Daily Devotions,

Mailings, Lists, & Communications


     The following is a listing of some of St. Paul's postal and e-mail communication lists.  To be added to a list, contact the church office at office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.



UCC Still Speaking Daily Devotional

      Through the United Church of Christ you can receive a free daily devotional by email, from which you can subscribe or unsubscribe at any time.  It is sent to your inbox early in the morning with a scripture, reflection, and prayer for you to begin your day centered in the Spirit.




Our Daily Bread - Daily Devotional

     St. Paul's UCC provides free of charge a devotional booklet called Our Daily Bread.  Each day this booklet offers scripture, prayer, and reflection.  It is available on the visitor's table in the upstairs hallway.  You can also subscribe to it directly at obd.org.

     Other resources, which you may wish to consider for your daily devotional include: The Upper Room for adults, which is a similar devotional to the Our Daily Bread; Devozine for teens; and Pockets for children.  You can view The Upper Room daily devotion for free at their website, or subscripe for a paper copy, which comes in both regular print and large print editions at upperroom.org.




Musical Devotional

     For a time of devotion through music, during the Coronavirus stay-at-home orders, the Rev. Robert Masenheimer (Pastor Bob) has recorded the following for your use at home.  Click on the following links for inspiration and devotion through music:

      Music Devotions 1 - April 2, 2020

      Music Devotions 2 - April 23, 2020

      Music Devotions 3 - May 18, 2020

      Music Devotions 4 - August 17, 2020

      Music Devotions 5 - November 22, 2020

      Music Devotions 6 - February 1, 2021

      Music Devotions 7 - March 23, 2021 - Featuring both Pastor Bob Masenheimer & Sheri Rowe

      Music Devotions 8 - October 4, 2021

      Pastor Bob's Christmas Greeting - December 16, 2021

      Music Devotions 9 - August 2022


      Music for Sunday School 1 - April 23, 2020  and  Lyrics for Sunday School Songs 1

      Music for Sunday School 2 - May 17, 2020  and  Lyrics for Sunday School Songs 2

      Music for Sunday School 3 - July 5, 2020  and  Lyrics for Sunday School Songs 3

      Music for Sunday School 4 - Sept 13, 2020  and  Lyrics for Sunday School Songs 4

      Music for Sunday School 5 - Nov 22, 2020  and  Lyrics for Sunday School Songs 5




The Herald

     The Herald is our monthly newsletter.  It is mailed to members, associate members, and any interested visitors once a month, with the exception of July and August, which is a combined issue.  A pdf version is also e-mailed to all interested persons for whom we have an e-mail address.

     The Herald not only includes news about upcoming events, but also contains cartoons, children's activities, mission outreach, and more.

     To subscribe to The Herald contact the church office at office@sprucc.org or 610-621-5770.  Additional copies of the most recent issue of The Herald can be found on the blue Visitor's Table in the narthex hallway.

     Articles for The Herald are due on the third Sunday of the month.





     St. Paul's E-Newsletter is our periodic e-mail of upcoming highlighted events.  Generally this is e-mailed one to four times a month.  To subscribe/unsubscribe, send an e-mail to office@sprucc.org or click on the following link: E-Newsletter and The Herald Sign Up



Home Touch

     The Home Touch is a weekly mailing sent to our homebound and shut-in members, which includes prayers, stories, and activities geared toward older adults.  A copy of the Sunday bulletin is included with that weekly mailing.

     During the March-April 2020 stay-at-home orders, we are emailing the Home Touch to all on our E-Newsletter mailing list.  Beginning in May 2020, we will be setting up a Home Touch email list for all who would like to continue to receive the Home Touch via email.  You can subscribe/unsubscribe at any time by contacting the church office at office@sprucc.org.  In addition, we will continue to weekly send the Home Touch in the postal mail to our homebound and shut-in members.




Youth Fellowship Ministry - Flocknote

New for September 2017

     We are trying a new electonic called "Flocknote" to communicate with our youth.  We plan to use this to send youth fellowship updates, reminders, snow cancellations, etc electronically through e-mails and text messages.

     You can sign up to receive updates by e-mail, text, or both.  We are encouraging both, as the e-mails will have more information, and the texts will be shorter, quicker, and more to the point. There is no fee.  You do not need to download an app.

     Through the use of this service we are adding a level of safety with our communications with our youth, enabling adult leaders to send group texts and e-mails without having one-on-one, adult-to-youth communications, which reduces potential inappropriate communications.

     To sign up e-mail the church office at office@sprucc.org or click on this St. Paul's UCC Flocknote link.  You need only provide first and last name and an e-mail and/or mobile number.  You can unsubscribe at any time, or change your e-mail/text preferences, by contacting the church office.




Worship Bulletin

     The weekly Sunday bulletin not only includes the responsive readings for the order of worship, but also includes the prayer list, announcements, and a listing of upcoming events.




The Wired Word

     The Wired Word is a study publication used by one of our adult Sunday school classes.  It is e-mailed to those on The Wired Word list at the end of each week (usually Thursday or Friday) about the upcoming Sunday's lesson.  To be added to this weekly e-mail, contact the church office at office@sprucc.org.  You can sign up to receive this weekly e-mail, without commitment or obligation to participate in the class.  You can unsubscribe at any time.




Prayer List

InOurPrayers HeartHands     Please let us know if we can be in prayer with you.  Visitors and members alike are welcome to add names to the prayer list.  The prayer list is in the back of the weekly bulletin.  Names are generally left on the list for about a month.  Names can potentially be included for a longer or shorter period of time if requested.

     If you would like someone’s name added to the prayer list, you may use the pew card, or contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org.

     We invite persons to take the bulletin home with them, and include those listed on the prayer list in their prayers during the upcoming week.




Prayer Chain

     Another way in which we can be in prayer for you is by being added to the prayer chain.  Our prayer team prays weekly not only for those on the prayer list, but also those who would like to be prayed for through our prayer chain.  (You can be included on the prayer chain or the prayer list or both, depending on your preference).

     To join the Prayer Chain to participate in praying for others or to have someone's name added to the Prayer Chain please contact the church office at 610-621-5770 or office@sprucc.org.





     You can go to our Facebook page by clicking on this St. Paul's UCC Facebook link.




     New for 2020!

     You can view our Instagram pictures and follow us at this St. Paul's UCC Instragram link.


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