to a little over 20 household units. Seating will be by first come, so you are encouraged to come early, especially as these services are combined with Zion UCC. When we exceed 20 households, we will seat additional worshipers in the Miller Fellowship Hall and broadcast the live stream onto the projection screen. We have seating for 15 family units in the Miller Fellowship Hall. If we exceed that seating capacity, we will seat people in the old social hall, where a large television will be set up. Whether in the fellowship hall, old social hall, or in the sanctuary, we will have communion and candles for worshipers.
For more information about the Christmas Eve worship services, please contact Elsa Wertz (chair), Terry Pastor (vice chair), the church office, or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Homebound Bags and Caroling
Sunday, December 19 - After Worship
After the worship service on Sunday, December 19th we will be packing bags of goodies for the homebound members of St. Paul’s and Zion. We will then go out and deliver the bags, caroling at each location. Currently we are in the process of collecting small items like toiletries, word search books, lip balm, body lotion, etc. We hope you will help us with this project, either with donations and/or helping to put everything together and delivering it. Donations may be placed in the marked bin on the stage in the Miller Fellowship Hall. If you are available to help pack the goodies, or you would like to be part of the delivery and singing crew, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770. Thanks!
Children's Christmas Program
Sunday, December 19, 2021 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
We hope that you will join us during the worship service on Sunday, December 19th when the Sunday school children will present their version of the Christmas story. The younger children will be dressing up and singing Christmas songs; the older kids will be narrating as well as singing. Please plan to attend to support the children as we all prepare for Christmas!
For more information, please contact Sheri Rowe, Elsa Wertz (chair), Terry Pastor (vice chair), or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Communion Packing & Delivery
For the Friday, December 24 Christmas Eve Hybrid Worship Service
Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 10:00am
Pastor Ben will be leading us in the blessing of the communion elements during the 10:15am worship service on Sunday, December 12. We will have volunteers doing a no-touch delivery of the blessed elements beginning on Wednesday, December 15, and continuing through the weekend. This is in anticipation of our Friday, December 24, 2021 Christmas Eve worship services at 5:00pm, 8:00pm and 11:00pm.
To confirm the number of pre-filled communion cups you would like delivered to your home, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or Yes, we do have a limited number of additional communion cups for friends and neighbors. If you come to worship in person that day, please bring that communion cup and bulletin along with you.
Also, please contact the church office if you are able to help with the packing and/or delivery. We are in need of more volunteers.
For more details about this communion delivery, please click on this Communion Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic link.
Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, December 12, 2020: In-Person or by ZOOM
Registration/Log-in Begins at 11:30am
Meeting Begins at 11:45am
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, December 12 for those in-person or by ZOOM. You may begin logging into the meeting at 11:30am (after the 10:15am worship service). We hope to have everyone registered by 11:45am, which is when we will begin the meeting.
The two topics of "business" for this annual meeting is: (1) electing the new Consistory members, Chairpersons, and other leadership positions for the upcoming 2022 year; and (2) voting on the "2022 Ministry and Mission Program" (i.e. the 2022 budget). Those documents will be emailed to members prior to the Congregational Meeting. The documents may also be picked up at the church building.
For more information about the Annual Congregational Meeting, please contact Kirk Aulenbach (President of Consistory), Sheri Rowe (Vice President), the church office, or any member of the Consistory.
Light In A Darkened World
Advent & December 2021
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
Throughout the Season of Advent (the four Sundays before Christmas) we share in a different weekly theme of what the advent (anticipated coming) of Christ means for us and for our world.
Sunday, November 28, First Sunday of Advent, at 10:15am - Hope
In a world darkened by anxiety and fear, we find hope in Christ who overcomes for us all that creates darkness.
This worship service will include the Bell Choir and Holy Communion.
Sunday, December 5, Second Sunday of Advent, at 10:15am - Peace
In a world torn by violence and conflict, we learn of a better path to peace through Christ who forgives, redeems, and unites us.
Sunday, December 12, Third Sunday of Advent, at 10:15am - Joy
In a world of grief and loss, we are led to greater and deeper of times of joy through Christ who strengthens and encourages us.
On this Sunday we will have a special celebration of "The Sacredness of the Greens."
(Our Annual Congregational Meeting will follow at 11:30am).
Sunday, December 19, Fourth Sunday of Advent, at 10:15am - Love
In a world with too much hate and division, we learn to love our neighbor as ourselves through Christ who loves us.
This worship service will also include our children leading our annual children's Christmas program.
Friday, December 24, Christmas Eve Services - Light
Even as a single candle can bring light to a room, all shadows in our world are dissipated by the light of Christ.
For more information about the Advent and Christmas Eve worship services, please Elsa Wertz (chair), Terry Pastor (vice chair), or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Thanksgiving Eve
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 6:30pm
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
This will be a combined worship service with Zion UCC and St. Paul's UCC. We will be using St. Paul's Zoom log in numbers.
Join Zoom Worship:
or Join Zoom Worship by phone: 1-646-558-8656 (NY)
Meeting ID: 104 401 368
Passcode: 301301
Please note: When you connect, your phone or device will automatically be on "mute", please leave it on mute throughout the worship service, so that other participants only hear the worship service and not you or other background noise in your home.
Click on the following link for this Wednesday's bulletin:
Bulletin - Wednesday, November 24, 2021 - Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service
For more information about the Thanksgiving Eve worship service and our fall worship services, please Elsa Wertz, Terry Pastor, or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Harvest Home
Christ the King Sunday
26th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
This will be a combined worship service with Zion UCC and St. Paul's UCC. We will be using Zion's Zoom log in numbers.
Information about Harvest Home Sunday coming soon.....
For more information about Harvest Home Sunday and our fall worship services, please Elsa Wertz, Terry Pastor, or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Christmas Bazaar
Saturday, November 20, 2021 from 9:00am-1:00pm
Sponsored by St. Paul's 21st Century Christian Women's Group, the bazaar includes homemade candy, a large basket raffle, baked goods, chow chow, preserves, attic treasures, and soup & BBQ to go. Always a FUN event, we hope to see you there!
For more information, please contact Sue Hiester or any member of the 21st Century Christian Women's Fellowship Group.
Poinsettia Orders
Orders Due: Monday, November 15, 2021
Please consider ordering a poinsettia to add to the beauty of our sanctuary at Christmas and to honor or remember a loved one.
Orders should be received by Monday, November 15, 2021.
If you do not have time to send in your order, please call the church office at 610-621-5770.
- Using this "Online Giving" link or the green "Online Giving" button to the right of this page. Indicate the amount and on the "Other 1" or "Other 2" line indicate that it is for "Poinsettias".
- Check made payable to St. Paul's UCC with a notation on the memo line that it is for "Poinsettias". Please mail or deliver your check to church.
Stewardship Sunday - Rooted in Love
25th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 14, 2021 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom,
& Indoor In-person
For our annual Stewardship Sunday worship service, we will be receiving our "Faith Promise to God Cards" and giving thanks to God for the ways in which we can bless others, as God's entrusted stewards. Due to the pandemic, we will NOT be having worshipers coming forward for the blessing of hands (we hope to resume that next year). If you are not able to come, please mail your Faith Promise to God Card to the church office for November 14. Those cards will be mailed to members early in November.
The Deacons are planning a special light luncheon after worship in the Miller Fellowship Hall. All are invited!
For more information about Stewardship Sunday, contact Deacons Kirk Aulenbach and Steve Miller. For more information about the fall worship services, please contact Elsa Wertz, Terry Pastor, or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
All Saints Sunday
24th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, November 7, 2021 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
Information about All Saints Sunday coming soon.....
For more information about All Saints Sunday and our fall worship services, please Elsa Wertz, Terry Pastor, or any member of the Worship & Education Committee.
Christmas Candy Orders
Orders Due: Sunday, October 31, 2021
Pickup: Saturday, November 20, 2021 from 9:00am-1:00pm
It's that time of year again....time to order Christmas CANDY!! The 21st Century Christian Women's Group will soon be making Christmas candy, but they need to have an idea of just how much to make. Click on this 2021 Candy Order Form link for a candy order form. Please indicate "dark chocolate" or "milk chocolate." Print order forms are also available at the church next to the "Candy Order" basket found upstairs in the hallway. If you would like the church to send you a print order form, please call or email.
To place your order, you can email it to the church office at, or place it in the "Candy Order" basket (upstairs second floor hallway). To email your order, you can either: (1) fill out the form, scan or take a pic of it, and email it to or (2) simply email a typed order to
You can pay by check, cash, or electronically online. To pay online, click on this Pay Online link, enter your amount in the "Fund-Raiser" line and type "Candy Order" as the description. If paying by check, please make it out to the 21st Century Christian Women's Group, and indicate "Candy Order" on the memo line. All orders must be paid for when ordered. You are responsible for the orders placed.
Your order will be available for pickup on Saturday, November 20, 2021 (during the Christmas Bazaar) from 9:00am to 1:00pm.
For questions or more information, please contact the church office.
Trick or Treating in Robesonia - Come for a Treat!
Sunday, October 31, 2021 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Stop by the front of the church building on Robesonia's Trick or Treat Night on Sunday, October 31 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm to get a sweet treat!
We are inviting members to donate individually wrapped candy in advance for us to hand out. Please bring your donations to church by Sunday, October 24. They should be placed in the orange tub found in the upstairs church hallway. With the bags of candy, we will be including a small flyer sharing some of the ministries within our church that might be of interest to young trick or treaters. We are also looking for persons to help hand out the candy, decorate the front of the church for the evening, and help take down the decorations afterwards. We always have a fun time. If you would be interested in helping with any of that, please contact the Evangelism Committee, Robin Henning - Chairperson.
Reformation-Reconciliation Sunday
23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 31, 2021 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
Information about Reformation-Reconciliation Sunday coming soon.....
For more information about Reformation Sunday and our fall worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Youth Group Activity
Cocoa Bomb Making
Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 12noon
On Sunday, October 24, the youth will be gathering at church to make cocoa bombs. What is that?!! Cocoa bombs are a delicious combination of cocoa mix and marshmallows in a molded chocolate sphere decorated on the outside with sprinkles, shaved chocolate, drizzled chocolate, or whatever the imagination can dream up. What do you do with it?!! Heat up some milk, place a sphere in a mug, cover it with hot milk, and then just watch it melt and release all the goodies inside. A delicious hot, sweet beverage for consumption on a cool day, or just if you want a nice sweet beverage. The youth will be making them to sell at the Christmas Bazaar. It should be a lot of fun for the kids to make, and delicious for those who choose to buy them at the Bazaar. The youth will also be sharing a meal together at the church while the chocolate hardens in their molds midway through the process of making the cocoa bombs.
Youth Group is for kids in grades 5-12 (and/or up to age 21). They do not need to be members of St. Paul's Church. During our twice monthly meetings we have time for fellowship, prayer, learning, fun, and the youth planning for their own upcoming activities, all with appropriate adult supervision. Questions? Contact the church office.
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
For more information about our worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Duncan's Corn Maze Youth Group & Family Event
Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 6:00pm
Everyone is invited to Duncan’s Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch on Sunday, October 17, 2021. This event initially was a Youth Group event, but it has been opened up to include church families, friends, and relatives. We will meet at the maze at 6:00pm. Our adventure will start while it is light, but will most likely end after dark. Dress appropriately and bring a flashlight. The cost is $10/person, children 5 and under are free. In order to get a group rate ($9/person) we need to place advance reservations. Please contact the church office via phone (610-621-5770) or email ( to make your reservation. Not sure that you will be able to make it? Hesitant about making a reservation? If you can make it, but did not make a reservation, that's okay. Meet us there at 6:00pm. If we have enough people, you may still be able to get the group rate.
There are several other fun family activities in addition to the maze that are free or low cost: pick a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch, climb the giant bales and giant slide, corn box, hay bale jungle gym, giant sling shot game, etc.
Worried because the next day is school. Don’t worry! We will start around 6:00pm, but how long you stay is up to you. This will be a FUN event! We hope that you will be able to join us!
21st Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
We will once again be worshiping with Zion UCC in the sanctuary. While it may be convenient to worship from home, there's NOTHING like worshiping in person, especially with more people in the sanctuary. After the worship we will gather with Zion for fellowship and snacks in the Miller Fellowship Hall. Please join us!
For more information about our fall worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
20th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 10, 2021 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
For more information about our other fall worship services, please contact Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair of the Worship & Education Committee.
Sunday School Resumes - All Ages
Sunday, October 10, 2021 at 9:00am
On Sunday, October 10, in-person Sunday school will resume for all ages. We have classes for adults and all ages of youth (Pre-school and up). We hope you will come! Classes will go from 9:00-9:45am.
World Communion/Neighbors in Need Sunday
19th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, October 3, 2021 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
A combined worship and communion service with Zion UCC.
World Communion Sunday is a time for remembering that around the globe - in different languages, with different traditions and customs, and in various forms of liturgy - the Lord's Supper is celebrated throughout Christendom.
During the worship service we will receive the Neighbors in Need (NIN) Special Offering. In 2021 the NIN "Unfailing Love" offering is focused on supporting organizations and projects that are serving homeless and immigrant neighbors or communities. Most UCC churches collect this offering on the first Sunday in October as part of World Communion Sunday, but contributions can be made at any time. If you would like to give to NIN (one of the UCC's Five for Five Special Mission Offerings), please use the green "Online Giving" button found in the side bar to the right. Please indicate the amount of your donation and
For more information about our worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
18th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 26, 2021 at 10:15am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
For more information about our worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Vacation Pictures - Catching Up with Each Other
Ketchup Sunday
Sunday, September 19, 2021 at 10:15am
After worship on Sunday, September 19 we will be celebrating in our annual “Ketchup Sunday,” with hot dogs, ketchup, and other refreshments.
We hope this fellowship time will give us a chance to catch-up with each other after our summer vacations. To help with catching up, you are invited to e-mail the Pastor pictures from your summer vacation at During the fellowship time we will include those pictures in a slide show. We hope to have a projector outside (if good weather). If you have multiple pictures from this summer, yes, please send multiple pictures - the more the merrier, as it will help make the slide show that much more interesting. Please send those pictures by Tuesday, September 14.
Additionally, we will be celebrating in this fellowship time with members of Zion UCC, and we are inviting them to submit pictures, as well. We hope this will be a good opportunity for the members of our two congregations to get to know one another a little better.
Ketchup Sunday is also about catching up with our missed offerings. If you look through your offering envelope packet, you may find a few from this past year that you haven’t yet used. If so, you are invited and encouraged to bring those with you on September 19 (with an offering in them) and place them in the offering plate to be blessed and uplifted to God, and in doing so “Catch-Up” in your support of Christ’s ministries through his church. If you cannot attend, yes, you can mail those offerings to the office or contribute online electronically. We are to give regularly and proportionally back to God throughout the year out of the blessings God has given to us - all that we have and are is from God.
Whether you submit pictures or not, and whether you bring your envelopes or not, we hope that you will come, join in the refreshments, and catch up with your church family as we begin the fall.
Neighborhood Mission Work
Stay-Near-Home Mission Trip
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Rain Date: Saturday, September 25, 2021
Need to Know Deadline: ASAP
On Saturday, September 18 the congregations of St. Paul's UCC in Robesonia and Zion UCC in Womelsdorf will be going on a mission trip together, without even leaving Berks County! On this day, we will be sharing the love of God within our community by helping people needing assistance with small but important projects in and around their homes.
We are compiling a list of potential projects, which the Property Committees of both churches will evaluate and make the decisions as to which ones we will do this September. If you or someone you know in the community has an indoor or outdoor project, with which we can potentially be of help, please let us know. Examples of potential projects include pruning, weeding, trimming, patching drywall, hauling trash from a basement to the curb, painting a fence, etc.
If you are available to help with our Mission Trip, we would like to know that too. Please click on the following link which will take you to our Interest Survey.
If you are not available to help, but would like to provide monetary support for our mission work efforts, you can do so by making a secure online donation by clicking on "Online Giving" at, and type "Mission Project Fund" in one of the mission lines. These funds will be used to help provide supplies, such as paint, brushes, cleaner, etc.
Whether you can help or have a potential project that you would like the committee to consider, we need to know by ASAP.
The schedule for the day will be to meet at 1:00pm in St. Paul's parking lot. Have an opening devotion & reflection, receive instructions, and then be sent off. We will work until 5:30pm at our mission project sites, then return to St. Paul's at 6:00pm for dinner and concluding worship.
We are excited to be working with Zion UCC of Womelsdorf. We look forward to serving together, as the Body of Christ, that people might experience the love of God through us.
Return to Regular Schedule
Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 10:15am
Sunday Worship at 10:15am
Sunday School - Will Resume on Sunday October 3 at 9:00am
We will return to our regular Sunday worship schedule on Sunday, September 12, 2021 (the second Sunday in September). Worship will begin at 10:15am. We will have a refreshment time together with Zion UCC following our worship services.
On September 12, we will be celebrating a baptism, remembering the lives lost on 9/11 (the 20th anniversary of that tragic attack), and blessing teachers, students, and backpacks (for our annual Blessing of the Backpacks Sunday).
Sunday school will begin October 3 at 9:00am. If this date changes, updated information will be found here on the website.
Our regular schedule runs from September (after Labor Day) to May (the weekend before Memorial Day); and our summer schedule runs from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend.
For more information, please contact the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Baptism & Blessing of the Backpacks
Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 10:15am
During our worship service, we will be sharing in the Sacrament of Baptism for Brooke Sell.
We hope that you will be able to join us either in person or vitually for this worship service, and help us celebrate this special day for Brooke.
All preschool, school age youth, college and graduate students are welcome and invited to bring their school backpacks with them to worship on this Sunday for a "Blessing of the Backpacks", as students return back to school with our prayers. Visitors, friends, members, and students of all ages are welcome to bring their backpacks and participate in the blessing.
During this worship service we will also have special prayers for students, school teachers, and Sunday school teachers as they begin the new school year.
For more information, please contact the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
15th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 10:00am
A Celebration Worship Service at Zion UCC in Womelsdorf
St. Paul’s UCC - Closed to In-Person Worship
On Sunday, September 5th St. Paul’s UCC will be closed to in-person worship in order for our Pastor and members to be present in support of Zion’s congregation at their final worship service. If coming in person, please note that social distancing for seating might not be possible, as attendance is expected to be greater for this final worship service. There will be representatives from both the Covenant Association of the UCC and the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the UCC present; Pastor Ben Motz will be offering the Benediction; and Pastor Bob Masenheimer will be playing the organ for their final worship service.
We will be broadcasting using our Live Stream, Phone Stream, and Facebook Live from their sanctuary, for everyone to participate virtually. Thank you, Kirk. We will not be using our Zoom this Sunday; however, you can also participate via Zion UCC's Zoom log in, which is Meeting ID: 889 4662 4289 and Password: 579687 (to log in with a telephone, call: 1-301-715-8592 to join the audio via phone).
The service will begin at 10:00am. Please be aware that there is limited parking. Those attending may want to park in the parking lot at Conrad Weiser West Elementary School and walk over.
Please keep the congregation of Zion UCC in your prayers as they go through this transition, especially on September 5th.
14th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 29, 2021 at 9:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
If you are fully vaccinated, you need not wear a mask, except when singing. If you are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated and over two years old, mask wearing is required while in the building. We will continue to practice social distancing. For more information about our COVID Safety Precautions for in-person worship, please click on this COVID Precautions link.
For more information about our summer worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
13th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 22, 2021 at 9:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Indoor In-person
Mr. Kirk Aulenbach will be our guest speaker. Kirk is a member of St. Paul's Church, President of our Consistory, and our technician for our weekly Live Stream worship service. Thank you for serving as our guest speaker!
12th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 15, 2021 at 9:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Indoor In-person
The Rev. Leah Knox will be our guest speaker. Some background information: the Rev. Leah Knox is charged with addressing the spiritual needs of the residents and staff of Phoebe Berks through pastoral care and counseling. In addition, she has specific responsibilities for spiritual assessments, conducting various religious activities including daily devotion, Bible studies, weekly Chapel services and special services, serving as liaison with local clergy, and providing supportive assistance to students and volunteers working in the pastoral services department. Rev. Knox will be our special guest during worship on August 15. We hope that you will join us and help her feel welcome at St. Paul's Church.
Due to COVID safety precautions, all people whether vaccinated or not need to wear masks for this service, and there will be no singing on this Sunday. For more information about our COVID Safety Precautions for in-person worship, please click on this COVID Precautions link.
For more information about our summer worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Annual Car Show
Saturday, August 14, 2021 from 10:00am to 3:00pm
St. Paul's Annual Car Show will take place rain or shine on Saturday, August 14 from 10:00am to 3:00pm. The show will take place behind the church in the grass lot. There will be four classes of cars to be judged: Antique, Classic, Modified and Special Interest. Five trophy awards will be presented. If you would like to pre-register, please do so by August 7, 2021. You may also register on the same day as the show. Either way, the cost is $10.00 per car. The first 150 cars to register will receive a free gift. Food will be available for purchase during the event.
To obtain the registration form, please click on this registration link. You may then download and print the form. Please follow the instructions found on the form. If you would like a form sent to you, please call the church at 610-621-5770.
Worship at Knoebels Amusement Park
Sunday, August 8, 2021 at 10:30am
We will be gathering for worship at Knoebels Amusement Park in Elysburg, PA at Pavilion Tent #4 on the second Sunday of August at 10:30am.
Friends, family, visitors are all very welcome to participate. There is NO park admission fee. There is NO parking fee. You need only to pay for ride tickets (for whatever rides you may wish) and any food you may wish to purchase there.
We are especially looking forward to this year, as we needed to cancel our 2020 event due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Schedule at the Park
10:00am - begin to gather at Pavilion Tent #4
10:30am - worship at the pavilion
11:00am - pool opens
11:15am - lunch at Pavilion Tent #4 (please supply your own food and beverages)
12:00pm - park opens
6:00pm - pool closes
8:00pm - park closes
Virtual Worship at St. Paul's on August 8
For those who are unable to journey with us to Knoebels, we are planning to have a virtual ONLY worship service at St. Paul's at 9:30am.
Tickets for Youth
St. Paul's UCC will be providing a packet of ride tickets for each youth that participates in the worship service at Knoebels. However, you need to contact the church office at or 610-621-5770 by 10:00am Thursday, August 5, 2021, so that we can pre-order those tickets at a discount.
COVID Worship Safety
We will be following our outdoor COVID Safety Policies, which includes wearing a mask while singing and wearing a mask when not able to be socially distant, regardless if you are or are not vaccinated.
Previous Year's Photos
To view photos from previous year's click on the following links:
Knoebels 2016 - Facebook Photos
Knoebels 2015 - Website Photos
Knoebels 2015 - Facebook Photos
Knoebels 2014 - Website Photos
Knoebels 2014 - Facebook Photos
11th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 8, 2021 at 9:30am
Virtual Only: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Facebook Live
Our 9:30am Sunday morning worship service on Sunday, August 8, 2021 will be Virtual ONLY (no in-person worship in the sanctuary). Click on this What Should I See In the Mirror link for the worship video, and this Worship Bulletin for August 8 link for this Sunday's bulletin.
In addition we will be having a live in-person worship service at 10:30am at Knoebels Amusement Park. If we are able to connect well to the internet while there, we will also attempt to to share this worship service across our streaming platforms. For more information, see the Knoebels article below.
For more information about our summer worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
10th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, August 1, 2021 at 9:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Indoor In-person
The Rev. Robert Masenheimer (Pastor Bob) will be our guest speaker. His topic will be "Music in the Church: Where did it come from? Why do we do it?" His talk will be a little bit of the history of music; how did music develop over the years? What was the role of the Church in the development of music. Biblical uses of music and possibly something about the theology of music in the church today. Basically, why do we sing? What does it do for us? We hope you will join us so that you may learn just a little more about the impact of music in the Church.
For more information about our summer worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
9th Sunday after Pentecost
Agapé Love Feast
Sunday, July 25, 2021 at 9:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Indoor In-person
You are invited to join us for a Love Feast during our online worship service on Sunday, July 25 at 9:30am. This will be in place of our July/August communion worship service (however, a Love Feast is not Holy Communion). A Love Feast is a communal meal that takes place during a worship service, but unlike in the sacrament of Holy Communion, there is no consecration of the elements by an ordained minister (in the sacrament of communion we consecrate the elements of bread and wine/grape juice). Although for many of us, a Love Feast will perhaps be a new worship experience, the practice of a Love Feast for bringing Christians together in fellowship dates back to New Testament times and is mentioned by name in Jude 1:12.
It is our hope that during this time of semi-social distancing, uniting around a common meal, might help us to feel more connected to one another and our Lord.
For this worship service, we invite you, from the comfort of your home, to have a simple food (such as a pastry, donought, cracker, or bun) and a simple drink (such as coffee, tea, water, or lemonade). For those who will be at the church for in-person worship, you will be given a bread wafer and small cup of juice for our shared meal. During the worship service, you will be directed to eat and drink of our communal meal together.
More information about this Love Feast can be found by clicking on this Love Feast Information link.
For more information about our COVID Safety Precautions for in-person worship, please click on this COVID Precautions link.
For more information about our summer worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
8th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 18, 2021 at 9:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Indoor In-person
The Rev. Dr. Jane Kropa will be our guest speaker. Her sermon will be "Achieving the Seemingly Impossible."
Due to COVID safety precautions, all people whether vaccinated or not need to wear masks for this service, and there will be no singing on this Sunday. For more information about our COVID Safety Precautions for in-person worship, please click on this COVID Precautions link.
For more information about our summer worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Special Edition 2021 General Synod
Sunday, July 11, 2021 - Sunday, July 18, 2020
General Synod of the United Church of Christ (UCC) is the national decision-making body for the denomination. It meets every two years and consists of over 600 delegates from various congregations and conferences. The General Synod is responsible for giving general direction to the evangelistic, missionary, and justice programs of the UCC.
The dates for the United Church of Christ’s first virtual General Synod have been set. The 33rd biennial gathering will take place online July 11-18, 2021 (from 5:00-9:30pm EDT). The Sunday to Sunday schedule is the first in a series of changes planned for this event, themed “Rooted in Love”. Pre-Synod events will occur July 7-10.
To learn more please click on this UCC link.
7th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 11, 2021 at 9:30am
5 For 5 Certificate
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
St. Paul's UCC received the "5 for 5 Certificate" from the United Church of Christ, which will be presented to the Consistory President on this Sunday. Thank you to all who contributed support to those five ministries. Look for more information about those five in the August issue of The Herald monthly church newsletter.
For more information about our COVID Safety Precautions for in-person worship, please click on this COVID Precautions link.
For more information about our summer worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
6th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, July 4, 2021 at 9:30am
Baptism, Prayers of Remembrance, and Prayers for the Nation
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
During our 4th of July worship service, we will be sharing in "Prayers for the Nation," the Sacrament of Baptism for Nevaeh Dixon, and Prayers of Remembrance for Sarah Starr.
We hope that you will be able to join us either in person or vitually for this worship service and the special prayers we are uplifting this day.
If you are fully vaccinated, you need not wear a mask, except when singing. If you are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated and over two years old, mask wearing is required while in the building. We will continue to practice social distancing. For more information about our COVID Safety Precautions for in-person worship, please click on this COVID Precautions link.
For more information about our summer worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Weekly Bible Study
Tuesday, June 29 will be the last study session for the summer
Sessions will resume in September 2021
Virtual ONLY via Zoom
Tuesday mornings Zion UCC of Womelsdorf offers a Zoom Bible Study based on the scripture passages for the coming Sunday. You may use any version of the Bible. The study goes from 9:00 to 9:45am most of the time (occassionally it may go a little longer). They would be happy to have you join them!
They use the same Zoom numbers every week.
Zoom Login: Zoom Link or call 1-646-558-8656 (New York)
Meeting ID: 876 633 8718; Passcode: 756672
Outdoor Worship
5th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 9:30am
Hybrid In-Person & Virtual: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Facebook Live
This Sunday it is expected to be hot and humid. Even though there will not be rain during the worship time, it has been decided to move the service indoors so that we can be comfortable in the air conditioning. We will still be able to sing, but masks will need to be worn at those times. After the worship service we will have a time of fellowship in the Miller Fellowship Hall. Please bring a beverage and/or food for you and your family. If you do not feel comfortable doing that, we hope you will stay just to fellowship.
Worship Services throughout the summer are planned to be hybrid (in-person and virtual). This Sunday we will have our usual YouTube Live Stream, Phone Stream, and Facebook Live. However, we will not have Zoom. Please only come in person if you are feeling well, do not have a fever, and have not had a possible COVID exposure.
For more information about our summer and Pentecost season worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Strengthen the Church
4th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, June 20, 2021 at 9:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Indoor In-person
We will have a special "Strengthen the Church" presentation this Sunday.
Worship this Sunday will be "hybrid," where you can participate virtually online or in-person while wearing masks, social distancing, and following our Indoor Worship COVID Safety Plan (a summary of which can be found at this Summary of COVID Safety Plan link).
If you choose to come in person, only come if you are feeling well, do not have a fever, are willing and able to wear a mask covering your mouth and nose, and have not had an exposure risk in the past 10 days. Masks and social distancing guidelines must be followed whether you have received a vaccine or not.
For more information about the "Strengthen the Church" presentation, please contact Geri Gammel in the church office. For more information about our summer worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Community Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Monday, June 14 - Thursday, June 17, 6:00-8:00pm
3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 9:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
Worship this Sunday will be "hybrid," where you can participate virtually online or in-person while wearing masks, social distancing, and following our Indoor Worship COVID Safety Plan (a summary of which can be found at this Summary of COVID Safety Plan link).
If you choose to come in person, only come if you are feeling well, do not have a fever, are willing and able to wear a mask covering your mouth and nose, and have not had an exposure risk in the past 10 days. Masks and social distancing guidelines must be followed whether you have received a vaccine or not.
We will be celebrating Holy Communion on this Sunday. If you had a bulletin and communion cup delivered to you, please bring that along with you to the worship service. Not to worry, we will have additional bulletins and communion cups on hand for those who do not bring those with them.
For more information about our summer worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Reclaiming the Day
Saturday, June 12, 2021
Deacon Diana Pelletier, of St. John's ELCA in Sinking Spring, is Reclaiming the Day of her auto accident, which left her partially paralyzed. She is doing so by walking a mile, or 5280 steps, with the help of an ekso-skeleton robot at Tower Health. She is also asking for donations to help her raise $5280 to help fund others who need the ekso, but can't afford it. She is a member of Pastor Ben's weekly pastors' Bible study group, and all the pastors of that group are seeking to share with their churches her inspiring story and her efforts to give others the gift of walking. Watch this video to learn more about Deacon Diana Reclaiming the Day.
To donate please go to: In the gift purpose line click: "Other", then in the Notes box type: "Reclaiming the Day."
Communion Packing & Delivery
For the Sunday, June 13, 2021 Live Stream Worship Service
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 10:00am
Pastor Ben will be leading us in the blessing of the communion elements during the 9:30am live stream worship service on Sunday, June 6. We will have volunteers doing a no-touch delivery of the blessed elements and palm crosses beginning on Wednesday, June 9 through Thursday, June 10.
We will then be celebrating Holy Communion on Sunday, June 13, which is the Sunday before Father's Day. If you come to the in-person worship service, and received a communion delivery, please bring your communion cup and bulletin along with you.
To confirm the number of pre-filled communion cups you would like delivered to your home, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">
Yes, we can deliver additional communion cups for friends and neighbors who live in the area. However, we do have a limited supply, so please make your request as soon as possible.
For more details about this communion delivery, please click on this Communion Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic link.
We Need Volunteers
Please prayerfully consider if God is calling upon you to help with packing and/or with these no-contact deliveries. To help please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">
For more information please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; and Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
2nd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 9:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
Pastor Ben will be consecrating our communion elements during this worship service, which will be delivered the following week, for the Sunday, June 13 virtual and in-person worship service.
Worship this Sunday will be "hybrid," where you can participate virtually online or in-person while wearing masks, social distancing, and following our Indoor Worship COVID Safety Plan (a summary of which can be found at this Summary of COVID Safety Plan link).
For more information about our summer worship services during the season of Pentecost, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Deepening our Connections, Deepening the Journey
Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the UCC - Annual Spring Meeting
Friday, June 4 - Saturday, June 5, 2021
2021 Virtual Annual Spring Meeting Registration is Now Open
The Pennsylvania Southeast Conference (PSEC) of the UCC is the conference to which St. Paul's UCC is a member. St. Paul's UCC members are also members of the UCC, the PSEC, and the Covenant Association.
“Deepening our Connections, Deepening the Journey” is the theme, and the hope, of PSEC’s Annual Spring meeting that begins Friday, June 4 with nationally celebrated social justice leader and guest presenter Sister Simone Campbell, a Catholic nun who, with a few sisters in faith, chartered a bus to change the world.
Our connecting continues with Saturday’s conferring sessions, workshops and worship services to honor anniversary clergy and congregations, to lament the losses endured through the pandemic and to welcome the hope of better days ahead. We gather online in a new virtual meeting space (“Whova”) for our (hopefully) last completely virtual Conference gathering. Click here to access the Call to Annual Meeting. Click here to access the annual meeting page on the PSEC website which includes the link to registration.
For more information, please contact our delegates: Jon Henning and Geri Gammel.
Trinity Sunday
First Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, May 30, 2021 at 9:30am
Summer Schedule Begins
Hybrid Outdoor In-Person & Virtual: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Facebook Live
This Sunday begins our summer schedule, where worship will be at 9:30am for the rest of the summer. As usual, there will be NO Sunday school, and we will NOT have Junior Worship this summer. We will resume our regular Sunday schedule the Sunday after Labor Day.
Worship Services throughout the summer are planned to be hybrid, with one monthly outdoor Sunday morning worship service.
We are planning a hymn sing in the parking lot for our Sunday, May 30 morning worship service at 9:30am. We will not have Zoom this Sunday, but we will be airing this across our other three virtual platforms. Please only come in person if you are feeling well, do not have a fever, and have not had a possible COVID exposure; we will be following our outdoor COVID-19 Safety Guidelines; please wear a mask and practice social distancing.
For more information about our summer and Pentecost season worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Memorial Remembrance for the Men and Women
of the United States Armed Forces
Thursday, May 27 at 6:30pm
A brief memorial remembrance ceremony will be held at Robesonia's Henry P. Robeson Memorial Park (at the intersection of Penn Avenue and Robeson Street in Robesonia). This ceremony will honor the very special men and women of our community who gave their lives for our great nation while serving in our armed forces to protect us and the freedoms we greatly value. Everyone is encouraged to attend this ceremony to show respect and gratitude for the ultimate sacrifice these heroes made. Children also are welcome and especially invited.
Guest speaker will be Steve Mannino of the Berks County Department of Veterans Services.
Coordinated by the Patriotic Order of Sons of America, Washington Camp 113; Robesonia Borough Council; and Mayor Randy Gartner.
Confirmation Sunday
Pentecost Sunday
Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & In-person by Reservation Only
We hope that you will join us virtually for worship on Sunday, May 23 at 10:30am when we celebrate in the Rite of Confirmation, and welcome the newest and youngest members of our congregation! Due to limited seating, and our desire to give preferential seating to the family and friends of our confirmation class, in-person attendance will be by reservation only. To make a reservation, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or
For more information about our Pentecost season worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Ascension Sunday
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 16, 2021 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
Worship this Sunday will be "hybrid," where you can participate virtually online or in-person while wearing masks, social distancing, and following our Indoor Worship COVID Safety Plan (a summary of which can be found at this Summary of COVID Safety Plan link).
If you choose to come in person, only come if you are feeling well, do not have a fever, are willing and able to wear a mask covering your mouth and nose, and have not had an exposure risk in the past 10 days. Masks and social distancing guidelines must be followed whether you have received a vaccine or not.
For more information about our Easter season worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Blue Marsh Service Project
Saturday, May 15, 2021 from 10:00am-1:00pm
As stewards of God's creation, St. Paul's UCC in Robesonia and Zion UCC in Womelsdorf will be working together to install a walking path at the sensory garden area at Blue Marsh on Saturday, May 15 at 10:00am. If we have enough people participating, we will also be helping to mulch around the snack bar area.
We plan for to work for about two to three hours. We will be meeting at the visitor center and will then be escorted to the Day Use area.
So we know to look for you and to help us to better plan, if you are planning on participating, members and friends of St. Paul's UCC should contact Geri Gammel, chair of the Mission Committee or the church office at or 610-621-5770; and members and friends of Zion UCC should contact Akira Palmer or Zion UCC's church office, preferably by Wednesday, May 12, 2021.
Things to bring and/or wear: a mask, water bottle, closed-toed/closed-heeled shoes, suntan lotion, bug spray, and work gloves.
Mother's Day - Festival of the Christian Home
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 9, 2021 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
Worship this Sunday will be "hybrid," where you can participate virtually online or in-person while wearing masks, social distancing, and following our Indoor Worship COVID Safety Plan (a summary of which can be found at this Summary of COVID Safety Plan link)
If you choose to come in person, only come if you are feeling well, do not have a fever, are willing and able to wear a mask covering your mouth and nose, and have not had an exposure risk in the past 10 days. Masks and social distancing guidelines must be followed whether you have received a vaccine or not.
We will be celebrating Holy Communion on this Sunday. If you had a bulletin and communion cup delivered to you, please bring that along with you to the worship service. Not to worry, we will have additional bulletins and communion cups on hand for those who do not bring those with them.
For more information about our Easter season worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Communion Packing & Delivery
For the Sunday, May 9, 2021 Live Stream Mother's Day Worship Service
Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 10:00am
Pastor Ben will be leading us in the blessing of the communion elements during the 10:30am live stream worship service on Sunday, May 2. We will have volunteers doing a no-touch delivery of the blessed elements and palm crosses beginning on Wednesday, May 5 through Thursday, May 6.
We will then be celebrating Holy Communion on Sunday, May 9, which is Mother's Day and The Festival of the Christian Home. If you come to the in-person worship service, and received a communion delivery, please bring your communion cup and bulletin along with you.
To confirm the number of pre-filled communion cups you would like delivered to your home, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or
Yes, we can deliver additional communion cups for friends and neighbors who live in the area. However, we do have a limited supply, so please make your request as soon as possible.
For more details about this communion delivery, please click on this Communion Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic link.
We Need Volunteers
Please prayerfully consider if God is calling upon you to help with packing and/or with these no-contact deliveries. To help please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">
For more information please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; and Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, Zoom, & Indoor In-person
During this worship service, Pastor Ben will be consecrating the communion elements for the May communion delivery. We will be celebrating in Holy Communion on the following Sunday, May 9 during our hybrid worship service.
Beginning in May we will be resuming hybrid indoor worship. You are able to participate from the safety and comfort of your own home virtually through Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Zoom, and you will be able to participate in the sanctuary in person wearing masks, social distancing, and following our Indoor Worship COVID Safety Plan (a summary of which can be found at this Summary of COVID Safety Plan link).
If you choose to come in person, only come if you are feeling well, do not have a fever, are willing and able to wear a mask covering your mouth and nose, and have not had an exposure risk in the past 10 days. Masks and social distancing guidelines must be followed whether you have received a vaccine or not.
Tentatively, we are planning for the May worship services to be "hybrid," where you can participate in-person or virtually online. At the April Consistory meeting we plan to firm up plans for indoor and outdoor worship options, as well as determining rain plans for outdoor worship.
For more information about our Easter season worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Remembering the Rev. George Miller
Saturday, May 1, 2021 - Visitation Begins 12:00noon
Celebration of Life Service - 2:00pm
Hybrid: In-Person & Virtual: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Facebook Live
We are planning for Saturday, May 1, 2021 as the Celebration of Life Service for the Rev. George Miller, our Pastor Emeritus. This service will be held at 2:00pm with visitation starting at 12:00noon until time of service.
For everyone's safety and comfort, we will be following our COVID-19 safety precautions, which includes limited seating (65 in the sanctuary, 50 in Miller Fellowship Hall, and 25 in the social hall); with mask wearing and social distancing; and no singing and no responsive/unison readings. For everyone's safety, please only come if you are feeling well and do not have a fever, and please wear a mask and practice social distancing.
Since space will be limited, people who are not staying for the service but want to visit with the family are being asked to come between 12:00 and 1:00pm, and those who want to attend the service are being asked to come between 1:00 and 2:00pm. We want everyone to be able to visit. The Miller Fellowship Hall and the Social Hall will be used for overflow, with the service being live streamed to both of those rooms. You will also be able to watch the live stream from the safety and comfort of your home.
We are continually monitoring the changes in the pandemic and the changes in recommended medical guidance. As the date approaches, please look here for potential changes in this service. If there are any changes to the above schedule, they will be posted here, as well.
To help usher, please contact Elsa Wertz or Terry Pastor (Chair and Vice Chair of the Worship & Education Committee).
Covenant Association Spring Meeting
Sunday, April 25, 2021
The Covenant Association Spring Meeting will be by Zoom on Sunday, April 25. The time is still to be announced. Members of St. Paul's UCC, are also members of the Covenant Association of the United Church of Christ, which includes the UCC churches located in Berks County.
Click on this Covenant Association Spring Meeting link to register, access meeting documents, and Zoom link information.
For more information, please contact our delegates: Jon Henning and Geri Gammel.
Good Shepherd Sunday
4th Sunday of Easter
Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 10:30am
Hybrid: Indoor In-Person & Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Zoom
On the last Sunday in April we were planning to have an outdoor worship service in our parking lot at 10:30am. However, due to rain in the forcast, the April 25 worship service will now be an indoor hybrid worship service. You can watch the service live at home by clicking on this Good Shepherd Sunday - Live Stream link.
If you choose to come in-person....
Only come if you are feeling well, do not have a fever, have not had an exposure risk in the past 10 days, and are able to follow our Indoor Worship COVID Safety Plan (shorter highlights: Summary of Indoor Worship COVID Safety Plan). Masks and social distancing guidelines must be followed whether you have received a vaccine or not. Ushers will space you by household in socially distant pews. All the pews are at least 6 feet from others, 15 feet from the pastor and lector, and 30 feet from the cantor. If we run out of seating in the sanctuary, ushers will seat you in the Miller Fellowship Hall, where you can watch the worship service on the projection screen. The ushers need time to set up and clean before your arrival, as such the doors will not be unlocked until 10:00am.
When indoors, there will be NO singing or responsive/unison readings by the congregation and masks will be needed to be worn throughout the worship service.
For more information about our Easter season worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Reservoir Hike
Youth Group Activity
Saturday, April 24 at 1:00pm
On Saturday, April 24, the Youth Group, friends, and family members, will be meeting at 1:00pm at the Robesonia Reservoir to walk the trails there. Mike Pastor will be our guide. The weather at that time should be warmer, making for a pleasant day to take a hike.
Bring a mask (for wearing in the parking lot and at times when we cannot be at least six feet distant from one another), suntan lotion, insect repellent, water, snacks for yourself, good hiking shoes, a small pack (to carry your water, snacks, etc), and dress in layers, as we take to the trails. Please note this does require physical ability. As for all in-person activities, only come if you are feeling well, do not have a fever, and have not had a recent COVID exposure risk. ALL are invited. Please join us!
Click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page for more information about our youth group, upcoming youth group activities, additional youth group links, and more.
Post-Quarantine Church
Sundays: April 18 & 25, May 2, 9, & 23, 2021 at 6:30pm
The leadership of St. Paul's UCC has been reading Thom Rainer's book The Post-Quarantine Church: Six Urgent Challenges and Opportunities That Will Determine the Future of Your Congregation. We are planning a combined five week series book study by Zoom with Zion UCC in Womelsdorf on Sunday evenings from 6:30-7:30pm on April 18 & 25, May 2 & 9; and from 6:30-8:00pm on our final day May 23 (note there is no class on May 16). Members from both churches are invited to participate.
If you would like to participate in the book discussion, please contact the church office at" data-mce-href=""> or 610-621-5770. For additional information, please contact Pastor Ben Motz.
Please use the following Zoom log in information:
Meeting ID: 874 5212 4156
Third Sunday of Easter
Sunday, April 18, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live, & Zoom
This worship service will be virtual only; we plan to return to hybrid worship next week. Click on this Joyful, Disbelieving, and Still Wondering - April 18 Live Stream link for the direct link to our YouTube live stream April 18 worship service.
For more information about our Easter season worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Holy Humor Sunday
2nd Sunday of Easter
Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live & Zoom
This year's theme will be "There's No Business Like God's Business." This service will be virtual only (no in-person worship) and will include our virtual choir. We hope to include some extra humor during the worship service, as well as jokes and comics in the worship bulletin.
What is Holy Humor Sunday?
Holy Humor Sunday is an opportunity to let our hair down - way down - with a very upbeat and fun service, following the somber season of Lent. It is a day of humor and light-hearted fun.
Holy Humor Sunday shares its roots with that of April Fool’s Day. When Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, he defeated death, and in doing so the Great Deceiver (i.e. the Devil) was deceived - bested by the best trick ever. From deceiving the Great Deceiver on Easter, April Fool’s Day came to be celebrated on April 1st, and Holy Humor Sunday came to be most commonly celebrated on the Sunday following Easter Sunday.
This ancient Easter custom was begun by the Greeks in the early centuries of Christianity. For centuries Holy Humor Sunday has been celebrated by Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant countries going by a variety of names, including "Bright Sunday" (the Sunday after Easter) and “days of joy and laughter” with parties and picnics the week after Easter to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Churchgoers and pastors played practical jokes on each other, drenched each other with water, told jokes, sang, and danced.
The custom was written about by early church theologians, including Augustine, Gregory of Nyssa, and John Chrysostom. These theologians called it “Risus paschalis - the Easter laugh,” referring to God playing a practical joke on the devil by raising Jesus from the dead.
The custom began to fade by the mid 1900s in many churches. In 1988 the Fellowship of Merry Christians, which bi-monthly publishes The Joyful Noiseletter, began to encourage churches to resurrect “Bright Sunday” celebrations and to call it “Holy Humor Sunday.” The first theme they encouraged was: “Jesus is the LIFE of the party.” The Fellowship of Merry Christians encourages churches in general to uplift the joy and humor found in scripture and in our Christian faith. You can learn more on their website at:
St. Paul’s UCC has been celebrating Holy Humor Sunday annually since 2014. Previous themes and pictures from those worship services can be found on the “Photos” page of our website.
The Worship Committee begins considering themes each January for the next Holy Humor Sunday, and we welcome individuals to share ideas. For the past few years our youth group or confirmation class came up with and developed the theme
For more information, contact any member of the Worship Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair) or contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">
Previous Holy Humor Themes
You can view pictures from some of our previous years by clicking on the following links:
2020 Holy Humor Sunday - Cancelled due to COVID-19
2019 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Drawn to Christ"
2018 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Medieval"
2017 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Game On!"
2016 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "Come Fishing"
2015 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: “From Zeroes to Heroes”
2014 Holy Humor Sunday - Theme: "A Childlike vs A Childish Faith"
Earth Day Cleanup
Youth Group Activity
Saturday, April 10 at 1:00pm
Join us to help clean up our town! The Youth Group will be picking up litter in Robesonia on Saturday, April 10 starting at 1:00pm to do our part for Earth Day, and to follow God's commandment to be good stewards of God's creation. Everyone is invited to meet the Youth Group in the church parking lot with your bright clothing, bottle of water, gloves, trash bags, etc. to pick up trash throughout town.
For more information about this Earth Day Cleanup event, please contact Beth Miller or the church office.
Click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page for more information about our youth group, upcoming youth group activities, additional youth group links, and more.
COVID Memorial
The Reading Hospital & Medical Center Chaplaincy Department
Thursday, April 8, 2021 from 7:00-8:00pm
Rescheduled from Wednesday, March 31, 2021
A COVID Memorial event hosted by The Reading Hospital's chaplaincy department has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 8 from 7:00 to 8:00pm.
During the event, The Reading Hospital will pay tribute to Berks County residents who have died from COVID-19 with a temporary memorial on the front lawn of the hospital on 6th Avenue and Spruce Street. Bill Jennings, President and CEO of Reading Hospital, and the Rev. Tom Adil, UCC Pastor, LPC, Director, Department of Spiritual Care, will host the ceremony. Mark Woodland, MD, Chair, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Reading Hospital, will share a reflective poem he authored.
Luminaries will be placed surrounding the fountain and along the front lawn honoring the lives lost to COVID.
The public is welcome to walk through or drive by the vigil. Masks are required and social distancing will be observed. Due to social distancing requirements a limited number of reservations are available, and registration is required for the event. To register for the event please call 484-628-HELP.
To fund a memorial luminary in honor of a loved one or to make a donation to support the ongoing fight against COVID, visit Reading Hospital Foundation’s website.
This event was originally planned for March 31, and will now take place rain or shine on Thursday, April 8 from 7:00 to 8:00pm.
Berks County churches are asked to ring their steeple or carillon bells at 7:30pm in support of this memorial service.
Easter Sunday
Sunday, April 4, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, Facebook Live & Zoom
We will have one Easter worship service this year at 10:30am (rather than two), so that we can join together as one church, at one time, as one Body of Christ, even when separated by social distancing, and celebrate in the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour who through the sacrifice of himself, saves all of us from sin and death. We will have a children's sermon, regular sermon, downloadable children's bulletins, lighting of the Paschal Candle, and Holy Communion through a door drop off. Included in the communion delivery will be a tea light candle for you to use during the Paschal Candle lighting.
For more information about our Easter worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 6:30pm
This Year: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom Only
This year's Maundy Thursday worship service will be a combined service with Zion UCC in Womelsdorf. This year's Maundy Thursday service will be virtual only, and will be brought to you from five different locations, in what we hope will be a meaningful at-home worship service for you on this holy night.
On Maundy Thursday Jesus gathered with the disciples for the Feast of Passover. They shared in a meal. He took bread, blessed it and broke it, and instituted the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). He then took his disciples to a garden to pray, where he was betrayed and crucified.
You are invited to participate in this worship service through Live Stream, toll free Phone Stream (1-888-649-5770), or Zoom. The Maundy Thursday worship bulletin is available at this bulletin link. Within that bulletin is a prayer for you to use for your evening meal. You are invited to purchase bread and wine/juice ahead of time, as the Pastor will lead us in a commune service, as we all commune from our homes.
You can find the count down and video on our YouTube Channel by clicking on this St. Paul's UCC YouTube Channel - Maundy Thursday Worship Service link. For those who have the technology, out of the three possible virtual options, we recommend the YouTube Live Stream, as the one that will most likely offer you the best experience.
Zion UCC is hosting the Zoom call of the worship service using a "shared screen." If participating by Zoom, please use the log in numbers found below (as opposed to St. Paul's UCC usual Sunday worship numbers).
Zoom link:
Zoom Phone Number: 1-646-558-8656 (NY); or 1-301-715-8592 (DC)
Zoom Meeting ID: 889 4662 4289
Zoom Passcode: 579687
(Please note, with having Tenebrae included in our Maundy Thursday worship service, St. Paul's UCC and Zion UCC will not be having a separate Good Friday worship service).
For more information about this worship service, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Communion Packing & Delivery
For the Sunday, April 4, 2021 Live Stream Easter Worship Service
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 10:00am
Pastor Ben will be leading us in the blessing of the communion elements and palm branches during the 10:30am live stream worship service on Palm Sunday, March 28. We will have volunteers doing a no-touch delivery of the blessed elements and palm crosses beginning on Wednesday, March 31 through Thursday, April 1.
To confirm the number of pre-filled communion cups you would like delivered to your home, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or
Yes, we can deliver additional communion cups for friends and neighbors who live in the area. However, we do have a limited supply, so please make your request as soon as possible.
For more details about this communion delivery, please click on this Communion Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic link.
We Need Volunteers
Please prayerfully consider if God is calling upon you to help with packing and/or with these no-contact deliveries. To help please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or
For more information please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; and Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
The Sunday before Easter is "Palm Sunday" and "Passion Sunday." Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Passion Sunday commemerates the beginning of Holy Week. Annually, we have our traditional "Blessing of the Palms" for people to take a blessed palm branch home with them. This year we will again be blessing the palms on Palm Sunday, and then we will be delivering them with the Easter Communion delivery. The Pastor will also be consecrating the pre-filled communion cups for the Easter Communion delivery.
Many people keep these palms behind a family photo, with their Bible, on the mantle, or some other cherished place until the following Transfiguration Sunday.
For more information about this worship service, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Easter Candy Sale
Order Due Date: March 21, 2021
Pick Up Date: March 27, 2021
St. Paul's UCC's 21st Century Christian Women's Group is now receiving orders for their annual Easter Candy Sale. Proceeds help support the many important ministries you find on this website. This is a delicious way to support the ministries of the church, and a satisfying way to bring an end to your Lenten fast.
An e-mailable order form is available by clicking on this Easter Candy Order Form link (this form works best with Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, but may not open correctly with the Firefox browser). You can also pay for your orders online, by clicking on this Online Payment link, enter your amount under "Fund-raiser", and indicate it is for a "Candy Order." Paper copies of the order form are available in the February & March issues of The Herald and by contacting the church office. All orders are due Sunday, March 21. All orders must be paid for when placed. Paper copies should be mailed to the church at:
St. Paul's UCC, 301 West Penn Avenue, Robesonia, PA 19551
For more information or to have an order form sent to you, please contact Sue Hiester of the 21st Century Christian Women's Group or contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">
The following is a listing of the times that you may come to help make candy:
Sunday, March 21 - 2:00pm
Monday, March 22 - 8:30am
Tuesday, March 23 - 8:30am
Wednesday, March 24 - 9:00am: this should be the last day
Thursday, March 25 - 9:00am: only if needed to finish
Orders may be picked up at the church on Saturday, March 27 between 9:00am and 12noon.
5th Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
(NO In-Person Worship)
During this worship service we will have Prayers of Remembrance for our sister in faith Marilyn Wyckoff.
For more information about our worship services during Lent, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Laetare - 4th Sunday in Lent
Scout Sunday
Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
(NO In-Person Worship)
We will be having a virtual "Scout Sunday" for both Girl Scouts USA and Scouts BSA on Sunday, March 14 at 10:30am. Our thanks to Girl Scout Troop 122 who will be reading the scripture lessons, and BSA Troop 190 who will be leading us in prayer.
You can help support our Girl Scout Troop 122 by ordering Girl Scout cookies online at this Girl Scout Cookie link. Orders are due by Sunday, March 21.
Laetare Sunday is a Sunday of "Joy" as we pass the half way point of the somber season of Lent. In some traditions, Laetare Sunday is a day to take a small break in your Lenten fast. In some churches, pink/rose colored paraments are used to highlight this day, as the liturgical color of "joy". Let us join together - even if by live stream - in joy of the Good News of our Lord.
For more information about our worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Georgianna Hildebrand, Vice Chair).
3rd Sunday in Lent
Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
(NO In-Person Worship)
During this worship service we will have Prayers of Remembrance for our sister in faith Barbara Blatt.
For more information about our worship services during Lent, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Geocaching - Youth Group
Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 1:00pm
Postponed from February 27, 2021 due to rain
The youth group will have a geocaching activity on Saturday, March 6 from 1:00-3:00pm at the Conrad Weiser Middle School. Please meet at the section of parking lot between the Middle & High School.
Please note: This activity was previously scheduled for Saturday, February 27, but was postponed due to rain.
Please sign up by contacting the church office ( or 610-621-5770) by Thursday, March 4, so that we know who to expect and for whom to plan. There is no fee for this activity. Friends in grades 5 and up are very much welcome to participate.
We will be practicing social distancing. You need to wear a mask, especially whenever you cannot be at least six feet away from another person. You can temporarily take off your mask for snacks and drinks, as long as you are more than six feet away from another person; and you can take off your mask at times during the geogcaching activity when you are at a great distance from the group. A key reason for picking this activity is because we are able to do this outdoors while social distancing, and yet also be in the same location as the youth group.
In the event of significant snow or rain, this event will be postponed. Announcements about postponements will be made through our "Youth Group E-Mail Updates" and our Snow Cancellation web page.
If you do not have a Youth Registration Form on file at the church office (which includes allergy and emergency contact information), please click on this Youth Registration Form link, print the form, fill it out, and bring it with you to this activity. If you are not sure if you have this form on file, simply contact the church office at 610621-5770
What to wear and bring:
☐ dress in layers (so you can add or subtract layers as you get cool/warm)
☐ wear appropriate footwear for the conditions
(sneakers may be fine, boots may be better if there is snow on the ground)
☐ wear a water resistant jacket or snow coat (in case of showers or snow)
☐ wear/bring a knit hat (winter hat, even if you have a hoodie)
☐ wear wool or synthetic socks (if possible), not cotton (to decrease chances of blisters)
☐ pack an extra pair of socks in a ziptop bag (incase your feet get wet)
☐ wear gloves
☐ pack an extra pair of gloves (incase your 1st pair get wet)
☐ bottle of water
☐ snacks (such as granola, fruit, dried fruit, nuts, jerky, etc).
☐ small backpack to carry your snacks, water bottle, extra socks, etc.
☐ any medication that your parents instruct you to have with you
(please let one of the adult leaders know if you are bringing medication)
☐ optional: handheld GPS or phone with a geocaching app
(you do not need a GPS, phone with geocaching app, or other special device for this activity)
☐ optional: a small object or canister to hide
☐ energy and a sense of fun and adventure
For more information about our youth group and a list of upcoming youth group activities, please click on this Youth Fellowship Group link to go to our youth group page.
2nd Sunday in Lent
Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
(NO In-Person Worship)
For more information about our worship services during Lent, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Wednesday Afternoons in Lent
Every year during Lent, the Conrad Weiser Ministerium rotates among five different churches within our school district offering a Wendesday noon worship service followed by a free luncheon. Due to the pandemic, those gatherings are cancelled for 2021. We look forward to being able to gather together again in 2022.
For more information about worship during Lent, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; and Terry Pastor, Vice Chair).
Making Sense of the Bible
Sunday Evenings in Lent
Sunday, February 21, 28, March 7, 14, & 21, 2021 at 6:30pm
This year, St. Paul's UCC in Robesonia and Zion UCC in Womelsdorf, will be having a combined study series during the Sunday's in Lent. For everyone's safety during this pandemic, this will be offered through Zoom. You will be able to participate with a computer, smart device, cell phone, or landline telephone (using a computer or smart device will allow you to have video as well as audio); the login information is below.
There is no cost to participate (unless you decide to purchase the book). There is no minimum number of sessions in which you need to participate (come to as many or as few as you like and as works in your schedule). You do NOT need to be a member of one of our two churches - ALL are welcome.
Topic - Making Sense of the Bible
The discussion will be based on Adam Hamilton's book Making Sense of the Bible; Rediscovering the Power of Scripture Today. Below is an overview video of the this study topic.
Introductory Video for the Book
The Topics for the Five Sessions
The following will be the topics for each of our five sessions.
Making Sense of the Old Testament - Handout for Week #1
Making Sense of the New Testament - Handout for Week #2
Questions About the Nature of Scripture - Handout for Week #3
The Bible and Science - Handout for Week #4
Violence, Suffering, and Other Troubling Issues - Handout for Week #5
Where to Purchase a Book (Optional)
You do not need to purchase the book in order to participate. However, you may get more out of the discussion and study if you read the book before each session. If you do wish to purchase the book it can be found both on a variety of online retailers, including: Cokesbury paperback, Cokesbury audio book, Christianbook Distributors, Amazon - paperback, hardcover, audio, kindle, and CD, and Barnes & Noble - paperback, hardcover, & NOOK book.
Zoom Login Information
Passcode: 783249
Passcode: 783249
More Information
For more information about this study series, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; and Georgianna Hildebrand, Vice Chair), see the article in the February newsletter, and/or contact the church office.
Called To Care Training
Session #3: Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 2:30PM
Session #4: TBD
“Called-To-Care” (C2C) is our seven session training program for members of our church to be engaged in the visitation ministry to our hospitalized, ill, and homebound members.
Our next session will be held on Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 2:30pm, via Zoom.
There is no fee to participate in this training session. Pre-registration is required in order for the Pastor to email you the documents that we will be using, as well as to give you the log in information for the Zoom call. To pre-register, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">
Background of the C2C Program:
“Called-To-Care” (C2C) is the UCC program for lay church members to minister to the sick, hospitalized, grieving, and others in need. It is used in many different congregations and nursing home facilities throughout the country to train and organize lay visitation.
In 2017, it was instituted as St. Paul’s UCC official lay visitation program.
In the past couple of years, Pastor Ben has taught this twice here at St. Paul’s for our members and members of Zion’s UCC in Womelsdorf.
All elders (whether currently on Consistory or not) are to complete at least session #1 & #2 by the end of February 2019, which addresses such issues as confidentiality, initiating a visit, basic do’s and don’t’s of a hospital or home visit, and more. All elders who are providing communion are to also complete session #7, which goes over the serving of communion.
For more information about C2C or VCT Ministry, please contact Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">
Joining the Visitation Care Team Ministry:
Although all elders vow to assist in prayers and visits as a part of their ordination vows, other members are also welcome to participate in our VCT Ministry. However, to make sure our visits are safe and appropriate, VCT members do need: (1) to be trained in visiting (and have completed at least sessions #1 & #2 before their first visit); (2) be approved to visit by the Spiritual Council; and (3) be approved by Christian Ed through our Safe Conduct process to visit the sick and vulnerable within our church.
If you are interested in being a part of the VCT Ministry, please contact the pastor, and/or the Spiritual Council or visitation coordinators: Sheri Rowe and Terry Pastor.
1st Sunday in Lent
Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
(NO In-Person Worship)
On the First Sunday in Lent we will hear about the 40 days in which Jesus was in the wilderness tempted by the devil, as we begin our 40 day spiritual Lenten journey.
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and is the 40 days and six Sundays before Easter. It is a season of penitence as we reflect upon our personal sins, which led to the need for the sacrifice of Jesus’ life for us upon the cross. It is a season where Christians seek to further deepen their spiritual disciplines through additional worship, prayer, study of scripture, outreach, mission service, alms giving, and/or fasting. The root word of “Lent” means “to lengthen”, referring to the lengthening of days as we anticipate spring and the new life granted through the resurrection - moving from darkness to light.
For more information about our worship services during Lent, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; or Georgianna Hildebrand, Vice Chair).
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 6:30pm
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
This year, St. Paul's UCC in Robesonia and Zion UCC in Womelsdorf, will be having a combined Ash Wednesday worship service. We will be featuring a combined virtual choir.
During the worship service we will be sharing in communion. You are invited and encouraged to have bread and wine/grape juice in your home, which the pastors will bless as a part of the live stream worship service. You may participate in the impositions during the middle hymn or earlier in the day using the above prayers for the Imposition of Ashes in your own home.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. The season of Lent includes the 40 days and six Sundays before Easter. It is a season of penitence as we reflect upon our personal sins, which led to the need for the sacrifice of Jesus’ life for us upon the cross. The root word of “Lent” means “to lengthen,” referring to the lengthening of days as we anticipate the longer days of spring and the new life granted through the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter -- moving from darkness to light.
Click on this "Why Ashes on Ash Wednesday" link to learn more about the use of ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Click on this Imposition of Ashes At Home link for information and video for using the ashes earlier in the day on Ash Wednesday.
This year funds collected in the special Ash Wednesday offering envelope will be used to support the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry. We hope you will consider giving to this special local ministry. For more information, please click here.
To Connect Virtually
YouTube Live Stream: Click on this Countdown to Ash Wednesday link for the direct YouTube Live Stream (the thumbnail picture is that of Pastor Ben with some of our youth, before Ash Wednesday last year, demonstrating the burning of palm branches to make ashes for that worship service).
Phone Stream: Call toll free: 1-888-649-5770
Zoom Login: Zoom Link or call 1-646-558-8656 (New York) -- Meeting ID: 104 401 368; Passcode: 301301
For more information about this worship service, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson).
Imposition of Ashes - At Home
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
You have additional options for participating in the Imposition of Ashes today from your own home. For those who wish to wait until the 6:30pm Ash Wednesday live stream worship service, you may certainly do so. For those who would like to impose the ashes earlier, such as before going to work or school, you may certainly do that, as well.
For those wishing to use the ashes earlier in the day, click on this At Home Imposition of Ashes Bulletin link for prayers, and/or follow along using this video.
The week before Ash Wednesday, members of St. Paul's UCC delivered palm ash to over 100 area households. Thank you to those who made those deliveries.
For those who received them, you can use the ashes that were delivered as a part of our Ash Wednesday communion delivery. These ashes were from last year's palm branches.
If you wanted to participate in the imposition of ashes, but did not receive a delivery of ashes, you can use any ash or dust. (If making your own ash, please only do so if you can do so safely; such as in a properly maintained fireplace, or outdoors in an appropriate fire pit, or some similar way that keeps you and others safe from the fire, smoke, and carbon monoxide).
Remember, you are dust,
and to dust, you shall return!
Transfiguration Sunday
Sunday, February 14, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream & Phone Stream
(NO In-Person Worship)
On Sunday, February 14 we will have our annual Transfiguration Sunday worship service at 10:30am.
Transfiguration Sunday takes place on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday (the last Sunday in the Epiphany Season before we begin the Season of Lent). The gospel lesson for Transfiguration Sunday is that of Jesus taking Peter, James, and John up the mountain, where Jesus is transfigured (changed into dazzling white) before their eyes, and he is joined by Moses and Elijah.
Due to the icy weather forecast, for safety of our worship leadership team, we are recording early, and as such there will be NO Zoom on Sunday, February 14.
For more information about this worship service, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson).
Communion Packing & Delivery
For the Ash Wednesday, February 17 Eve Live Stream Worship Service
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 10:00am
Pastor Ben will be leading us in the blessing of the communion elements during the 10:30am live stream worship service on Sunday, February 7 (and blessing of the ashes on Sunday, January 31). We will have volunteers doing a no-touch delivery of the blessed elements and ashes beginning on Wednesday, February 10, and continuing through the weekend. This is in anticipation of our 6:30pm combined online Ash Wednesday worship serive with Zion UCC in Womelsdorf on Wednesday, February 17, 2021.
To confirm the number of pre-filled communion cups you would like delivered to your home, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or
Yes, we can deliver additional communion cups for friends and neighbors who live in the area. However, we do have a limited supply, so please make your request as soon as possible.
For more details about this communion delivery, please click on this Communion Delivery During the COVID-19 Pandemic link.
We Need Volunteers
Please prayerfully consider if God is calling upon you to help with packing and/or with these no-contact deliveries. To help please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or
For more information please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson; and Georgianna Hildebrand, Vice Chair).
Blessing of Communion Elements
5th Sunday After Epiphany
Sunday, February 7, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
(NO In-Person Worship)
During our 10:30am Live Stream worship service on Sunday, February 7 we will be blessing the pre-filled communion cups, which we will be delivering to homes in preparation of the Ash Wednesday live stream worship service (on Wednesday, February 17 at 6:30pm). If you live in the area, and would like a communion cup delivered to your home, please contact the church office by Sunday, February 7 to be added to the delivery list.
For more information about our Epiphany worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson).
COVID Church Relief - Special Offering
February 2021
During the week of Tuesday, February 16, 2021, the Financial Secretary, Terry Pastor, will be mailing members their January 2021 Giving Statements. Please review those statements to make sure that information is correct. If you have any questions or corrections, please contact Terry.
In that envelope you will find a special "COVID Church Relief" letter, card, and envelope. Please return that card in February, along with a your COVID Church Relief offering. You can also make that offering online by clicking on this Online Giving link. Thank you for your generous support during this time of need.
If you have any questions about the COVID Church Relief special offering, please contact any member of the Stewardship Committee including Kirk Aulenbach, Head Deacon; Steve Miller, Deacon; Terry Pastor, Financial Secretary; Jon Henning, Treasurer; or Robin Henning, Assistant Treasurer; or contact the church office.
Healing Prayers & Consecration of Ashes
4th Sunday After Epiphany
Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
(NO In-Person Worship)
During our 10:30am Live Stream worship service on Sunday, January 31, we will be lighting candles and lifting up people in prayer for healing. If you have someone who you would like added to the prayer list, please contact the church office at" data-mce-href=""> or 610-621-5770. We are happy to pray for all in need, you need not have a direct or indirect connection to St. Paul's UCC to be included in our prayer list.
During this worship service, we will also be consecrating the ashes that we will be delivering to homes in preparation of Ash Wednesday. If you live in the area, and would like ashes delivered to your home, please contact the church office by Sunday, February 7 to be added to the delivery list.
For more information about our Epiphany worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson).
Service of Ordination & Installation
3rd Sunday After Epiphany
Sunday, January 24, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream, Phone Stream, & Zoom
(NO In-Person Worship)
Tentatively, we are planning to ordain and install the new church leadership for 2021 on this Sunday.
For more information about our Epiphany worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson).
Missional Approach Workshop:
Reclaiming the Great Commission
Wednesday, January 20, 2021 from 6:00-8:00pm
Monday, February 1, 2021 from 6:30-8:30pm
As part of our overall ministry and growth plan, we have adopted the Missional Approach as our philosophy to evangelism and church growth. The Missional Approach to evangelism and church growth is all about reclaiming the Great Commission and living out the Great Commandment.
Pastor Ben will be offering two opportunities to participate in this workshop on the Missional Approach: Wednesday, January 20 from 6:00-8:00pm and Monday, February 1 from 6:30-8:30pm, both via Zoom. Please look for the Zoom login information in the Janaury issue of the newsletter or contact the Pastor or church office. This free workshop is open to members and visitors alike. Preregistration is encouraged, so that we can email you the materials in advance and/or get you hard copy printouts. To register, please contact the church office at" data-mce-href=""> or 610-621-5770 by Sunday, January 17 (for the January date) or by Thursday, January 28 (for the February date).
All Consistory members and all Standing Committee Chairpersons are to attend this training at least every other year. If you did not attend this refresher last year, you should attend this workshop this year, as well as other leaders and staff. If you are a leader who cannot attend on this date, please be in contact with Pastor Ben at 610-621-5770" data-mce-href=""> to see if an additional date might be possible.
Communications Workshop
Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 6:00pm
On Tuesday, January 19 from 6:00-6:45pm Pastor Ben is offering a Communications Workshop. This workshop is designed to: (1) help provide you with guidance to help make sure your articles are providing the congregation with the information they need to know what you are talking about and what your activity is all about; (2) go over the format needed to submit articles to the office secretary; and (3) to make sure your articles, posters, and flyers fit the necessary guidelines to be used within St. Paul's UCC.
This workshop will be held via Zoom; please look in the January issue of the newsletter for the login informaton or contact the church office.
This workshop is free and open to all members and open to visitors. This workshop is for any person who wishes to submit an article for the newsletter, bulletin, website, or hang a flyer in the church building. All elected leaders, as well as anyone who might be interested in communicating within the church through the newsletter, bulletin, flyers, posters, website, facebook, or E-News should attend this workshop.
This workshop is free. No advance registration is needed. However, we encourage you to sign up in advance, so that we can email you the materials in advance. To sign up, please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">" data-mce-href="/" data-mce-href="">">.
If you took this workshop in the past, it will be similar to the 2019 workshop. However, if you have not taken this workshop since 2017 or before, there have been changes and there will be new information, so you should attend this workshop, also.
For more information, please contact Pastor Ben Motz at 610-621-5770 or" data-mce-href="">" data-mce-href="" data-mce-href="">">.
2nd Sunday After Epiphany
Sunday, January 17, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream & Phone Stream
We look forward to having the Rev. Cean James, Associate Conference Minister share the word with us virtually on this Sunday.
We will also be remembering our sisters in faith, Elizabeth Phillips and Sara Walker during this worship service.
There will be NO in-person or Zoom option for worship this Sunday.
For more information about our Epiphany worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson).
Baptism of Christ Sunday
Agapé Love Feast
1st Sunday After Epiphany
Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream & Phone Stream
The Sunday after Epiphany (the Sunday after January 6) is the celebration of the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, and a day in which we especially remember and celebrate in our shared baptism with Christ.
This year, we will be sharing in a Love Feast during our online worship service on Sunday, January 10 at 10:30am. This will be in place of our January communion worship service (however, a Love Feast is not Holy Communion). A Love Feast is a communal meal that takes place during a worship service, but unlike in the sacrament of Holy Communion, there is no consecration of the elements by an ordained minister (in the sacrament of communion we consecrate the elements of bread and wine/grape juice). Although for many of us, our August 2, 2020 worship service was perhaps our first Love Feast experience, the practice of a Love Feast for bringing Christians together in fellowship dates back to New Testament times and is mentioned by name in Jude 1:12.
It is our hope that during this time of social distancing, uniting around a common meal, while separated by distance, might help us to feel more connected to one another and our Lord.
For this online worship service, we invite you, from the comfort of your home, to have a simple food (such as a pastry, donut, cracker, or bun) and a simple drink (such as coffee, tea, water, or lemonade). During the online worship service, the worship leader will direct us to eat and drink of our communal meal together.
More information about this Love Feast can be found in the August 2020 & January 2021 issues of The Herald. You can also find an excerpt from that issue by clicking on this Love Feast Information link. Also, so that you might become a little more familiar with this faith practice, below is a United Methodist Church YouTube video about how Love Feasts were commonly celebrated in United Methodist Churches prior to COVID-19.
Click on this Bulletin link for the regular bulletin, children's bulletins, and Communitas. Click on this Live Stream link to view the worship service.
For more information about our Epiphany worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson).
Epiphany Sunday
10th Day of Christmas
Sunday, January 3, 2021 at 10:30am
Virtual ONLY: Live Stream & Phone Stream
Epiphany is the celebration of the arrival of the Wise Men to Bethlehem, revealing the good news of the Christian message and the reign of Christ being for the whole world.
If we receive enough Christmas Eve Candlelight Selfies, we hope to include those as a slide show on this Sunday to help in additional way for us to connect with one another during this time of social distancing.
We will also have the virtual choir signing as a part of this worship service.
There will be NO in-person or Zoom option for worship this Sunday.
For more information about our Epiphany worship services, please contact any member of the Worship & Education Committee (Elsa Wertz, Chairperson).
Sunday School
Youth and Adult Sunday School Classes are CANCELLED for December 27, 2020 and January 3, 2021. Click on the following links to check out our Online Children & Youth Sunday School Resources and our Online Adult Study Resources to engage in God's word at home.
Annual Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner
Friday, January 1, 2021
Yes, we will be having our annual Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner on New Years Day! This year however, for the safety of all, it will be take-out ONLY.
The meal includes pork, sauerkraut, green beans, mashed potatoes, applesauce, a roll, and cake. The cost is $12.00 per person. As this is take-out, we only have one price this year (as opposed to previous years, when it was all you can eat and different costs based on age). You can pay when you pick up with cash or a check (payable to St. Paul's UCC in Robesonia). You can also pay online in advance by clicking on this online giving link; enter "Pork Dinner" plus number of meals in the "Fund-Raiser" line; print your receipt; and bring your receipt with you. If paying in advance online, those online orders must be made by 6pm Thursday, December 31, to ensure sufficient meals will be set aside for you. We will continue serving meals until 1:00pm, or until we run out of food; we are making extra this year, but do recommend you come early.
You can pick up your dinner on Friday, January 1 from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Look for attendants directing traffic for directions for the drive up along Pearl Street.
This fund-raiser helps us begin the New Year well, by giving financial support to the many ministries and mission efforts of St. Paul's UCC at the beginning of January. If you are not interested in pork and sauerkraut for New Years, but would still like to offer financial support on New Years Day, you can make an make an online contribution, or send a contribution to "St. Paul's UCC; 301 West Penn Ave; Robesonia, PA 19551."
For those who are perhaps new to the area, pork and sauerkraut on New Years Day is a tradition for many/most Pennsylvania-German (Pennsylvania-Deustche) families. It is a delicious way to begin the new year. Komm onct and eat yourself full!